We are conducting a new poll among our veteran readers to see what the number one reason people joined the military for.
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We are conducting a new poll among our veteran readers to see what the number one reason people joined the military for.
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Discover crucial identity theft protection for veterans. Learn about unique risks, preventive measures, and resources to safeguard your personal information.
Veterans face potential threats to cut veteran benefits in 2024. This article explores proposed cuts, political motivations, impact on veterans’ lives, and how they can protect their earned benefits.
Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) benefits have helped countless veterans across the nation. VR&E benefits are provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to help service members and veterans with service-connected disabilities prepare for, find, and maintain suitable employment. These benefits are designed to address the unique challenges veterans may face in transitioning […]
I joined the military to serve my country for the challenge and for the benefits thank you for giving me my start in life Cpl M Sheard. USMC aura . 1978-1984
Wanted to serve my country and have a new experience and glad I did. many great memories.
love God and Country
Though drafted in 1969, and attending law school,thereafter, overall is was a great experience.. I have a lot of respect for the United State Army and was honorably discharged in 1980 with the rank of Captain.
16.5 when I graduated High School and had been working with my extended family picking crops, so I wanted to learn a skill, serve and see the world. Trained at different cities in USA before being shipped as E-2 to Germany and was soon E-5 in charge of personnel until President Johnson had us declared surplus so we could be shipped to Vietnam as non war and told on vacation when wounded and sent to Japan for treatment. Still trying to get my Army records to show I served in war! TFG did same and their records corrected but us? When? Before I die?
If I could do it again I would but I can tIt was a honest to be able to serve my countryI wasn’t t th re best but I wasn’t t the eworst either. Serving gthis great country of ours was one good learning experience and I met some really good people. Our country id’s great only due to high standards and great pride I ve been to many places seen many thongs some good some great and many bad things too. Most Americans don’t fully realize just how good we have it here.
I joined because I was not ready for more school. So the military was a great option and believe everyone should do it for a super way to get to adult hood.
The Gi Bill Paid for my College, When I got married they doubled the money they were giving me… They also got me 7 3/4% GI Bill (no money down) on my first house.
I lost my 2S draft status early in 1968. Coming from a family where almost every relative served during WWII and my Dad continued in the Ohio National Guard from WWII until 1975, I felt I needed to serve as well. I tried to get into the Air Force, but they were full, so I didn’t want Navy or Marines, so I chose Army. I served both in Vietnam and Germany (on the border at the northern end of the Fulda Gap), and took full advantage of the GI Bill after I got out. I was able to complete my BS, MS and finally got my PhD in Geology (Hydrogeology) which allowed me to get great paying jobs for the rest of my career. I paid the price for the 2 1/3 years of overseas duty, but it was worth it for the rest of my life. I learned to focus and to have discipline to finish a task I learned in the Army. Otherwise, if I had not served, I would have never gained those important perspectives. GO ARMY! Leave no one behind.
Wanted to serve my country and further my education. learning a skill so I could help my parents with the rest of the kids.
Dr. Henning:
You could be my clone! :)
Dr. Hough ([email protected])
Thank you for your service and to the study of the Sciences
To take pride and what I was going to become a soldier with honor. A Conrad, To be a member.
Of a group that’s bigger than myself.
I can from a long line of vet. So it was choice to. I will never regret it!!!!!!
I didn’t want to have go but Thay wasn’t me
I was a typical lost soul of 18 in 1959 when I graduated from high school. I couldn’t afford College and didn’t think I was smart enough anyway. I was also anxious to get out on my own. I took the aptitude tests and qualified for electronics. Finishing a stent at Kessler I was off to Alaska to begin an enjoyable 24 years of growth, travel, and learning. I spent 18.5 of those years out of the country., in some of the most beautiful places in the world. I realize I was one of the lucky by ones. I never got shot at!!
Would not hire if your military commitment was not completed.
I was on my way to Vancouver B.C. 1971,, for some reason I stopped and talked with USAF recruiter. He was a cool dude. I thought I could be just as cool, so I enlisted for 4 years. Well 20 years later I retired in 1991 as a Sec Pol MSgt. Bases were Kinchloe (yuk), Udorn Thailand, Malmstrom, Torrejon Spain (for 8 years), Whiteman, Comiso Sicily, numerous TDY’s to Aviano Italy, Moron Spain, Ramstein. It was a quick 20 years. I was blessed by good officers that used a lot of common sense when we did some very crzay things. Most enjoyable job I had was being a Flight Chief with 50 other fellow SP’s. I retired from the USAF on a Friday and put on blue pinned stipe suit with a red power tie as a Director of Secuirty as a civilian I spent the next 30 years in private security using everyday what I had learned in the USAF. Now retired for good, no regrets.
I left high school and recruiter sent me to Texas For training but I wish I would of stay 20 years and continue a strong carreer to visit around the world 🌎🌍 good luck to all veterans may God watch over you
I joined the Air Force. Jam 1961. after basic at Lackland AFB , i was sent to Chanute AFB, IL, for ground power school, 25 weeks. we were hoping for Germany. but three weeks before graduation, we were told our class was chosen for Instructor duty at Chanute. Only test ,I remember trying to fail Instructor School l was schedule for 8 week. At the end of the fourth week, received order to pack up and shipped out to Sheppard AFB,TX for Instructor in the TITAN II Missile Facilities (14 weeks). Next three year, was a instruc0r. Took my Discharge and went back to school and work in the bank. I had an old Master Sergeant as one of my Night Supervisor, he was in a Medical Service Flight at Maxwell, during the Vietnam war. He stayed after to fill their Medical Material slot for one of the Service Flight. In August 1968, I join the unit and stayed with until the disbanded us in Feb, 1973.. Started looking for a slot in the Air Guard in Birmingham. Found on with the Film developing unit for Recon Unit. Stayed with them until, my former EXEC Officer in the reserve unit now with the 117 TAC Hospital, call and asked me if I wanted the Medical Material at the Hosp.. April 1979 to Oct 1994, I serve as NCOIC medical material for the 117th Hosp. Spent 30 years with the military and enjoyed all of it. used the GI Bill to finish my BBA. Then in DEC 1994, the Bank I was working for, said they no longer needed me. So they retired me.
Joined the Navy in July of 1965 and went aboard ship in Dec of 65 . Did 2 1/2 west packs . Was BT E4 . had it made was Oil King the last year or so. Would had shipped over but they would not give me anything on the East Coast. Was tired of going to the Far east wanted something different. The Navy said no they needed me where I was at. So I said BYE BYE. My training in the service carried me for the next 50 years, so I can not knock the service. They did great for me. From 1969 to 2011 I worked almost all of it in hospital. Never was without a job in all those years.
Joined the AF in 1963, going West was it. Could have been great to had the chance to go further East than Eastern Canada. Probably not as eventful. Out in 1991. AF said to see the world, join us. I’m glad I did…
Drafted in 1966, enlisted in Navy. UDT, then SEAL team 2 . Two combat tours in Vietnam. Love my country and would do it all again.
Thank you Brother
Too bad I got old or I would still be there. 27 years went by way too fast!
Also pulled a tour in Nam (river rat), along with 6 mo in Desert Storm before retiring.
Thank you for your service and welcome home shipmate
Thank you so much for your service.
I was the first year of the draft lottery and drew a number that all but guaranteed that I would be drafted. I joined the Navy and signed on for 6 years so that my electronics schools would be guaranteed. I served in Naval aviation working on the A7 Corsair 2 aircraft. I made one cruise in 1974 on the USS Constellation, and left the Navy a year later. I got out because I refused to be a part-time husband to my wife, and a part-time father to my children. Had I stayed in the Navy, most of the rest of my time until retirement would have been at sea and I was not going to do that to my family.
Same story here. I turned 18 the first year of the Draft Lottery. (#3)
I ran to the Navy recruitment office and asked to join
He started his pitch on me and I replied skip the pitch and sign me up now. I signed up and was given 4 weeks to report which was 4 weeks of drunken debauchery.
Off to NATTC SanDiiego Boot Camp then to Memphis for aircraft and jet propulsion training then to NAS Oceana Va and CVA 42 the Rusty Rosie!
My number was 36 enlisted in usaf, Lackland then Chanute then off to vietnam next was germany 5 years Zweibrucken afb next Mt home Idaho seperated at 8 years because of injuries ,left as a tsgt E6 now 73 would do it all over again if I could!
While my family had served for generations, I mainly joined because my wife was pregnant, I did not have a job and I wanted to finish college. I signed up for the least amount of two years. I grew to love it and went from enlisted E1 to E6, graduated college, graduated Officer Candidate School and eventually retired as MAJ/ O4. I also received full VA disability. The best decision of my working career. My extended family has served in every generation from American Revolution to present with except of Spanish American War and Vietnam. They served in America Revolution War, War of 1812, Mexucsn America War, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan. They served mainly in Army but also Navy, Air Firce and Coast Guard.
Joind the Navy 1970 just after my 18th BD. Many members of my family served Army,Navy,Marine. Wanted to serve my country! Became a corpsman,turned into a thirty year adventure. From Vietnam to Desert Storm saw the world good bad and the ugly i retired in 2001. I encourage all young people to joine the military. Good job training post education and job opportunities and it will make you grow up.
Every generation of my family has served our Nation in peace and conflict since the Salem Village Militia of Massachusetts in 1642 to present day active duty. We have not missed a
single year of service in 381 years..
We are Patriots every one of us just as you who have served..
Thank you and your family and ancestors for serving our country.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Wow! Thank you and your family lineage for serving.
Sounds like my experience I had in boot camp. My DI hit me in the back of the head also. It didn’t knock me out but sure did hurt and a headache. This was back in 1973. I never said or did anything about it. Was to afraid to say anything. 😕
I too was hit in the back of the head during basic in July 1963. Taught me to stop day dreaming and pay attention. Didn’t hurt except my feelings.
1960 president johnson said – 18 years old go sign up for the draft – I graduated from high school on May 18, birthday in August – did not want to go in the army – signed up for the navy – 2 yrs 11 months in the Navy – nuclear weapons tech – Bon Homme Richard Cva31 – 2nd class petty officer
I was 7 years old when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. For the next 5 years WWII was all you heard on the radio and saw in the movies. The whole country was watching and hearing every step of the war. When it ended people celebrated in the streets. I wanted to follow in the footsteps of Eisenhower , McArthur and Patton. I did.
wanted to be proud to serve my country! My brother was a marine as well. I wanted to make it a career, but it didn’t work out. I was thrown down the stairs by DI hitting the back of my head on the doorstop, knocking me out. When I came to, I was told to walk to the infirmary I did. I don’t remember it; I woke up in the infirmary in the ICU and was told that I had a concussion. spent a little over a week there. Then I found out there was a coverup. how it happened. And that destroyed respect. And got out. I went in to make it a career. Very disappointed.
ImA Vietnam Vet Got herring lose and severe back problems. getting 30 percent compensation. but there cheating all Vets because they only pay you when you file for it. They should pay every one from the day it happened. They really care about us. Dam we deserve that money.
I got one story that you will like; Drafted in 1968, told draft board I had medical disability. The doctor looked at my disability and said (it don’t look that bad) 88 days later I’m discharged. They gave me a Honorable discharge no benefits other than what every vet gets, hospital and RX. The Army caused my disability to worsen X-Rays show I was over the normal induction allowed to be drafted, and if your not in over 90 days you get nothing.I can’t even get a G I loan. No disability no money and to top things off They gave me a void induction which lets every possible employer know I have a disability so NO JOB. Thank you Army for taking my life
I join the Air Force after a 5 day fire which burn the barn and 69 head of cattle, Age 17 had a banker tell Me to sign for $118,000 was more then I could do when I was a twin. and my DAD THEN SAY A WORD stting next to Me. Next day at school recuitor was there talking to senirs class . I choice the Air Force and then went home to have them sign to let Me join . WHen active June 12 ,1964 return home after 9 months in Veitnam 1968 .
I was drafted in November of 1969, during the Viet Nam War. I’m a California Japanese American and met so many nice guys from all around America. Caucasian guys from Texas, Kentucky, South Carolina,
Rhode Island, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Maine, and an African American guy from Arkansas.
Learned so much about cultural America in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Made deep friendship with all these guys, and loyalty in the Army.
My dad was a lumberjack and WW2 navy vet. I had uncles in the Air Force and Army, one who died on the Bataan Death March and one who was seriously wounded in Korea. We were relatively poo. In the state we lived in (NH) college was fairly expensive and out of our reach. I decided to join the military (Army) and take advantage of the GI Bill. Upon my return from Vietnam I learned that there were Junior Colleges that had extremely low tuition prices, Needless to say I decided to stay. My son and daughter-in-law both joined the Navy and spent four years in Asia. Thanks to the GI Bill we were able to get productive well paying jobs. I would encourage any young people to take advantage of the military.
My university required 2yrs
of ROTC. I reupped for the next two years to avoid the draft notice I received during the summer between my Southmore and Junior year of college.
My mother and grandmother dropped me off at the Recruiter office. And I joined that day and the next week I was off to boot camp. Probably was the best move I had ever made. I made the right decision that day and even though I only stayed 4 years but it made me grow-up. Thank you mom!
That just made me chuckle. My.mother and grandmother went to the Recruitment Center to pick me up in 1973. I was attempting to join the Marine Corps, The recruiter called my house to verify my information because I did not have an ID. My mother freaked out, I was 13 years old.
My Father was in the Army, my uncle was in the Navy, My brother was in Navy and I was in Army. my father died when i was year old.
My father was Marine in WW2
Yes. I also was influenced by
my Grandfather, Father, and
Uncle’s, they were/are WW I,
I was VIETNAM ERA, so with
Military/Naval family history
I joined US NAVY !!!
I was going to college when the Korean was on and I heard that I was going
To be drafted. I was 18 years old. I joined the Navy for 4 years.
I was in the – Army 1967 , Vietnam era
My older son – Navy
Gulf war
.My younger son -Airforce , Iraq
I had 3 years of high school ROTC. Prepared e for the Army.. Had been taught land navigation., joined the drill team and learned how to march, hands on the Garland M-1 learning how to break it down and reassemble it blindfolded, the chain of command, the perils of CBR, how to use the gas’s mask and much, much more, Got to basic, Ft Polk, and made a squad leader at the age of 18. Got me out of KP detail as well as guard duty and a private room along with the other squad leaders. I joined because ROTC played a big part (plus of the draft too) and I use to watch Ben Casey on TV. I signed up and was given a guarantee school to become an Operating Room Tech. Loved that job but later on went on to go to a 44 week school to become a Licensed Professional Nurse, served June 63 to Aug 83. Had my Washington State and Texas License and joined the civilian workforce. Only reason I serve longer was that I became disabled and couldn’t do PT. My uncle served in the Army in Africa during WW2 and then on to Italy. Came back without any injuries, thank God. My other uncle severed 4 years in the Air Force and upon discharge turned around and joined the USMC. Guess he thought that the Air Force (no insults intended) was too easy. My second daughter joined the army in 1986 and then joined the active duty Army Reserves. She was called to active duty during the first Iraq war. She went on to use her GI bill graduating from the University of Hawaii as the top student. She now has a wonderful job working with the VA at Ft Carson still helping her fellow soldiers get what they deserve.. She married her high school sweetheart who served in Iraq in2004-2005 and retired as a CWO3. He has a Master’s degree (again using his GIB bill and utilizing the educational resources while on active duty) and he is too working for the VA. My son joined the army right after 911 and selected to be in the infantry. Served 8+ years active and now is serving in the active army reserves. Made E-7 last summer. Served in Iraq 2004-2005 I’m Mosul. Saw lots of action and praised the Air Force for saving most of the units ass. Again, I thank God that he came back with no injuries except. PTSD. He is doing well now. My first daughter Married her husband who retired from the Air Force.. My family is 100% military oriented and 100% American and dedicated to the defense of our country, God Bless America.
I joined the Air. Force in 1965,retired in1985. Served in Greece, Germany, Vietnam,did R and R in Thailand. Stationed all over US. After retirement as a Master Sergeant used my GI Bill to get a Library Master’s Degree.. I would do it all over again.
Graduated high school and no money for college, poor and wrong color. Most jobs available were boring with very limited upward growth possibilities. All my uncles were military and cool. Joined to be cool like them and the adventure they boasted about. Ended having a blast and many adventures, never bored. Retired at 23 years, finished college, taught high school math, retired again. Military was easier than teaching high school, it wasn’t the kids it was the upper level management were there for themselves and would abandon you in a heart beat.
The reason for joining the Military was a movie that i seen call TO HELL AND BACK and that my father served in the second World War. I was married at 16 and their were no jobs making enough money to take care of my wife and daughter. When I turn 17 I join the Army. Served 21 years and retired as a captain. Went to OCS as a staff Sgt at age 27 and served twice in Vietnam. The Military gave me a chance to discover my talents in Track and Field and made two Olympic Teams in Tokyo Japan in 1964 and in Mexico City in 1968 winning a Gold Medal and to be in 12 Hall of Fames .The Military also gave me the opportunity to get a College degree going to at school at night. There are a lot more things that I can say about how the Military made me the person that I am today but it would take more time. If you read my Book The Expression of Hope you can see some of my life Stories. Thank you and Godspeed.
Tried college for a year…did like what was going on on campus in’64/’65, so I joined the Navy b/c I had a favorite uncle who was in submarines before and during the war and it sounded interesting. I spent 7 years in subs (Nuclear Power program) and went back to college after discharge… finished with a Maste’s degree and a great career in civilian nuclear power.
I enlisted in the Air Force due the fact that I was to be drafted by the Army, just 3 weeks after my father died. He was a 28 year career Master Combat Command Pilot flying the B52 and was lost during a sortie, and not knowing at the time I was to be given an appointment to the USAF Academy. When I received my appointment letter, I was informed by my commander that I could not go, so I spent my 4 years as a Pararescue and as a enlisted soldier, I PROUDLY served my country doing 2 tours in Vietnam at DaNang AF Base from 1971-1973 and medically retired in 1975. Using my GI Bill, got my degree spending 15 years in Finance and 19 years in the IT world.
Serving the navy 1972 Enjoy the experience Traveling back-and-forth to To Europe It was a great experience As a young man I would encourage every young man to join the service God speed
I joined the service to become a US Navy Pilot. I decided I wanted to be a pilot when I was in the 8th grade and one of my classmates had an older brother who was attending the US Naval Academy and told him I wanted to be a pilot, so the brother got to me and talked me into becoming a Navy pilot. So I made it my plan to attend the Academy and did well enough in high school and was able to get an appointment to the Naval Academy and then graduated and was selected for Navy Flight Training which I completed and then became a US Navy Pilot for a career in the US Navy
i joined when i turned 17 to serve my country and get out for a more exciting life/ joined the marine corps/ and it changed my life a lot/
I joined when I was 20 years old. I always wanted to be in the military since I was a kid. I had 2 uncles in the army and another was a SeaBee during WWI. My Father was in the Army during Korea and I had a cousin in the Airforce during Vietnam. I wanted to as much as I felt it was my family duty to follow in my family’s footsteps. Because of my college education I started as a PFC in the 101st Airborne Division Air Assault at Ft Campbell in 1980. I was medically discharged from my 2nd station of Ft. Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield, Ga. Both stations had their ups and downs good times and bad but I consider Ft. Campbell my home. If I had it to do all over again I would but I’d stay on Ft. Campbell. I stand up for my brother and sisters in and out of uniform because we have to remember what I’ve got your 6 really means regardless of uniform. Although let’s be honest The Army Is The Best! Lol
No Seabees in WW1
I was 18 just graduated high school and wasn’t off to a very good start in life was homeless just lost my job and not lying to really look towards so my best friend sat me down at lunch one day said he was going to talk to a recruiter and convinced me to go talk to one too said before I say no just listen to what the recruiter had to say and if it was better than the situation I was in then I should join…needless to say I was getting off the bus and on my face two weeks later. Unfortunately due to health issues had to get out at 8 years. During that time I found my family and purpose….since I’ve been out I feel I’ve lost my sense of purpose and self.
I joined the Marine Corps to get out the heck of the house. My Dad was tougher than any DI I had in bootcamp. The only problem I had in bootcamp was my was keeping my pie hole closed. I am like my brother Donald J. Trump. If I have something to say I said it. and at 67 years young I still say whats on my mind. Thats something I will take to my grave. By the way I did 20 years and retired as a GySgt (E-7). I live on 4 pensions now and I can’t complain wouldn’t do any good no nobody would give a rats ass anyway.
Trump was a DRAFT DODGER 🙄
so was biden.
I joined up with the assurance I would receive full Medical for life IF I stayed in for at least 20 years, what a crock that turned out to be. I was 18 just graduated high school and had cousins in all different military branches. I could never learn how to swim so the Navy was out, I hate walking long distance so the army was out, I never want to be first so the Marines is out, I would rather fly and get there faster so I joined the Air Force in 1958 and retired after 20 years. I was stationed in Germany for three years flying on old C-47’s 62-65 loved the country and friendly people, Came back to the states to 48th Air Sea Rescue training Flight Crews for Vietnam went to Japan for 6 mo. came back home and received orders for Vietnam. Had to get training at Ft. Benning, Ga. for flying Army CV-2 Caribou’s, the Air Force took over the Army CV-2’s on 1 Jan. 1967 and changed the name to C7-A’s , Escape & Evasion school at Fairchild AFB, Wa. and on to the Philippines for Jungle Survival School. The Escape & Evasion and Jungle Schools were given to all flying crews in case we were shot down in VC country. NOT to brag, but I earned 8 Air Medals and the only Distinguished Flying Cross given in the Squadron that year. It was one exciting year. When a bullet hit the plane it sounded like someone hit the side of an empty 55 gal drum. After retirement I sold real estate for a while and then went to work as a Civil Servant on Robins AFB, Ga. as a C-130 mechanic and then as a C-130 Depot Maintenance Instructor for 18 years, and as Base Education Quality Control Inspector for all base Education until I retired for good after 22 years on 3Jan, 2003
The respect I did not get in high school. I was bulled all four years of school, but when I got home after boot camp and was walking down the sidewalk wearing that USMC uniform and three of the bully’s without anything been said moved out of my way. (that there were serval thousand Marines along side of me might have had something to do with it)
I joined the army in 1976/1982 i was 18 years old. I know Freedom is not Free!!! I Believe all the young people should join and learn how life Really is in our world. My father was in WWll . he tough me everything i know + how too fix things Right my self because it cost. Lots of money to hire someone to fix it !! And thats my motorcycle’ he got me at age 11years i had to keep it running and i did… People was allways wanting me to fix there motorcycle cars trucks Etc… Thats how i learned plus lots of other things Electric welding and fiting and all kinds of other things… Now i have young ones im teaching them the things my father tough me….. And so on and so on… Freedom is not Free!!!!! God Bless America land of the Free.home of Brave. Keepon keeping on… Greg Mc innis
No regrets, drafted during college trying to qualify for the Navy Aviation Cadet program. Ended up flying Army helicopters and airplanes for 20 years. Served in the 1st Air Cavalry 68-69 Vietnam, 2nd Infantry Division Korea, Three wonderful years in Germany, Retired as a Major, Master Army Aviator and just a great career. We moved 18 times in twenty years, raised 3 military brats all good citizens with great jobs, and proud of the family history of military service.
I was born in a military hospital, Ft. Benning. I always wanted to be a soldier for as long as could remember. I join the military at the age of 17 in 1974. My first tour was in Seoul Korea, I knew then I was going to make a career in the military. Eventually, I served in Panama twice and in Germany. I had many great stateside assignments as well. Raised three beautiful girls who are well-rounded young ladies. I served 22 years and should have done at least 30 years. I have always been patriotic and wanted to serve our great nation. I wish more young people would take advantage of the great opportunities to see the world and serve our great nation.
To fulfill my lifetime achievements,service to my country and the people of the U.S.A.!
I was going to college when the Korean War was on. I was 18 years old and I was
Going to be drafted into the Army. I joined the Navy and was stationed on a
Destroyer for 3 1/2 years and spent most of the time in the war zone.
When I graduated highschool I wasn’t interested in going to college or in being drafted, so I enlisted.
I spent my sophomore year in a military school, so I knew what I was signing up for.
In 1966 AD, if you could walk and had a heartbeat, and had no exceptions, you were going to get a letter from the Selective Service Board to serve a minimum of 2 years in the army.
I chose to enlist in a better branch of service, instead!
I was drafted into army in 1965. So joined USAF. Olunteered for Chinese language school. Was accepted. Was selected for airborne program. Flew off coast of Soviet Union, North Korea, East ans South China, Gulf of Tonkinand over Laos. Ended up flying off coast of N Korea in an AF EC121 after NKs shot down a Navy EC121.Thought was going to crash and die on my last mission. Had over 2800hours in the air.
I wanted to serve my country, and see the world. I also wanted to surf around the world, never got a chance to surf, my ship the U.S.S. Inchon (LPH-12) was almost always deployed. I first got on my ship in 1982 in Beruit Lebanon, also was able to travel all over Europe. It was a real adventure!!!
Dad Army. The Draft, Vietnam. I’m USAF retired. Am very happy to have served my country, wish I could do more now.
All of my family members was in Military dad and three brothers ,and myself. I am Helen my husband James Preston Jones Sr has passed away.
Since the age of 12, when my brother joined the Army, I wanted to follow in his footsteps. As I came to age, life was pulling me in another direction but at the end of my junior year in high school, my parents sat me down and said they could not afford to pay for me to go to college. That sealed the deal and I joined the Army strictly for the GI Bill benefits. After three years I became sick of how the Army treats its soldiers and went to the Air National Guard. Then after 9/11, I went on active duty in the Air Force. While I joined for the GI Bill, I continued to serve to retirement because of a sense of pride for my country.
When I join the military, though I wanted it for the benefits, I felt very proud to serve my country. As of today, I don’t recognize this country. I hate to say it’s the republican party that makes this country look and sound very bad. I know that there are some Republican veterans who probably be upset with me. But how could you vote for someone who’ divide a great country and how could you just be so selfish and think about what you want than what’s best for the country. . This whole country is Nothing more than immigrants. I really believe that this country was going in the right direction when we voted for Obama. The only good thing that tRump did was exploit all the racism and hatred that was hiding. I’ve never experience racism until I join the military. And most of all I never knew that it would hamper my advancement in the military. So though I serve my country, at times, I feel embarrassed. God Bless America and Stop the Hate!!!
I disagree that the republicans have divided the country, but you have to go back before the most recent all the way back to Clinton. Anyone who calls half the country terrorists shouldn’t be a leader and I have heard the major democrats say that repeatedly since clinton. As a Republican, I am smaller government and self responsibility. The government shouldn’t be in everything, particularly the federal government. The constitution is clear, these senior leaders were never mentioned to be a career. All of our representatives and leaders need to be term limits, and connected to their constituency. We do not work for them, they work for us. To many think they are elite and above the normal constituents.
Well said
We live in the Greatest Country in the world but Trump and people like trump tried to change this country way of life. Trump divided this country and wanted to be a Dictator if you and people like you don’t see it should look at January 6th and what the republican and trump is still doing to make the American people suffer with Hate and changing weman rights and respect for all peoples
Totally agree
I guess your happy with the thief in the white house now.
Melvin: you’re wrong, of course. Most suffering from terminal ignorance try to conceal that condition. Based on your comment, you’re an exception. Too bad!!
It’s idiots like Biden who f*cked this country up!!
What is this doing here????????
Very well said!!!! God Bless America and maybe one day we will all come together before China and Russia take over the world including America.
I totally agree with you my sister in arms. It is very embarrassing. I pray for change in the right direction every day. It is 2022 and there is still racism. I am sure GOD frowns on America.
You are so wrong. You just have to look at what the democraps have done. And you probably don’t know the US constitution. I served my country too ! The only time our economy and security was strong was with the republicans in control.
You are so right!
What Republicans?? The real ones or the Trumpers?
Apparently, President Trump is living in your head, rent free. It’s a large empty place, so he has plenty of room. lol…………
yes ,you can have your Republicans and your Democrats,,but this country has no place for the Trump family…………………now lets get back to being American Veterans,,which no one in that family were,
Totally concur!
You’ve got your party’s mixed!!!
It’s the Dummyrats that are ruining our country!!! Wake up and pay attention!!!
Open boarders! Inflation! Oil dependence from our enemies!
Corruption through out the Democrat Party. Bidens are compromised!!!
Totally agree!
Thank you for stating the truth about your times in the Military and the way Trump divided this country. God Bless you and thank you for your service.
I CHOSE my military service- as best I could. I joined a Civil Affairs/ Military Govt. company. Did my
basic training at Ft. Knox.
When Russia loaded their ships with missiles- headed for Cuba, MY orders were cut for Ft. Gordon- GA and we readied to go to Cuba. (I believe BECAUSE of our country’s response to this threat,-at least in part- RUSSIA turned their ships (carrying missiles -to be aimed at the U.S.) and took the missiles back to Russia, and a potential WAR was averted..
Now this is MY view of how this whole scenario played out, and I am pleased / grateful that this
WAR was averted!
I joined up because it was the only way I could see to get out of my parents’ house and on my own. The immense pride in serving my country slowly built over the next few years, and I ended up retiring as a CW4 after 28 years.
I joined the service to serve my country and would do it again if I could. Frankly, the benefits that are offered are incredible IN short, I am proud to be an American and having serve my country.
I was 19 years old and I was proud to serve my country
I was born to be a soldier…a tanker. I was born to lead a desperate ‘charge’ that would save all my colleagues lives. It happened…to a greater or lesser extent. But to allow this vision to have a chance I had to first get into the Army, then guarantee I’d get an 11 series MOS. To do all this I had to destroy the direction my life had been taking for 19 years. I had to thwart untold obstacles to accomplish this, including screwing up a West Point appointment, screwing up my high school GPA (IQ 136), screwing up my first two years of university and not last but not least, maintaining an ongoing chart of lies, half truths and fabrications in order to not upset my family, friends et al.
I from a Military family! My Grandma was a WAC pilot. My dad 25 years submarines, “Plankowner” Nautilus. My wife and Army nurse. My son, carriers ” Plankowner ” USS John Stennis.
Drafted June 1967. Army basic then Directly to Vietnam as a front line grunt combat medic 67-sixty nine with the 2/7th cav. Lots of action Phan Thiet, the Idrang, Bong Song, Hue tet 68 meeting the NVA, S&D patrols in Quan Tri. April 68 cleared the way into Khe Sanh to relieve the Marines form the 77day siege by the NVA, then directly to the Ashau valley and on to The Iron triangle. Lots of action in each location. Returned from VN from 15mo in the Field as a front line combat medic with 1st Cav. Lots of action. Got back into school looked for a job in the medical field. All the jobs low pay and offered about the same challenge and advancement as burning shit. In college the kids seemed immature and in a different world from me. The Air National Guard approached me with an offer to Fly Airomedical Evacuation on C-97 and C-130 at the same pay and rank and the opportunity for advancement in rank. I could continue in college with the GI bill. I TOOK IT. Great training and professional friendships. Later transfered to the active Air Force reserves. Qualified in aeromedical evacuation on the C-141, C-9, KC-135. Flew 1000’s of hours world wide moving the wounded, the sick, and incapacitated to various locations as needed for treatment. Flew the wounded out of Desert Storm and patients from and to all the US, Alaska, Hawaii, Asia, the South Pacific, Europe, and more. Retired from the Air Force Reserves in 2000 as an E-9 with retirement and health benefits. Meanwhile finished college and continued in my civilian career as an engineer in water systems. Welcome home brothers
Thank you, Sir for all you have seen and done for our country at home and abroad.
I joined for a regular paycheck. In 1983, construction work was spotty, and I was tired of being laid off. I joined the Army as a medic, stayed for just over 20 years and am extremely grateful that I did. HOOAH!
I was, as a young boy always fascinated by the Navy. I joined when I was 16 and of course after 5 months they caught up with me and booted me out. At 18 I rejoined and served 3.5 years with the regular Navy until I found out the Seabees were still active. 1954 I transferred over and went to Port Hueneme, CA for schooling and training.
Talk about a great career!! I enjoyed every minute of it even in Vietnam. Retired 1971, and the benefits are great.
Like a lot of guys in 1969 I drew a low lottery number and knew I was likely going to be drafted. The Navy seemed the best choice for schools. I went to “A” school for Avionics and spent three cruises with an A4 Skyhawk Squadron aboard the Carrier USS Hancock, CVA-19. Supporting the war from a “bird farm” gave me purpose and kept me busy until I finished my enlistment in 1973. I got to see a lot of places and have many experiences which shaped the rest of my life. In retrospect, some of the best things a young man lacking in direction can do is travel and be exposed to many cultures and people, Military and civilian, American and foreign nationals It changes your whole outlook on life. My only objection was that the Navy dictated where, when, and how long I would be in each place. I do concur with many who praise the many friends and associates I gained during my enlistment. They were either extraordinary or borderline psychotic with traces of the moderately illiterate. There really didn’t seem to be much “middle-ground”. All-in-all, a good cross-section of the U.S. citizenry. That knowledge really helps you in determining where exactly you fit in.
Yea… I’m Viet Vet also.
Hello. A vet
The gi bill was monumental for me as it provided enough funds for me to go from Corpsman in my 4 years to master’s degree in civil engineering. And on to PhD via another veteran scholarship.
I was a boiler technician aboard the USS Oriskany CVA-34, a World War II carrier. I joined the Navy during peace time, volunteered, 1973-1976. The ship was a rust bucket, the first time I saw it was in Subic Bay, PI. Hot shitty job, but that’s what I did the rest of my life, either maintenance or boiler operator. Would I do it again? Sure would, but I’d change a ton of things, like go for 20yrs. A pension at 38yrs. old, can’t beat that. The government should’ve never quit the draft! I learned so much about myself in those 3yrs. To my brothers and sisters who are serving now, you are not forgotten, WE support you 100%.
My father served on the Oriskany in the Korean war. My brother took him to watch when they sunk it for a coral reef…tears in his eyes. He lost many friends on that ship. Thank you for your service.
O went in to serve my country and to learn how to be a man at the time I was young and hadn’t be anywhere at all I did learn those thing but I got hurt and all was lost no one could help me at all so o was told to go my way and find it out for my self . I have been trying what ever I could to get help the best way I could still no one made a difference so I out he making it the beast I can see.what I lost all these years. Stop
I joined the Airforce to be able to serve my country doing what I love to do…..nursing.. Being a nurse when I joined, I had hoped to further my career in nursing taking care of people
I do and did not believe, we should have been fighting a war in Vietnam. Too many soldiers were killed on both sides for nothing, but I felt a sense of duty to my country and joined the Navy. Too many people, today and back then lacked a sense of duty and humility. I’ve felt for many years that all Americans, in some capacity, should be in our military and/or Peace Corps to gain the gain the humility and respect of our nation. Their should not be any “Fortunate Sons and Daughters”!
Why are us Veterans treated so poorly. It is like getting a tooth pulled to get anything from our Government. Why is that
Most politicians don’t serve so they could care less about those that protect their asses – why are housing illegals and not our homeless veterans a priority
I was the daughter of a LtCol, USAFR Retired when I joined the AF Nurse Corps in 1972. Daddy had been a pilot in WWII, flying paratroopers into Normandy. It was second nature to care about my country and contribute to the cause. I served at 9 different bases in 23 1/2 yrs of active duty and retired as a LtCol like my Dad. I loved most every minute of my career. To this day, my best friends are those I met and made in the military, though many miles separate us all. May God continue to bless and keep our servicemen and women safe.
Joining the Marine Corps was just something that I had planned to do from a very early age. Two of my older brothers had served before me. It was just the thing to do.
I was a wired child. I used to read encyclopedias and almanacs. I fell in love with those Marine Corps Dress Blues when I was in -at grade!!
I joined to beat the draft and get out of the projects and see the world. Fell in love with paratroopers uniform. 🪂
I went into Submarines, I was on a Diseal then a nuke fast attack our of New London, and I would do it all over again.
I jolned the U.S.Navy during the Viet Nam area 1968 1972 to support my country I went to iet Nan 69 70 The men I servied with wer the best I ever met . I would do it again
I am satisfied
I salute you all. My first Captain, Captain Frederick F Klein III who put me on track toward a Naval career. CDR Tea, a Naval Pilot at CTF 73, Cubi Pt. Philippines. Captain Bontrop at NAVCAMS, Naples, Italy. Thereafter, I received orders for AMCC-1 in Hawaii. I stayed there as the OIC for 9.5 years because that was what I wanted to do. The most deployed AMCC in the world. Not one outage, not one glitch in my entire career. Never promoted after almost 10 years after that. In 9.5 years, we were never visited by by anyone except by an LDO Lt. who wanted to know how our PMS/MDS systems was working. His comments, an outstanding facility, outstanding records – Truthfully, I did not expect it. Not one of my people were promoted, including me. We never let anyone down and this is what we got for respect.
I had a great, great Uncle in the Civil War. 2 Great Uncle’s in WW1. Several Uncle’s in WW2 . My Father & several Uncle’s in Korea. A couple of older Cousins in Viet Nam. I felt that it was my duty to the Nation to serve in the Army. I’m glad that I did.
My family has a history of military service back to the American Revolution. My father fought in WWII, my Grandfather fought in the Spanish American War. My 2nd Great Grandfather fought in the Civil War, and several of my ancestors fought in the American Revolution. Both my sister and I served our country. I was in the Air Force, she joined the Army
i got to finish 10 th grade. joined the marines one day after turing 17 1954 korea found out i was in and surendered.LOL war o they let us out after two yrs.service i got my GED, graduated with my class 1956
Our country use to represent the moral and ethical values for the world. We were the best and pride was in everything we did! Multiple feeder into this pride were religion, Boy Scouts and male fraternities. Justice was quick and fair. Lawyers didn’t interpret the law just executed it. American focused on the future an didn’t dowel on the past.
In 1958 I was an undisciplined 17 year old high school graduate without any skills or experience. I knew I had to do something. I joined the marines for 4 years. Within the first week of boot camp I learned discipline. After 16 weeks of boot camp and infantry training I had a goal to be the best I could be. After 2 years as a radio operator which included 13 months in the far east, I was given the opportunity to go to electronics school. I graduated in a critical MOS.
After leaving the military I worked in aerospace with the skills I learned in the marines, and I went to night school. After 10 years of night school I graduated with honors and a degree in Business Administration. I spent 25 years as the CEO of a financial institution.
Joining the marines was one one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
I came to this country from war ravaged Germany. Most of my relatives served in various capacities in the German military. I joined as it was in my family background and I wanted to serve the United States.
I don’t care what country you come from the common soldier is OK. In WW2 Germany the SS and Gestapo were the worst men/women who enjoyed killing and torture. NOT all German men were this way.. Hitler and his Brown shirt thugs started everything bad. Read your history books and learn how it all happened. After WW1 there wasn’t any work, people were starving and German pride was broken. Hitler gave them a purpose to live and grow., work They built the best highway system known and it is still used today.. I don’t know how he got off doing what he did to the Jewish people., crazy. And immoral I lived in Germany for 3 years with the US Air Force and loved every min. of it.
I joined the USAF after College, as a preferential choice over threat of being Drafted. I was indeed fortunate for my service was basically early space activities, Apollo, deriving Space Shuttle Requirements , operating early IR&D space vehicles, Project Engineer for modernizing remote tracking stations, space vehicle integration into Space Shuttle missions, operating protype GPS satellite constellation and developing and deploying GPS ground system. A once in a lifetime opportunity to contribute and support USAF enhancing our National capabilities.
I joined the Navy in 1959. Wanted a career. Was on admiral’s staff in Japan. In charge of officers service records. Officers would fly over Vietnam just to collect hazardous duty pay without landing to get their orders stamped showing they were actually there. I would. Not approve thier request because our boys were dying there and these people were benefiting off their deaths. I was sent to a warehouse to stamp shipping orders for household goods for shipping back to the states. So I was so disaluted that I got out and never looked back. BEST MOVE I EVER MADE. GOD Bless our service men!!!!!!!!
I joined the navy in 1967 before my graduation because I wanted to serve my country, after Basic training in San Diego and Servile training I receive orders to Saigon Vietnam. The ship I was on was decommissioned in Hawaii, my new orders list to report to the NAME naval station where I worked on the YR-70 would ride on PBR’s and went from 1967-1968-1969-1970 . Why I stayed so long because when I came home first time people didn’t like the uniform that I was proud of and to meany fights. I’ve seen a lot of things that only combat personal see and not good. Went to Loma Linda Naval Hospital advised them that was hard to be home about the dreams,cold sweat been married for the wrong reasons never truest anyone they said it would go away in 2015 I went back because my life was nothing except for my two kids. All the mistakes and people I hurt from 1970 to 2015 life wasn’t good. The VA is helping now late but I have help !
Welcome home to all the Veterans who never got a welcome home from our country
Worked for an LDO; LT Richard Hazard who was on gun boats in the Mekong Delta. Decorated up the Ying Yang. Don’t know whether he passed Lt. or not but should have. Relayed his experiences to me, because I expressed interest and told him my uncle served honorably in VN at Pleiku and Anh Khe from 66-67. I myself retired a CPO, Radioman. His stories are the only reason I stayed in the military. I would love to hear yours, as I am a writer who documents the heroics of the Brown Water Navy.
Joining the military was my childhood dream.
I wanted to see the world and get an education. Worked to get a congressman elected. He went to Washington, I went to the Naval Academy. Graduated in 1954 as an ensign, graduated in 1961 from Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. Went to sea and saw the world. Naval Academy offers 3500 calories of healthy diet per day, 8 hours per day in classroom, 8 hours per day at physical exercise, and 8 hours of sleep each night, plus summer cruises to far away places. Great life. Now 90 years old and would do it over again.
I joined the United States Air Force as an immigrant and served 20 years retiring in 1995. I loved the Air Force and was stationed in Alaska and other bases. I became a citizen in 1983 and became an Air Force recruiter in the NPS ( non prior service) and eventually a medical recruiter. I also have a grandson currently serving in the Air Force. Thanks
I served in the US Army (and then later the Ohio National Guard) as a 12B combat engineer from 1985-1992. Regrets? Yeah I probably could have been a better soldier but I was young and full of energy. I got to see some of the world out there. Panama , Korea . It was all ball busting strenuous work but I am glad I did it. Met and married my wife of 35 years now and live in a house financed thru the VA loan. Met many good guys also , some of which I can still contact today. Go Army!
I joined the military because I was in an unhealthy relationship and I wanted to do something different with my life. Really enjoyed the time spent in Germany, Korea, Kansas, Washington State, and Virginia. Being a soldier was an experience of a lifetime, now reaping the benefit of having served, is even better!! I met lots of really cool people, some of whom I will never forget, such as Sgt Jones,
Sgt Pendergrass, Spc4 Brown, in Bamberg, Germany. Also, CTJones, in Bamberg. SFC Robert Lee McCrary, in Ft Lewis, Washington, was the best motor sergeant ever. Also Sgt Michael Hayes, in Tongduchon, Korea. ( Camp Casey).
V.N. veteran. Drafted in Jan. 68 got to nam in July came home early in May of 69 . In the field f.o. for 4.2 mortars based between chu chi and Cambodia border. Stayed in the field .I was rto 6 months the rest of the time spent in fie. I went awal when could not find Judy my wife. Found out I was divorced no home no boat no car no rod n reels. Nothing left I would not take all the money in the world for the experience. But would not wish it on anyone. Did my dutie and it cost me everything I loved. Could not get job for 5 yes. Ptsd issues got help in 96. 100% .from 70 to 96 was the worst time in my life. I’ve got good woman 51 yes. I’ve put her and my kids through he’ll a lot of times. Thanks for reading part of my life story PFC C.A. YOUNG THANKS FOR SERVING WITH ME. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. HAPPY DREAMS
I don’t have any regrates joying the Army. The Army took care of me and my family no matter where we were stationed! If I had the chance to do it all again I would!! I served 22 years in the Army and my family was with me me every step of the way. We are all here to tell our story! 2 1/2 yrs in California, 5 years of Europe, 11 months in Korea, as a Commissary Officer, 11 months in Colorado, one year at
Ft. Cambell, 8 1/2 years at Ft. Knox, three of those years as a Drill Sergeant!! I am Extremely Proud of my accomplishments and Pleased knowing the my family was well taken care of!! Thank you Jesus and our Military Organization!
After my 22 years of service, I was able to do what I truly joued the Army for, College! I initially joined te Army for the education benefits. After serving 22 years in the Army I was finally able to do what I joined for. I didn’t want my parents to pay for me to go to college so I joined for the education benefits. I now have my Bachelor Degree in Business Management. Yes, My Parents got to see me complete what I joined the Army to do, 22 years later! Thank You Lord!
I joined the Navy to see e my country I didn’t know about nam but. I found out about it a week after I got on my frist ship we spent 10,mosthere and then I went back and drove a patrol boat for13 mos nam was not a convental warand I am paying for it now just like a lot of other guys
I early April of 71. I Ed my. Dra*TN the Air Force notice My draft lottery number was 69.… rece i. Decided to en list in th3 Air Force. Left for basic on 19 April 71. I asked for and. Got approved for the med tech support pro am. Three months at Shepard AFB AND THEN W@ PCS’D TO TACHIKAWA M, JAPAN, FTHE WAS PCS’D TO CLARK IN THE PHILLIPINES. SPENT A YEAR THERE THEN WAS TRANSFERRED TO EDWARDS AFB,, CALIFORNIA WHERE I BECAME THE BARRACKS CHIEF. AND WARD MASTER. LOVED MY TIME IN THE SERVICE AND WAS ÄR ORRY TO BE D8SCHARGED
I joined the Air Force in September of 1978 and served on active duty, then went into the Air Force reserves and finally served in the California Air National Guard, retiring in 2018. I Saw several combat zones, went to many countries, met and made friends that I will never forget. I served to protect the belief’s of our country and I am proud of ever day of service. I was and still am, Proud to call myself an American and will proudly fly our great flag in my yard until the day I die.
I have few regrets having served in the military I was able to see much of the world, meet many interesting people, learn a trade, learn leadership skills and support my family. The military has also provided a retirement and health care for me and my family. My wife was the victim of medical malpractice in her early 20s by a few of the military doctors and has been disabled for much of her life. This made her ineligible to get SSi earn SS credits due to not being able to work. Also found that no matter if you are in the military or civilian life discrimination preferential treatment and circumventing the system was always a problem. The pay deployments, TDYs, housing and PCS moves were quite challenging to say the least. After retirement the friendships made monetary payments and health care are a great reward for those times. No regrets except for one.
In 1966 I lost my student deferment and became 1A, prime fillet for the draft. The choices at that time were to dessert to Canada and Lose your citizenship in disgrace or declare to be a conscientious objector or get a doctor’s note stating you have a bone spur (like Trump). I was not willing to go down that road. Instead, I was fortunate to enlist in the U.S. Navy Reserve. I’ve been rewarded with the GI bill & got a BA in business which led to a career. I’ve received loans to purchase a mortgage. I’m still receiving medical benefits. Finally, 2 WestPac tours on an Ammunition ship (during Viet Nam war) helped me realize what I could endure. I didn’t understand why we were there. I was glad I didn’t have to fight for my life or take a life.
I served during the Cuban crisis stationed in Iceland. I saw the Russian ships with the rockets laying on the deck as they sailed just south of Iceland. Didn’t know what they were until it was announced later that rockets had been delivered to Cuba.
Then in 1963 I was on leave in Rhode Island with my wife when my mother-in-law called me to see the TV. President Kennedy had been shot. All service personnel were told to report back to their base within 24 hours. I walked up to the corner, got the bus to Providence, then a train to NYC. At each destination there were personnel to help you get to your destination. Finally arrived at McGuire AF base and within a few hours I was on my way back to Iceland. Both of these incidents were life changing being n full alert and not knowing if war was coming. I am so proud of my service and the things I experienced and all he things I learned.
My youngest son served 20 years in the Navy. I am a proud father of a Master Chief Petty Officer. He flew in surveillance aircraft out of Japan.
Al Ortiz
I join the Army in the Vietnam era to defend our country, training, education and to focus for the future.
Same here!