Veterans, we are conducting a nationwide poll to see which military branch veterans think is best.
We know all branches are important and rely on each other to serve a unified mission. That said, we are curious your personal thoughts.
Please submit your answer below, thanks for voicing your opinion!
It was the Army that defeated the British. The Army that ended slavery and defeated the Confederate Army. It was the Army that primarily defeated he German Army in WWI and the Army that defeated landed on DDay and defeated Hitler. The Army made more amphibious landings in the Pacific against the Japanese and the Army that bore the most casualties in the Korean War. And it was the Army that remained in Vietnam until the end, the Army that won must of the decisive battles in Desert Storm and the Army that defeated Saddam Hussein’s Army.
I am a former Marine, so I would vote for the Marine Corps, but all the services are great, each in its own why of training. We all have to remember that we all respect each other and we all fought under the same FLAG. GOD bless American.
SFC Eli J. Turner: Eat Shit and bark at the MOON.
Without question, it’s the USAF. Great higher education opportunities, excellent assignments, stateside and overseas. Not to mention tremendous promotion opportunities. In general, the Air Force is a great way of life.
USAir Force is best because in the event of war, they send the officers off to fight while most of the enlisted stay safely home behind the lines.
This is a foolish question because each branch supports the other depending on the nature of the operation. Why should we ask the question, who is the better ? What is the point, arrogance ?
All of the branches are good. There are differences in all with respect to how they operate, treat their members, living conditions, rank is achieved, etc. All are for the same purpose. To keep America safe from would be perpetrators from anywhere in the world. Each has their own good parts and poor parts, but in the long run they all serve a much-needed service. All train young undisciplined people from all
walks of life turning them into grown up responsible adults (with a few exceptions) capable of returning to society with a much-needed different view of life, (With a few exceptions) who just did not make the cut for various reasons. All also have their faults in some respects, which are generally present in any large organization. Personally, I believe that all persons should be required to serve for a minimum length of time, for the exposure to life that just is not present overall in our normal lifestyles.
I agree with you 100 percent. God bless America 🇺🇸
I agree that all branches are equal but I have to say that certain areas of the army come from the Marine Corps. That is why I chose that branch. Don’t get me wrong or misunderstand me, I loved my army and army reserve career but it was due to the army adopting the infinity from the Marine Corps. All in all, every Branch in the military will always be the best. HOOOORAHH!!!!!
I know that each branch is of the upmost important in protecting this great country. Air, land and sea. However as a past recruiter where we did a lot of in services fighting trying to one up each other to get that qualified recruit. The Army Is The Best. Over 300 guarantee jobs. A 2-3-4-5 or 6 year enlistment. Station of choice. The But I digress.
All Branches are the best they work together for a common purpose my job was to support all the armed services in Vietnam
Everyone of these services are extremely important. I’m USAF, my deceased Army Special Forces brother is gone because of Agent Orange, I have many Navy friends, a Marine and Airforce best friend and Coast Guard friend and a Merchant Marine friend. Any boy or girl in a military uniform is my brother or sister. I lost many a Clemson ROTC buddy in Vietnam as well as numerous RF4C Phantom crews that I helped train. A rotten government then killed 60,000 of us for nothing and would NOT allow us to win. The current government gives not a damn about active military or Veterans Our upper eschelon.,leaders (Joint Chiefs) are political appointees-not real soldiers and are how to care and lead. The Secretary of Defense came out of a Cracker Jack box. It’s us people, We stand united against the Communists in this government and in the world, .OORAAAAA and Fly Higher!!!
Amen God Bless You I wish more people could see it
I think their all the best when called upon.
100% right. They’re all the Best!!
Yes, every branch of Our Military is the Best. My father WWII Veteran landed Dday Omaha Beach, Normandy was a motorcycle messenger. He was a Hero rescuing prisoners from 2 of the most notorious concentration camps. He just passed April 27th at the agevof 99 yrs old but I grew up with the utmost respect for our military. So, I thank each and every one of you in our military and all veterans Thank you for your service. USA MILITARY IS THE BEST EVERY BRANCH OF OUR GREAT MILITARY IS THE BEST.
Semper Fidelis-with you 100%.
Spent 3-yrs,10-mo. in USAF. Was given early out to go back to college. Can’t complain about my experience. I didn’t do anyting distinguished during my enlistment, but the VA benefits I’ve received have prompted me to “give back” to my country as much as I can to repay what I have been given. Part of my time was in Air Police which was as close to being a “real fighting man” as the Air Force has to offer, I think. For that reason, the branch of the military that I admire most is the US Marines, but I hasten to add that I don’t denegate any of the services. I think America would be better if ALL young men. — and at least SOME young women — served.
I agree with you to a certain degree, however I believe EVERYONE should have to serve at the minimum 4 years from the age of 18. The reason being is that the military forces you to grow up. I was 28 when I went into the Army, older than everyone else, I watched kids who had never even done anything in their lives become adult young men and women able to conquer any situation put before them! That’s why I believe everyone should have mandatory service for a minimum of four years. By that time they know if
they want to make a carrier of it or go to college. Thank you.
You might want to reconsider your comment about a “real fighting man” in the USAF. Anybody who flew US Aircraft in enemy territory during a time of conflict is indeed a “real fighting man”. The US Air Force almost single-handedly won Desert Storm I. (Navy aircraft were a big help as well.) As a former flyer, I will admit we were spoiled in peacetime, but then were told to expect 50% losses on Night One. No cozy job there!
I so agree with you. But all branches are part of the whole. I come from a family of Marines, sailors (I myself was a wave) and my sons followed suit. This made me very proud. But if I were to make a recommendation today I would advise them to go into Air force and finish college.
All services are good until that projectile comes at your ass.
All military services are necessary not just one!
You never know what way the enemy is coming from.
go to spend 3 yrs. in england
When the Army and the Navy look upon Heaven’s scenes they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines.
All due respect, Heaven’s streets don’t need guarding.
Yep The Marines are necessary. That is why they are a Department of the NAVY
Just so you know while you say the names of the different Services in your head. The Marine corps you would think was the size of the Army and Navy but in reality we are a little larger then the Coast Guard. You need a certain number of personnel in order to rate a Department. While the Marine Corps doesn’t meet that requirement they chose to place them in the Department of the Navy due to their Amphibious capabilities. They actually could of been placed in any Department except the Department that the Coast Guard falls under which is the Department of Transportation. I’m proud to have been in the Department of The Navy. Semper Fi
You are so right! I think everyone should be proud of what ever branch that they served in. But it is ok to prejudice toward your branch that you served. we are all brothers and sisters of the military. I was proud to be in the Navy. Met a lot of friends.
God Bless America !
Yep, the MEN’s Department!
Never ever let your child enlist in the F N navy. Those officers are stupid as a bowl of crap. You can not make officer as an enlisted member of the Navy but can in all the other services. Hell, right now I wouldn’t let them enlist in any of these WOKE military branches. even in dire situations. keep them by your side and out of this Fake Americas militaries ..I beg you all.
Not true in my case. E-1 to CWO-4 in 22yrs. Plus nuclear trained which allowed me excellent opportunities when I retired.
I knew plenty of prior enlisted officers and there was nothing wrong with them. Maybe it was personal attitude and opinion that got in your way..?
You are so wrong. I enlisted as an E-1 and 12 years later I was commissioned as an officer through the LDO program.
I was in the Navy on active duty for 10 1/2 years. Then later on went into the Navy Reserves for another 14 years and spent a year in the middle east. While I was in the reserves I finished my BS and MS degrees and then received a commission I was enlisted for 17 years and was ready to go up for E7 when I received my bars. I retired 7 years later as an 03-E. I made it up to CO/XO of different units and ALL of the enlisted personnel I had loved me. In fact, I wrote an award for an E6 who was a great leader in the unit and because of that award he was able to make E7. He retired as an E9. I know what it was like to be enlisted and yes, I seen a LOT of idiot officers. However, MOST of them were college graduates just coming in as a boot ensign with NO real world military experiencs.
Another GLENN begs to differ. My experience was a life saver.. I will never to be able to payback what the USN did for me. I was heading down the wrong path and thought “What do I have to lose”? I’ll tell you what I lost, I lost the smart ass, know it all punk, inside me. When that bus turned in to the parking lot at SDNTC and that BM! got on and started to yell I knew I was in the right place.. Four years later I left active duty as an E6, enrolled in a four year college, got a degree. I owe the USN.
I disagree with your comments regarding all Military Branches, but respect your right to voice your opinion. When a young man or woman puts their life on line to protect our country in any of the Service Branches they deserve our full respect and backing. If we need to improve the leadership then it’s our responsibility to have the political leadership make the necessary improvements to the services and service leaders. Therefore we must vote.
I served in the Army as a 1st Lieutenant. In the Transportation Corp. I was commissioned thru my College’s ROTC Program and served in Vietnam. My Step Brother was enlisted and also served in Vietnam. He was a Medic. He was killed in action. His men and leadership had the highest respect for him and most of all he served our country even though it was an unpopular war.
Woke military? Your koolaid is tainted! Those spreading those missives never even served.
Though I served in the Army, I think The Marines have it the roughest.
Being a Marine is a piece of cake, if you don’t mind getting your ass shot off. Semper Fi!
I served 22 years in the USMC and I loved it. I was on the Marine Corps Boxing Team and I am a member of the USMC Hall Of Fame Boxing Team. and The North and South Carolina Boxing Hall Of Fame
So True…But in the Navy we say “Any Port In A Storm”..
There is no right answer. Each military branch cannot fully function without the other. But when my bias side kicks in it’s gonna be the USAF. Look at Desert Storm…it was finished before it even began. Bombs bursting in the air/death from above…it’s no joke. Fighter jets and bombers makes them lose their will to fight because it’s true it’s 10% physical and 90% mental. ✌🏽✈️
I love the army I spent 27 years in My last year & 1/2 in Kuwait & Iraq. My son was there with me in the same unit. I was proud to have worked with the Marines, Navy & Air Force during that time. My wife & both of my sons are in the army, and my father & brother also serve in the army. I was with the 95th military Police, we supply security for convoys moving through Irag. We had the Navy and Air Force.
teams that volunteer to do missions with us & they did an outstanding job…So I believe each branch is unique. in there on way
It was an experience I will never forget.
All are great……….
Marine Corps, we’re all trained the same and even the elite have a final resting place. And we don’t need patches to prove ourselves.
Retired Air Force. Did 21 years and have been retired 7yrs now. Good training that paid off to this day on the “outside” as well as helping the wife and kids and I attain various educational degrees and certifications.
“Aim High”
I think the AIR FORCE was the best for me. I got an Electronic school flr 1248 Hours and pretty much set up my career after my enlistment was over..
Richard Tuggle
I was in the army ’68-’69 with the 196th. We had a pretty good rep until the Americal was formed with us & other brigades. during TET, we were brought in 8 clicks on foot & under fire most of the way to Tam Key and through to Chu Lai. I voted Marines as best because they are First-in when it came to major battles. Usually it was Marines, then Airborne & then us as we hop-scotched through fire support bases. The saying is true Marines first, then they Army holds ground, but other than FSBs, no ground taken was never held in that fiasco of a war. My brother hit country in April & I got reassigned to protect the 93rd MPs with patrols outside the city, guard the Ammo dump half-way to Pleiku, and rotate liaisons with the Rocs for artillery strikes. Home at the end of Oct ’69 At Ft Gordon . I was in charge of a company barracks & scheduled KP, fire watch, and bldg inspections. I finished my stint in SEADOC as transportation Sgt, getting all manner of civilian politicians from senators through Governors & reserve officers from Generals on down. At times I was filling e-8 slots & never got a dime higher than my 11-Bravo e-4 pay. I lost out on hard 5 in Nam when a 90-day wonder didn’t like the way I sat in a chair during the tests (which I aced). Then I was promised hard 5 and e-6 within 90 days if I re-upped as a drill Sgt. By that time I had had it with the military and separated. When I landed in CONUS, I was hounded as a “baby-killer” among other choice titles. 25 years later in Las Vegas I was on a heli-tour and the pilot said “thank you for your service”. I was so shocked that tears came to my eyes. I didn’t know how to react or what to say. To this day, while I’m grateful for recognition: it is still Too little and WAY too late…..
Cry me a f***ing river!
Shut up!!!!
Clean up your language.
Do you need your diapers changed? did’um popu in him little diaper
OMg ! What the F is wrong with you ? Why would you say that to any solider . Especially the ones who came home and were disrespected. Something I will never understand. Appreciate every single one of you.
Well said USMC
SEMPER FI 1962 to 1968 viet nam chu lai 1966
I did 6years in the Army but I voted for the Navy because of the Seals they are the ultimate war machine!
Right on brother.
Rangers lead the way
I am a Air Force veteran, and I head a tastic career, they have excellent schools for your children, daycare, and programs for your spouse if she prefer, and I voted for the Air Force to me, is one of the best services in this country
Concur, I retired with 26 years in the Air Force and loved every minute of it,
I did 24. People realize that everyone couldn’t be Air Force so they had to get in where they fit in!
I agree! We did 21 yrs.
I was in the Air Force for four years two years in Japan two years in Hawaii. Probably the best four years of my life. Even though it was the time of war in Korea, I played baseball for four years, two years in Japan, two years in Hawaii it was fantastic.. The closest I got to the actual war was when I volunteered along with a bunch of other guys to look for an USAF jet that went down in the South China Sea.
One of the most ridiculous surveys EVER! The branches cannon be meaningfully compared because, BECAUSE they each have totally different missions, training requirements, personnel requirements, equipment, They work together (sometimes), play together (occasionally) and when necessary, fight and die together.
But which one is the best? Stupid question.
The United States Army, of course. The senior service.
All military are all the best
Facts Family 👪
Iam a 13yr Navy Veteran, Aviation Boatswains Mate 2nd Class. All branches are Excellent. As well Iam a 2yr Army Reserve Veteran Spec.E-4. My service to Country means everything. We need all the soldiers, sailors. Airguardmen, Coastguard Men and Women we can get. Our freedom and Safety is everything. I’d do it another 13 to 30yrs again. God bless…
I like the womens core. They let me eat their pussy.
TVThey are different, they complement each other. They are all very good, all that stands between our country and the deep blue sea.
Outstanding Your Right
That is the ONLY correct answer!!
Globe and anchor, the only service. Since 1776.
USMC is the best, which we have proven over & over.
Marines 1775
“policing the whole damned world since 1775”
correct Gary
USMC 1957-1980
loved every second 3 VN tours
I see that BUTT HEAD steve owens is letting his mouth run loose, with his mind in neutral again. Let’s face it. Poor guy has no class
The best branch will probably be whichever the poll-er served in. No big surprise there.
Non-served people will vote Marines because they are just awesome. This is coming from a 24 year retired veteran..
That being said, Space Force people should just vote Marines and try to regain a tiny bit of cool factor..
I am a air force vet but I voted for the Marines
Next time don’t score so high.
The best branch of Service is of the one you served in GO ARMY
I agree with you, I was thinking the same thing, everybody does not want to do the things in the AF ,I am glad people want to do all kinds of jobs.
All military branches are great! Most people are going to say whatever branch they served in, to be number one. That is because they love what they are accustomed to.
I retired from the Air Force, went to Army technical training schools and lived on several Army bases. Back then in the 60’s, living on an Army base was not peaches and cream. I had a lot of fun running, shooting the M1 Carbine, good ole Army chow, es spirit de corp, the NCO clubs, field exercises and a lot of other are. Both branches were super to me.
All are great
4th Marines regiment Vietnam front lines the DMZ with the ninth Marines 26th Marines wrote a journal of the battle Conthien while waiting to go home finally read after so many years 1200 artillery rounds we counted one day. where else do they put Marines The best OORAH
They all have different advantages and disadvantages. I was Army 20 years making rank was much faster. This was money factor for all services. Example I made E-6 in 61/2 years finished all ranks in 15. The difference was I didn’t kiss anyone’s ass, I kicked everyone’s ass as an infantryman. Yes MARINES went in first We waited to see where the enemy was hiding knowing where the MARINES were going and where enemy fire came from. We used artillery, mortar, tanks, and air support before going into enemy trerritory. We had the intelligence for battle using resources available. The MARINES used their so called military grotesque YELL letting enemy know their location. We were forced to carry extra body bags for the gung ho get killed we can stop bullets the MARINES way! huahh not rah!
I agree, because we can’t all go in first. Some one has to go in first and some one has to stay in the rear with gear eating that fine Army chow. (Although the Air Force and to some extent the Navy have the best chow halls)
The Air Force personnel are the smart ones – they send their officers in to fight while the Enlisted hang back in support (;>)
“Semper Fi” is motto used in the Marine Corp. I know that every branch in our military is faithful to our great nation. I have seen it and experienced it. We all make up the U.S. Armed Forces which is the best in the world since the start of it all. We all gave some, but some gave all. To all our men and women serving right now, THANK YOU for your service. God Bless you all and God Bless the USA!
Nam 1968 – 1969
Thank You
The Army is the best!
Don B
71/2 years, 1961-1968
Thankfully still to be alive .
Germany 4 years, Nan 31/2years
1st Air Cav. Rocket Art.
2 Tour
I agree all branches are important. I am partial to the Air Force, since that is what I enlisted in to serve my country. It was an honor to serve and I would not change a thing.
Every service is needed and when all act together we have the strongest military in the world.
how would the Marines get where they are needed without the Navy or the Air Force? How would the Air Force or Navy protect their bases without the Army or Marines?
What are the criteria for the “best” service? Most battles were won during WWI and WWII. Highest body count during Vietnam?
The best treatment of the officers and enlisted in their Service?
I served in the USAF during Vietnam (although had it been in existence then I would have been serving in the Space Force. I received my commission through ROTC and earned two Air Force Commendation medals. One in 1971 for Outstanding Achievement and a second one in 1972 for meritorious service. For me, the Air Force was by far the “best” service since it took advantage of my University training in flying Space Satellites under James van Allen, the discoverer of the Van Allen radiation belt. I would have been equally proud to have served in any of the other services. In my view, the only best service is when all of the services work together.. I left the Air Force in 1972 during the post-Vietnam reduction in forces as a USAF Captain.
I joined the Women’s Army Corps in 1964. My mother was a WAC during WWII; my father was in the Air Force. I grew up knowing I would enlist after I graduated from high school and, sure enough, mom had me down to the recruiting center in Los Angeles less than a month after my graduation. I retired in 1995. Am proud of my military 🪖 service and proud of all women who served or currently serve in ANY force.
Thank you for your service. I spent 3 years and 48 days in the Army from August 1972 to September 1975
Michele, thank you for your service! I realize that falls way short of recognizing the job you did and the 40 years you worked to save the rest of us! There are no words to express my thankfulness for your gift. Bless you!
Michele, thank you for your service! I realize that falls way short of recognizing the job you did and the 40 years you worked to save the rest of us! There are no words to express my thankfulness for your gift. Bless you!
I also served in the WOMENS ARMY CORP
1961-1965. Loved every minute. In the Medical Corp.. Basic in Alabama, medical at Fort Sam Houston, Ft Riley Kansas. And finally Frankfurt, Germany. Specialist Five
Airman here…While I love my branch of service. WE ALL collectively are the BEST in the business of what we do! We all have a specific and critical role in defending this great Nation. We are great independently and unstoppable when working together! I salute all my brothers/sisters in arms.
Well said brother, I am a Navy veteran, and I completely agree with you
As a U.S. Army helicopter pilot, I got to fly members of all branches to places some of us never want to return to — but for sure, all of the service members were very loyal to one thing — and that thing was loyalty to their COUNTRY !!!!!
Agree amen
We are and have been a very successful TEAM comprised of representatives across all military services! To pick out one service is an insult to all of us who have contributed whatever amount of time we served the Nation! Using a “line” commonly used in sports, “It takes everyone on the TEAM to execute their assignment to accomplish a win or execute a successful mission.” Although I only served for two years, I enjoyed every minute I proudly wore the uniform, proudly saluting a superior as well as returning a salute from a lower classman. I’m sure my parents were elated when I returned from my tour in Vietnam, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that although I feared for my life every minute I was “In country,” I thoroughly enjoyed the safe tour as well as all the great Teammates I served with! We ARE the greatest TEAM in the world, bar none!
I had the pleasure of working with many Branches; Active Duty, Guard and Reserves over my 26 year carrier in the Air Force. As many have said it takes all to get the Job done and each have their time as the Best. We’re the Greatest Military hands down.
Great answer…we are one family
I also agree. We are only at our best when all the services act together. How do the Marines get where they are going without the U.S. Navy? How does the Army know where the enemy may be hiding without the Air Force and Space Force?
Together we are the most potent armed forces in the world. We depend on each other and need to work together to achieve the strategic objectives laid out for each service.
I served in the U.S. Air Force during Vietnam. If it had existed then, I would have served in the Space Force. I did achieve the rank of Captain, USAF and was given two commendation medals one for Outstanding Achievement and a second one for meritorious service.
I look back at that time with fond memories of working with other services to get our objectives reached.
I was appointed by the Pentagon USN to American Embassies Defense Attache in Jakarta and Manila with Col John Kizirian INF USAF performing reconnaissance on Russian Diplomats aiming nuclear missiles at American interests abroad. Effective execution required collaboration with my brothers from all military branches.
I am Proud and Still am Proud to have Served in The United States Marine Corps and always will be and All Branches Help One Another NO Matter The Differences because We are All ONE called The United States Armed Services and God Bless All Who Served and this Great Country of The United States of America
Very true and well said.
Semper fi always
Agree that we all work together for our combined benefit
Agree 100%.
Very true. Semper Fi
I was very happy in the Navy and retired. I have been married for over 50We years to an Army Officer who was a nurse. We would do it over again.
All the branches of the US Military are the best and need each other to protect this country and need to be their Best. Vietnam Veteran
You’re right! Every branch needs the other in order to be the most effective fighting force!!! We each bring something unique to the table. God Bless all who’ve served and are serving 🙏🏼
I served in the army. The 82 airborne.If I could do it again in a heart beat. 1961_65
When you think about it, your right because it takes all of the military branches working together. I was stationed at MacDill AFB the headquarters of the Strike Command made up of all the military branches.
I served in the U.S. Navy and I worked in A.I.M.D., Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Department. I served on the U.S.S. Inchon (LPH)-12. I served on the Inchon from September 1982 till November 1984. I was very fortunate to travel all over Europe. It was an amazing experience, being able to go to so many Countries. When I finished my time in the Navy, I went into the Army reserve.
You know the old saying, Sailor’s have more fun!!!
Amen to all you Brothers and Sisters that have served Our Great Country!
I severed in the Navy on the USS POCNCE LPD-15, then the Navel Resveres then switched to the Army
Military Police retired out between both services with 30 years under my belt. Worked for the Defence Department and the Army Corps of Engineers another 6 years.
Never heard that shot, fired in anger, God Bless all my brothers USMC 59-63 I was ready but not called. I did float around Cuba for 2 weeks but sorry could not plant a 30. on Castros ugly face.
All my brothers who served I salute you!!!!!
Being a Vetreran of the Gulf War, and the conflict in Somolia, I have to say I believe the Navy Is the best branch for one simple fact,
The Navy Is the only Branch that is experts in all areas. Land, Sea, and Air. Navy Have the most elite fighting force in the world with the Navy SEAL teams. The navy Has the best Aviators, who must be able to land on a moving Landing area that is moving and is not very large. And of course in the sea who else can compare
Like they all say brother we can’t do it with out the other all one. Delta is number 1 with seal team 6
God bless y’all thank u for ur service to this great country of ours
when you look at the history you will see that the smallest is the best USMC when the army cant do their job they send in the corp like okinawa korea all the small island that the army give up on the tet off ense of 1968 the cities of Iraq and all the other battles of so called freedom when we go into area of killing it is the corp that has done the job when we land the enemy thinks twice about fighting the corp the whole world doesnt care about the army GOD BLESSS THE CORP
I appreciate all the branches of the military they all had a job to do. Tks to all that served no matte what branch we were in.
I appreciate all branches of the military but being a veteran of the United States Army and served in Vietnam and Desert Storm I think the Army is the best branch of service.
Tha marines are unleashed and unrestricted to pursue the enemy with ordinance needed to get the job done; whereas the Army have to call to fire on the enemy.
There is (in my opinion) no ‘best’ branch of service. Each is designed and or structured to accomplish a variety of missions based on the situation and or threat. Each service can also effectively operate in a variety of climates and terrains; although be it for limited periods of time. The branches compliment each other very well; in turn making this country the very good country that it currently is. I am an Army Retiree and loves my branch more than any other branch. However, being fortunate to have participated in a few joint service operations during my 20 plus years…I have no ‘Best Branch’.. Outline the mission and I’ll do my best to let you know which branch I think is ‘best suited’ to achieve that mission.
“Go Army”
The army’s a bounch of Boy Scouts!!! I’m a retired U.S. Marine!!! We’re 247 yrs old 10 Nov. 2022!!! Never ever lost our colors in combat. The Army can’t claim that at all!!!
Marine was the first sound when the shit hit the fan! Army has special forces, Marine is just a marine. LOL.
Why u bring up stupid stuff who cares we are all one dam be for real dud
Ya marines lowest asvab
Scores to be a marine
They take any body Lol
Hey marine I am gonna throw so sand against the wall hit the beach lol
The Army has the fastest promotions.
The Air Force has the best living and food.
The Marines has the best dress uniform.
The Navy has bell bottoms.
The Space Force has the Universe
And when Space Force gets jammed up or needs a landing party to establish a perimeter and a secure position, they’ll do what’s been done for 247 years…call in the Marines!
Although I am an Army veteran, I feel all branches of services are commendable and are worthy of recommendation.
The Marines are without a doubt the best. Even First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt said so!!
Not this time what difference it make we are one
Yes I am a marine
Semper Fi brother and sister
Nicely put. I’m a disabled veteran Marine, I feel the same way brother thanks for your service, commitment to our country and your family.
Yes, absolutely I feel the same as well. God and Country
Same to you my brother
Yes…all of the branches are just the same….no matter how you look at it….1 without the others will not work
There are the best in every branch
If you can make it through marine boot camp , that’s said s it all!!!
I am army but All branches support each other.
Army’s a bounch of “Boy-Scouts!!!!”
What does that make you a girl scout? All branches are equal. We fight for the same cause FREEDOM.
That is the only right answer that can be made!!!
I think the Marines are great, but as a U.S. Army veteran, I think the Army Airborne Rangers are some of the best soldiers in the U.S. Military, and of course Delta Force.
Which military branch is the best is a stupid poll! Having served a full career (U.S. Army) and worked with uniformed members of every branch in domestic and international assignments, each branch has amazing talent and strong resolve. Neither branch is better than the other.
Right !!!
the marines are the firs ones to hit the beach in times of war
Just Remer while you are hiding behind the ramp on the Mike boat a coast guardman or navy man is stealing the boat with about half his body exposed
Throw some sand against the wall tell the marines to hit the beach. All in fun my brother we are all one usa #1
Although I’m an Air Force vet All services have their good points. I truly believe there should be a nationwide draft . I’m so proud to have been a. Air Force veteran anc was a weatherman. A High end job
Yes on the draft, we need to start teaching our young men in this country to be men
I feel the same way! They are all the best, I served in the Army and Air Force , I put 24 years in Uniform and a dozen deployments. Served with every branch in Iraq ,
Absolutely !
I am a Vietnam Army Veteran who served four tours in Vietnam.
My Father and Mother were both Veterans. My Dad was in the Navy and my Mom was in the Army Air Core.
I call bullshit! You weren’t anything and still aren’t
Shut ur pie hole he’s got a right to speak so shut and let him talk
This is the USA they are here to preserve our FREEDOM.
Absolutely !
None. The way this country treated active and the way the VA treats vets I wouldn’t join again
I can relate to your feelings, however, politics aside, each of us thinks our own branch is the best and we all eat the right to brag. However, we all would defend each of us to the death, if necessary, as we are all family, brothers & sisters.
We all have the “right”
I didn’t think we had another branch other than the Navy ( lol) I did 12yrz loved it
Navy are you kidding me? Those Popeyes uniforms where you button your pants in the rear. Can’t figure that out.
Were all great..thanks god we have many…
—–Neutral ——
I totally agree. Every branch is equal. We all served and did our jobs to our full capacity. We may joke amongst ourselves about which is better, but we would defend and back our brothers and sisters no matter what branch they are in. We are one branch united!
Ok I’d have to agree 100
Right! Being former Navy I (of course) voted for the Navy since that is the service I am most acquainted with; but to be honest every service is the best at what they do.
Served in the Navy 24 years. I took my training with Hospital Corpsman at Balboa Naval Hospital Corps School. I took extra training for field surgery and amputations. Never know when it could save a soldiers life. I did 2 tours in Vietnam. Proud to have been able to save as many lives as I did. Without my training with the Navy, I would not have had the extra training to do so.
Since I was drafted and served in the Army, I have no way to compare which branch of the service is best! They all are great. I do know that the Air Force had better chow in RVN than the Army.
It does not take a genius, rocket scientist, or Supreme Court to decide disability of any kind should be determined when the disability occurred and not when administrative paperwork filed by vet or when decision is made by the VA. This is just common-ass sense – a trait both VA and Supreme Court often lack. For example, when a vet suffers loss of a limb, it happened on a specific day and specific time, yet VA establishes date to begin any compensation paid to that vet to be a day determined and set by VA that can be months or years from day vet actually suffered loss of limb. We all know using our “common sense” the day that vet suffered loss of limb is when compensation should begin and it should be retroactive.
As usual, this is going to wind down to “show me the money” because thousands of vets will be impacted. VA has known for eons that they have been screwing the vets with their BS of starting compensation based on administrative determination by VA because such decision has saved billions $$$. Also, as usual, Congress has been sleeping at the money switch. Yes, this will be a very interesting case to watch and see if Supreme Court has the balls (including the ladies) to decide in favor of this vet as it should be. Their fear is opening the door to so many other deserving vets and cost implications. I think Supreme Court will kick the ball back to Congress because of money considerations. Their rationale will be intent of Congress. The track record of a politically charged Supreme Court has not been very good in recent decades, so we hold our breath on this case
Very Respectfully,
Bob Warren
Don’t get ma started. I have had a number of surgeries ( o errors 20) , now I am playing the pain med game. I hear “thank you for your svc,but it really means a lot of times, thank you for job security.
But yet they will hand out billions to illegal immigrants who come here on day 1
That’s the correct answer…not one or another. It’s LAND, SEA, and AIR…and SPACE! Absent this combined, well planned coordinated operational phases of battle field deployment…doubt if Our forces would gain any advantages…in fact, absent one of these elements, I’m sure The USA fighting brand would suffer greatly, like in Pusan, South Korea. Or Battle of the Buldge, WWII. Combination of all military might…with capable leaders. Amen. God Bless America. and her Veterans. Amen.
That is true what you said about chow. I was in the Army near Fairchild AFB and we loved to eat at the Air Force mess. Th cooks in the Army butchered the meals as given in the hand book for Army personnel.
The Best military Forces is THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES,
THE BEST IN THE WORLD….BAR NONE ! You can’t find any Better
Amen and amen
Got that right, we even have a Psalms 144 for all the Veterans, not just one branch, America ain’t America because of the politics, it is because of our Veterans.
In the Air Force during the Vietnam era, we had very good food, our Barricks were like a hotel room, it’s just a better place to be in military service
I was in before that I agree with you
I went to do my duty but every brand of service is good. I decided it was my duty to go
I served for the Marines and fought long beside the army and the Navy and Air Force we will always be the best United in battle
I served in the Navy So I am a little partial towards the Navy, as I see it the Navy does it all Land See and Air, some of the best Aviators are Naval Aviators, However that being said, As a whole all the branches are the best, It all depends on what you are looking for when you choose to serve, as I read above As a group the united states armed services can not be be out done. We are all brothers and sisters in arms defending this nation. I am proud to say that I served my country. I am a Gulf War Vet. god bless all those who served before me as well as those who serve now.
We are all partial to the branch we served. You nailed it correctly when you said “As a whole all the branches are the best.”
We need them all to keep American Safe and Great. AND WELL TAKEN CARE OF FOR BEST EFFECT.
Amen brother
All my fellow Marines are brothers and sisters. All of the other branches are cousins. We are all part of a large family that served these United States. Semper Fi
We are all the best one as a combine force
their is non above the combine US Forces .
Getting to woke. Have to turn into a militia, so keep your rifles don’t let govt take away
The Navy was my home and my fathers home and we both seemed to like our tours. My father saw way more than I as he was a coreman on Guamm during the war with the Japinese.. Boy did he have some stories and he got wounded as well, but survived. He was attached to the Marinens.
Your father went green side, no wonder he survived. J/k love my corpsmen. Semper Fi!!
Absolutely well said.
The modern day Air Force along with other great branches that we support are the greatest force in the world.
Well, After the marines, its hard to say which is the best, just a coin toss I guess
That right Always faithful
I joined the Marine Corps when I was in college and all able men (and boys) were required to serve in the military. I chose the PLC program (Platoon Leader Class) which you may, or may not, know was one choice among Army ROTC, Navy, etc. available to college students. Until I went to MCRD San Diego and Quantico in the summers of 1949 and 1950, I did not realize that this program was favored by college athletic coaches since you were only active in the summer. At 5’6″ I acquired the nickname “Mouse” among many very large fellow marines. In late 1950 I turned 20 and the North Koreans invaded the south. I dropped out of college and became a Naval Aviation Cadet, got my golden wings as a jet/attack pilot in the Corps, and have always felt like one of the family when around other Marines, both active and retired. officers and enlisted. I think Marines, me included, just “assume” that the Marine Corps is the “best” service organization even if it irritates soldiers and sailors.
We all served our country no matter which branch. Thank you all for your service and God bless the ones who gave all.
Back at you comrade.
I could not have said it better—and YES God bless those who gave it all.
Jim—– Orland Park IL
Since most veterans are likely to choose the branch in which they served, this isn’t really much of a survey. Each of the branches serves a different function (If I need air support, I’m not calling the Coast Guard). Each does a great job at carrying out its mission and is best at what they do.
Opinions are like posteriors everybody has one. Too bad to single out one. They are all the best in what they do for our Great Nation. I do not put one before the other. They all have an important function and do it well. Every Branch has had at least one Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. Honor them ALL!
You said it brother
I marked Army not because it is the best. I was only in the Army. The Army was a Very big mistake for me. I was a JROTC in highschool, expected more from the chain of command most of the time they did not know thier head from their ass.
Sounds like you should have formed your owned branch of service, since you seemed to be smarter than your whole chain of command! Who in your unit were willing to follow you?
Very efficiently written story. It will be valuable to everyone who utilizes it, as well as me. Keep doing what you are doing – can’r wait to read more posts.
All of the branches have lowered their standards and it is very sad. I am a Ret Sgt and have 2 sons still in and 1 out as a wounded warrior. I really hope that my grandkids do not join this beauty parent, benefits only military. Bring back the old military. Every one is treated the same. No hair below collar, no altered female uniforms and the old hard core basic training.
I totally agree, welcome to the new military…..
I truly respect all the services – and did serve in two joint assignments – ( navy/army) in my 20 yrs in the USAF – in 68/69 in Laos crossed paths with the best in special forces. Our country has been blessed by the dedication and professional men and women that have served and are now serving. God bless them all
God Bless All Who have served period.
Semper Fi Marine !!
Semper Fi
What! All branches are the best, because they all have the best of the best. I served in the Air Force from 1957-63 and one of my brothers also served in the AF in Vietnam and another brother served in the Army, and a cousin in the Paratroopers in Korea, and a second cousin lost his life in WWII . All deserve praise and honor! Along with my military time, and civil service time, I have spent nearly 50 years serving our nation, and proud of it!! (BTW, I’m 82, and still working full time for Uncle Sam)
God Bless All Who Served!
I, for one, totally agree….they all get my vote
I must 100% agree , ( ALL ) that served there country in any and ( all ) Brache’s of the military, must ( all ) be commended for their service, I for one was a Crew Chief on the C-141’s, as well as flew with them world wide, at only 18-20 years of age,. for me with all the tremendous responsibilities I had at that time in my life, plus being able to see the world at such a young age has given me a positive outlook on life. 1965-1969..
We are all the same Americans
All branches were set up to protect the United States and we all served at the discretion of the President and the chain of command.
They all have pluses and negatives; more so now that we have a weak “WOKE” chain of command!! I served during the Vietnam war; and in Desert Shield; Desert Storm and also several tours in Iraq and a tour in Afghanistan.
100% Agree . All the brave Men and Women deserve a Welcome Home!!!! Thank You For Your Service!!!!
All branches serve the country by their mission. I used to think that of the FBI, but not now.
The USCG is by far is the best at giving the most back to the tax payers .for their money. I spent 8 years in the Coast Guard and for 3.5 years helping to balance the spending. I was at one life boat station that had seven rescue boats and a huge infrastructure to maintain on as little as $100 a month!!!! (1966)
As a paratrooper/infantry Vet ( 82nd Airborne Div-Dominican Republic 1965) ( Ist Cavalry Div – Vietnam 1966) —– Purple Heart & 80% Disab & lots of bad memories !!!! I would DO IT ALL AGAIN !!! & My deep respect , admiration & gratitude for ALL WHO HAVE SERVED !!!!!
Thank you for your kind comments about all of us that have served. I dedicated 41 years of my life to our country by serving in the United States Army.
I feel all males and females must be required to serve a minimum of two years in service to their country.
This is REAL Democracy in action.
Service at age 18 required for all.
They do that in Israel. Except for invalids.
Great idea, get some respect from them
Agree. It will teach them real life skills and be accountable, be on time, attention to detail, and respect too. I joined the Navy at 21 yrs old back in 1979 and served on both active and reserves, made 1st class Storekeeper petty officer during my time of which I am proud of. Many countries have required service.
Um, no. Compulsory servitude is not the American way. It’s like saying “go to jail” because it will rehabilitate you, and we all know how much that doesn’t work. Putting our volunteer troops in potential danger because some nut job that doesn’t want to be there is crazy. Our best and brightest would also be burden with keeping some snot nosed 18 year old in check because he can’t, or won’t, do the job. Our Military prison’s will be overflowing…you know, for rehab…ugh!
Say what?
That flies in the face of us who were drafted and served in Vietnam. We were, for the most part, snot nosed 18 teen year olds
Did you serve in the military? Do you really know what you’re talking about? I beg to differ with you on your comments. I am not asking you to agree with me, but simply understand that I believe that you are wrong.
Wrong my Mother had me drafted at 17 during the Vietnam war. Never been to jail and trust me I was heading that way until I got drafted. I don’t know maybe it was getting shot at that woke me up. And not let us forget there are folks that are higher in rank or bigger and all get into trouble when someone messes up.They will take care of them..
Yep, this should be done.
I joined the Army at 17, turned 18 in basic, turned 19 in Iraq.
Everything I learned has been a great help to me later in life
I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, I believe that serving in the military should be a top qualification for anyone running to become the Commander in Chief.
Yes indeed.
Just like Israel.
I served on the USS Norton Sound AVM-1 the NAVY first ship!
We all serve under the same flag. To me there is no best we are all soldiers.
Of course every member of the service is going to say their branch was the best,but the truth is anybody who served is a hero, doesn’t matter what branch we served in.Unfortunately our country is in bad shape,but we a know who is screwing it up.Do not ever let them take our guns away,we just might need them.
No we are definitely going to need them things are going right now
No one serve’s is better than the other its what you do in any of them that’s make you a better person for you and the country we fight to up hold the consititution
I agree all branches have their uniqueness.
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Navy by far best trained pilot
Airforce best service support and personnel support.
Army pilots are robots and cannot think out side the box
Curt I have a very good friend that was a retired Mohawk pilot and he did 3 tours in Nam. And has the military papers to back what he did. Tks to all of us that went to Nam as 18 and 19 year old kids and did what we had and what we were trained to do. We had no idea what war would be like. Thanks all my brothers and sisters that went and did you job. And if your tradition this Welcome Home B&S
Much love Army 68-69 Central Highlands
Enlisted in the Illinois ANG Oct. 1962 for 21 years. Followed by USAFR for almost 11 years in the IMA program. During that time 3 Air Force Bases closed resulting in no assignments available for my AFC,Instruments, Autopilot and Compass Systems.
While in the Air Guard we provided in flight refueling for USAF aircraft using KC97 refueling aircraft so the Air Force KC135’s could support the Vietnam mission.
While in the USAFR was transferred to the retired reserves for another 5 years.
As I see it today all branches of military have their place to help protect our country.
Yes all are important to our country. I spent 23 years with the 108th support battalion out of I’ll. Retired now. I missed them when I retired. May you enjoy what’s left of life. Stay healthy. Good by bro.
I was blessed to have served Army Rangers 75th Ranger regiment, SOPs. Phenomenal, though rigerous training, be it underwater, from fixed wings, or coming off the skids you, and your time were working as one, from the primary, and the secondary objectives, mission accomplished…. I miss my brothers in arms. I thank each, and every one of you for your dedication, and service. GOD Bless.
If it weren’t for the Army, I wouldn’t have lived in Germany for 2.5 years. Also, wouldn’t have been stationed at Ft. Bragg. Two of the best experiences of my life.
All Military branches of the United States. Retired U S N
I am a retired army veteran of Vietnam war government is not taking very good care of us Vietnam vets I would like for them to do a whole lot more I am tired of them just overlooking us and putting us on the back burner I’ve been retired from the army reserve sense 1994. I retired as a E7, I was drafted in 69 and went to Vietnam in 70 and came out in 72. Went into the reserve in 73 and came out retired 94.
There was nothing better for me than sitting in the cockpit of an F4E Phantom II. I maintained the Radar and weapons control systems. Every time one of “my birds” took off to go To North Viet Nam on a bombing mission I knew they would be using the systems I made sure would get the ordinance on target and protect them from the Migs. What was the best though was when they came back from supporting the Marines and Army on the ground. The F4E was loved by our men on the ground. When we would talk to those guys the Phantoms had bailed out they couldn’t say enough about the “Zoomies” being there for them.
1966-1070 USAF Sgt Viet Nam MOS 46250 Weapons Load & Arm Crew Chief on the best damn airplane in the services….the Phantom experience in my life….(Next to my wife!!)
Date Correction 1966-1970
I’m a Army Viet-nam vet Ranger but as much as I loved serving in the Army I really like the navy because I love the Aircraft Carriers and Subs and I would have liked to have been on an Aircraft Carrier or a Submarine. Maybe in my next life I’ll have a chance to do it…. better yet maybe I’ll pilot a ship like Hans Solo’s Millennium Falcon Now that would be cool
My son is a submariner. He was just recently out of Pearl Harbor for the last four years. He’s an Annapolis grad as well.
Enlisted in the Navy. Went to corps school. Spent three years with Mariners. Best time from 1969 to 1972. FMF always there
Marines in Texas have the Hazel Wood act ! Paid my daughter’s way thru college!! talk about taking care of your own !! Simper Fi . Best thing i ever did in my life
I was a Army truck driver in Nam from 67 to 68 came back broken. But the Government has put two of my kids through College. Was born on an Air Force Base and grew up on one. I to was drafted in 1966 came home 1969 broken .
They are ALL the best. As a retired Army officer and Vietnam vet I worked with all of them we work together for ONE purpose. TO KEEP THE UNITED STATES SAFE!!
Amen brother!
Very true, but the Army kind of manages operations as you well know
I agree with you; they are all great.
I agree
Amen to that!!
I agree all of them are Best
I couldn’t agree more! I was Air Force, 27 years, E-1 to O-5 but worked with all the services! In my experience, those that have been around joke with each other in person but defend all our Brothers and Sisters when someone is downplaying one or another! We are a Team!
Heya i am for the first time here. I came across this board and I find It truly useful & it helped me out a lot. I hope to give something back and aid others like you aided me.
16 YRS. Coast Guard. Semper Paratus
I spent 10 yrs Active Army! 82-92. Left as E-6 SSG! It’s all I know! Regret most Days I didn’t stay and do 20+. I have lifetime friendships as a result! I LOVE the U.S. ARMY!
Coast Guard all the way.
U S ARMY 1776
This dеsign is stеlⅼer! Yoᥙ definitely know how to keep
a reader amused. Between yoᥙr wit and your videos, I was almoѕt moveɗ to start my own blog (well, аlmost…HaΗa!)
Wоnderful joƅ. I really ⅼoved what you had to
say, and more than that, hoᴡ yoᥙ presented it. Too cool!
They are all the best . No matter which branch you served in to protect our country. thank you for your service everybody.
ED you are very correct, if you have the mind set about the military life which I myself I did liked my time in the Navy. even the time in VIETNAM if I had to do it over, I would.
Our government must do same. Work together, if not, we all go down together. Let’s do for our country.
Ed is 100% correct! Nice job Ed!
This is a stupid ?. Each if the branches are here to keep America safe and secure. Like branches on a tree protect from the Sun, they protect us from evils, invasions, from all sides.
Couldn’t agree more
May be stupid to you but we all have our favorite branch. Granted they all work together for the same goal.
Very well stated, they are all the best!! All gave some, some gave all!!!!! Former Marine 1/9
We’re all on the same team.
God bless ALL our service members past and present.
Semper Fi
I spent 22 years in the Air Force, retiring as a MSgt. In my experience I had the best care, the best Officers and the best quality of life! But all Branches of Service are outstanding! We are the best in the Univese!
Thanks for your service sarge. I was discharged a Seargeant from the Air Force on medical conditions now 100 percent disabled. All for one and one for all. We all served to protect this great country.
17 years USAF (Recruiting) & 3 years USA (Field Artillery). I don’t regret time in the USA; however, USAF was a better fit.
Only a 3 and 1/2 year member U.S.NAVY 56 TO 59 . Wish i would have stayed longer. Enjoyed the time i spent aboard USS Albany CA 123.
My Father-in-Law was part of the Marine Detachment on board USS Albany from 48-49 then to Korea. He also enjoyed his time on board.
I am a United States Marine I serve in the forces which guard our country and our way of life I am prepared to give my life in their defense! I learned that at Parris Island South Caroline back in June of 1962., I am still a United States Marine and will be till the day I die and go to be with my Lord Jesus. If He has the need of a Marine sergeant, here I am. The Corps taught me something that many people could use, discipline, the second thing the Corps has taught me is discipline, the third most valuable thing the Corps taught me is discipline! Without discipline, all is lost. Think for a moment, who would obey laws without discipline, traffic signs,
The Corps taught me what I am today, from being a lover of God and all that He is to being a quality citizen. Discipline has made me successful as a family provider. God and the Corps with the two how can a Marine fail?
Sergeant Alex Lindquist
Totally agree with every word written Alex. Sgt Jerry C. Creamer U.S. Marine Corps ’64-68 Vietnam Combat Veteran ’66-67. To this day PROUD 75 year old U.S. Marine!!!
I was in the Navy 23 years, E-1 thru E-9.….comissioned O-1 and retired O-3 to become a single parent. While family separation was always hard with 3-9 mo separation, my children were always supportive and proud of a career the WE chose. But on the other hand I voted Air Force as they have the creature comforts for service member life style and typically DON’T have the unaccompanied duty as a Navy ship assignment does.
Thankyou for this rattling post, I am glad I discovered this site on yahoo.
Air Force, 14-years, Aug. 1977—–June 1990, 3rd Generation since WWII.
My Father and Father-in-law were Army Chaplains. My husband was an Air Force officer. Our son was a Marine and several other family members served in the Navy. All branches are very important! God bless America!
They all are the best! I preferred the U.S. Coast Guard.
All branches are equilly as important. We must all work together for the United States. God Bless the U S A
My father in law was in the United States Coast Gaurd. He recently pasted and they approved the burial detail to come from his last duty station. USCG Station Ft. Macon.
That was a true honor since he was discharged in 1972..
I feel that showed true BROTHERHOOD.
“Rock of the Marne!”
I voted for the Air Force. I am a former Air Force Fighter Pilot. I flew 127 combat missions in the F4C fighter in the Viet Nam war. I was always so pleased with all the wonderful support we got from the maintenance crews., and other support personnel. This had a lot to do with the fighter pilots getting back from missions without being shot down. I am not bragging, just proud American veteran. I received several combat decorations which included 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses for Heroism in Arial Combat. I was proud to knock out gum positions in North Vietnam, and risk my life to save the lives of American Troops on the ground with close air support.
Captain Max Crick
Thank you Earl
I was in the Army for 20 yrs 8 months and 29 days. I started as a Pershing Nuclear Missile Electronic Maintenance Technician. I love everyday of it. We were definitely a major threat to the the Warsaw Pac and as a result, we were a must addition to the Salt Treaty which called for all 108 nuclear missiles to be destroyed.
All Branches are great, the best is the one that you choose when you take into consideration what you want for your future. Close look at the branch that will give you the best training for a future as well as satisfy your present needs.
the people are all great, cant say much for leadership right now. 20 years in the air force. glad I’am not in now!
Eight (8) Reasons the Navy is the Best Service
1. Having duty at sea and numerous opportunities to “see the World”.
2. Traditional Uniforms – Major changes to the uniform took place in 1973. But these changes weren’t taken well and largely were reversed by 1980. In addition, women received uniforms that were more practical, functional and indicative of American naval traditions.
3. Huge support group. The best example of this is in Navy towns like Norfolk, San Diego, Jacksonville, and Bremerton, where you can’t walk a block without running into someone with connections to the Navy. Not only will those neighbors instantly recognize a sailor, but they have really good advice about where to go in the town.
4. Never say goodbye. In Navy life, the limited number of bases means that you never really say goodbye to the people you meet; rather, you make sure that they have your name, where you were stationed, and what your duty was.
5. There is nothing else like a good, old-fashioned Homecoming; for example, one of the most beautiful moments of a Navy homecoming is that instant when the ship slips over the horizon and into view. Yes, there is nothing that really makes you choke up with the joy of it…
6. That previous reason needs more emphasis; to wit, just try to imagine the beauty and significance of a Homecoming on a pier — not in a gym. For the majesty of the event, nothing beats a Navy homecoming where the sailors and officers line the rails of the ship and then descend onto the pier into the arms of their loved ones.
7 Land, sea and air — they fight everywhere. Unlike the other services, the Navy is equipment driven. Whether surface, air, subs, SEALs, supply, etc. are the best reason the Navy is the best; in the moment of crisis, they’ve got it all.
8. Sailors have more fun.. They just do.
I pick the air force because I’m retired Air Force as a hold all branches are good and do there job very well and no branch I thick is no better than the other all branches do an outstanding job protecting our country.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I salute you & was proud to serve in the Navy as well.
This reply was for Jon Bond’s comment
Yup but t h ey sure .arry fat chick’s a d the cute girls are what we used to call Westpark widows outright outa mind
Yup but t h ey sure .marry fat chick’s and the cute girls are what we used to call Westpac widows outsight outa mind
I picked the Navy . I feel that you get a chance to see the world in the Navy , traveling on a ship that provides all your needs , Medical , Dental , Sleeping quarters and food . You have a job to do , protecting the waters from the bad guys . The brotherhood is great . However , I feel that all services have a job to do and together , we get it done. God Bless all my brothers and keep them safe.
All my brothers in arms are equally devoted to defending the United States. God bless you all, past and present!
Simper fi
Back at you brother.
Semper Fi
Best is the 82nd Airborne !
…I agree with others in that all are equal…although I
voted for Coast Guard thinking that our coastline should
be number one for protection…
I was Air Force…
I was Coast Guardsman,I joined during Vietnam Era, Save lives not take lives. I’m not a wimp but I fealt it would more better needed. My Father was passed that I didn’t go Airforce like him + my brothers. I had 4 years sea duty, loved it. When weather gets bad we go out… saw foreign ports and 80 feet seas. Go out and wait for a need. I’d do it all over again.
Y dad and uncles and late husband all was army
Raymondhines army national guard . 6 years Honselersdijk discharge.
In my opinion, the question is inappropriate. There is no best branch of the military. The truth is, they all are. You simply cannot quantify the mission and sacrifices the men and women make of all the military service branches. In this regard, I believe that an apology may be in order an the question withdrawn.
Totally agree!!!
I agree with you 100%
For me personally the Navy was the best for my Service Time and Civilian Career..
I whole heartily agree. The military is a combined unit.
I agree….ALL services are “the best”….each plays a VITAL role in protecting this
Mr. Brown let’s look at it like this.
You can’t be a.n Army.
You can’t be a Navy.
You can’t be an Air Force.
You can’t be a Space Force
You can’t be a Coast a Coast Guard
But you CAN be a Marine.
There is a reason Marines are called “The President’s Own”. There is a reason we guard the Embassies around the world.
There is a reason our Dress Blues have so many reminders built in. It wasn’t the army that raised the flag on Mt. Suribachi or carried out our dead from the Chosin Reservoir.
To be honest your response sounds more like a woke Air Force officer than someone in the military.
We’re probably a few years apart but one thing is for certain, we have chewed the same ground and spilled our own blood on that ground.
You can never be an ex-Marine
I am an Army veteran but I admire the Marines more than any other service. If I could only randomly select one person from a military service to protect my family, I would randomly select from the Marines. Of course, it is an honor to serve in any branch. God bless our country and the men and women who protect her!
Robin, I have been in numerous with Active Duty, Vets and Civilians. When it comes down to it every Service member will stand shoulder to shoulder. It’s a brotherhood that no civilian will ever understand.
It is all about Discipline! Semper Fi fellow Marines!
Donald R
I believe that everyone should serve our country for at least 1 year to learn about our service, and life experience, be an American and know about who to vote for. So would not be in the mess we are today politicly, and financially and know what common sense is when voting because is every American responsibility.
I agree but I would add one additional year because that first year is conditioning and getting your bearings in the new paradigm of active duty life. The next year your mind is uncluttered enough to really absorb the culture and understand why it exist. And Most importantly what we fight for!
I agree but I think it should be two or three years mandatory
I don’t think one should be thanked for serving THEIR country. I feel it is an Americans duty to serve to keep our country FREE!!! However when there is a commander in chief in charge that is incompetent one has to use “common sense “ in following. I just hope WE can work thru this and get an honest election in 2022. & 2024 !!!
I agree that all Americans should share their time to serve our country. As a never Trump republican I to hope that the upcoming elections are honest and that are elected officials work for our country and not for their wallets!!!
Did you serve? I believe that the people should be thanked for their service. I am a DAMN proud Navy Veteran and it’s Assholes like you that piss me off. Do you thank others for things. Do you thank GOD for things or do you think it’s their job? ASSHOLE
My last post is for Timothy
This is such a subjective question. Of course most who served are going to state the service they were in was the best. Each has it’s qualities and functions and although one service might not have been the best fit for an individual another was…..
Throughout American history each of the services have provided a valuable function and service to this country, and the world therefore all (in my opinion) are equally valuable!
I would agree with your assessment 100%
I served in the Marine Corps from 1968 through 1971. Saw every branch of military do their part in a ungrateful war. We were hated for our participation but we did because we believed in our country and our freedom. Thanks to all the veterans and branches of service. God bless you all.
🇺🇸 I proudly salute you & all Veterans who served in all Branches of the Military. Thank you for your service and God Bless
Leo, you are spot on. I was in the Marine Corp 61-66. Went to Nam on LST. miserable damn trip, was glad to get there. Went back 70-71 as Army helicopter pilot and flew 1119 hours in one year. over 400 hours at night. Loved every second of it. came back to 82nd at Fort Bragg and rest of my career as Medevac pilot. the army was good to me but the Corp is still in me . Loved it all.
100% each entity has it’s own particular function and if not for the military we wouldn’t be a free America. God bless America and all of our military personnel.
Best is highly subjective. My vote is only because I served in the Navy. My perspective of other branches is limited because watching and doing are two different things. All services are a part of a whole defense system with each providing a scope of defense to complete the whole. I was enlisted and wanted to fly. So I joined Naval Aviation. I flew so much I never wanted to see another plane for years. But I got everything I wanted from my service. It prepared a young 18 year old kid for the real world and gave me an education as well. Now I’m still benefiting from my disability rating and free health care. So I believe all branches have something for everyone. I particularly didn’t like the strict military decorum of the Marines. It was just over the top for me. The Navy is a good balance of the needed decorum along with the freedom of movement. But that was just me. Others love that stuff. It’s a good thing or there wouldn’t be a Marine Corp.
Army had the best esprit de corps when I was in 1988-1991! Love my fellow soldiers
Disabiliy payments are worth the effort, DO NOT GIVE UP
They are ALL the best. You know we are voting for the branch of service we were in. I have wonderful friends in different branches and we all have the same love of country.
I agree. I’d vote where my daddy and husband were. Army Air Corps and Air Force!!!!
Your comments sum it up. Best. Keeping administrations and politics out of this pole.. Same love for this country.
Totally agree with this gentleman!
Best at what? Each branch has missions that support others, sometime missions seem to overlap, but in practice they mesh together very well.
Hey, TC ~
You state a Very Great point! It’s hard to choose which branch is the best because they All do such a Great job at everything. Correct – they all mesh together Very Great!! Even with the present administration being such a failure, our military keeps the USA protected and their “jobs” are very Hard and they don’t get paid enough for what they do. And, they are Not treated with the respect and admiration they totally deserve.
I think each branch work excellent to gather as team players. Even though the previous administration tagged some of us as suckers and losers.
I was in 3 branches loved all three but air force has better family life
I’m with you all the way
Very well said
Retired Army 22 years! Enjoyed every second.
Hi, there, Jorge ~
Thank you So MUCH for your beautiful service to us All!! You are the Best!!! So happy that – after 22 years, you came home safe! I hope you weren’t seriously injured or injured at all. I hope you are getting the respect and admiration and benefits you so totally Deserve!
I spent 24 years in the Army reserves, some time on active duty. I really love being a Drill Sargent, a supply specialist and armor , It was the best move I made as young man, I learned a lot and it helped me land a good government job.
Hey, there, Clyde ~
Thank you So MUCH for your beautiful, brave, and dedication to the Army and for protecting us All!!
I am so happy that – after 24 years, you came home safe, and hopefully, were not seriously injured or injured at all. Thank you so MUCH for your Wonderful service!!
As a 20 year Navy Veteran I have to say the Navy is really the most versatile service, we have our sea force and submarines that pretty much patrol the worlds oceans. We have the air side that includes several different types of planes and can reach almost anywhere in the world and of course the Marine Corps are our land troops.. Their official seal actually reads “Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps”. So we pretty much cover every possibility!
As a Vietnam Veteran and Sgt in the Marine Corps from 1965 to 1969, I can confirm that the Marine Corps is indeed a Department of the Navy.. THE MEN’S DEPARTMENT.
Hi, there, Patricia !
Thank you So MUCH for your beautiful, brave, wonderful service to this country!!
Yes, it Really IS so Hard to choose just one branch because All of you military are
so GREAT! I am so happy that – after 20 years, you came home safely and, hopefully, were not seriously injured or injured at all!
Thank you, again, Patricia, for your dedication and brave service!!!
USMC. . God bless all of our service members. Thanks for your dedication. Semper Fi!!!
Put in 28 active and reserve. Son of a sailor and dad dad of a sailor and wouldn’t go anywhere else. Am also married to army for 50 years.
Hi, CPO Bill ~
Thank you So MUCH for your beautiful, brave, wonderful service to this country!!
I am so happy you made it home safely and, hopefully, were not seriously injured or injured at all!
I totally Support our military and donate whenever possible. Thank you So MUCH, again, CPO Bill!!
The Marine Corps… the 3 days after I turned 17 in 1971 I was standing on the yellow foot prints at MCRD San Diego… I’m sure all the services have a recruit training that young men and women mature to a better person…
The way the Marine Corps does, it took me from boyhood to manhood in 12 weeks…
I spent 5 yrs in the Marine Corps, had an MOS that gave me a great job upon my honorable discharge… went to work at San Quentin Prison…
I love the Marine Corps, always will…
Long Live Our Corps…
Hey, there, Chuck ~
Thank you So MUCH for your beautiful, brave, wonderful service to our country!! I hope you came home not seriously injured or injured at all.
I admire your position at the San Quentin prison and please, STAY SAFE!! You are to be respected and admired!!
US Navy Submarine Service keeps an eye on the world, and a finger on the pulse of those Nations around the world that would do us harm. Two FBM Subs are silently on station off the coast of the worst offenders in our world 24/7.. That is the mutual destruction reason those that would harm us keep their fingers off the fire button.
Silent, deadly and fast. The submarines deep in our oceans keep us safe and enjoying our way of life. I served 6 1/2 years on submarines from 1961, the start of the Cuban Missile Crisis, until 1967, the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis. I know how submarines operate and the orders they receive.
Todays defense against submarines… has to be pretty far advanced. The enemy knows all about our attack submarines… which was effective during WW2… but times have changed… I’m sure they keep submarine locations down pat. I’d say supersonic missiles are priority today.
How about a little credit to us Airedales in the anti-submarine warfare? VP 5 namely! We found the enemy subs first!
All branches had a job to do, therefore the USA Military is the world leaders! Thank all veterans!
I am a retired MRC. With a Submarine nec
I loved my job. My work is still out there.
But ya know. It doesn’t matter what branch. Long as you served.
Mr. Swanson, you’re absolutely right about that fact.
My hubby and I both served; combined total of 33 years. We would both do it again.
Hey, there, Jerome ~
Thank you for your awesome, brave, and wonderful service to this country!!
You are to be respected, admired, and deserve to be treated in the BEST ways possible!! Thank you, also, for educating me on the service of the submarines! Wow!
I totally support our military and donate whenever possible!! Thank you, again, Jerome!!
There is no answer. We’re in this together.
The Air Force is the best. The best Chow the best sleeping quarters the best working area..
I had spent two and a half years in the Army, with a full tour in Korea, after 6 months in the states I was sent TDY to Germany for 6Monts. We were quartered on an Air Force BaseThe beds were better the chow was better and the surroundings were better. I wanted to stay and finish my enlistment, but I had to come back. About 60 days after my return to the States I was deployed to FT. Benning and on to Miami. The quarters were the worst that I had in service, but the Natives were friendly. By the way, the Army says that I didn’t go on that last deployment, but I have pay slips from Miami and Benning.
Nobody deployed wishes they were anywhere else. Period….. don’t tell me Navy on the bottom of the ocean is super awesome…. you’re looking at sub pay. Please, not one person doesn’t look at the “chair force” and say… damn I went into the wrong door.
USAF 1964 to 1970 Jet Eng. Mech Edwards AFB CA. RETRAIN TO computer eng. Sac. Hq. Had great career as a integrated Circuit engineer in silicon Valley.. Air Force was the best thing that I could have done as an 18 year old. Recommend it to anyone.
You are so correct, Frank. It’s very hard to choose just one because All of our militaries are so GREAT!! You All do Not get paid enough for what you do and the sacrifices you make every day you serve and you should be treated with All respect, admiration, and benefits you so Deserve!!!
I am on disability but donate whenever possible. Thank you, again, Frank! Again, you are very correct – all of the branches are in it together!!
I spent 24 years active duty. 1968>1992. 100% combat disabled. I flew 18 years of that time on c-141s to just about every suitable on the planet. I hauled members from all branches (- Space Force) to deal life combat, yearly execises,, medical air evac, rescue, emergency evac, airdrop, even dropped bag to starving snow bound cattle.
Having done all those things exposed my observation to mostly fantastic people highly trained or committed to bring trained, and committed to using their training. Each branch of service shares a common Corp or of skill sets while the Doctrinated mission of each branch dictates the specific skilled personnel required to accomplish their mission tasking. I vote equally for each Branch and salute all members for their sacrifices. We each make a choice to serve in a particular branch because of who WE are, and our desires to be who we want to be. God Bless The USA, and her son’s and daughters who stand ready to defend their country and it’s vulnerable citizens.
Well said Mike! I agree with you. Even though I was in the United States Marine Corps for almost 21 years, We all support and protect the people of the United States of America on the land, sea, air, and space.
Right ON. God Bless all Who Served
Hey, Mike ~
Thank you So MUCH for your beautiful, brave, and unrelenting service to this country!!
I totally agree – I support Every branch and you All do Not get paid enough for what you do! I hope you came home safely with no serious injuries or injured at all. I totally
support all of the branches and even though I’m on disability, I donate whenever possible. You should be treated with respect, honor, admiration and All benefits that you so Deserve! Thank you, again, Mike, for your Wonderful service to this country!!
Depends on what you need at the time. A navy pilot can hit a moving air strip on a speck in the ocean. A navy doctor or corpsman is the best you can find. So if you need either one of those Navy is best
Hey, there, Jim ~
Thank you So MUCH for your beautiful, brave, unrelenting service to this country!!
You totally deserve respect, admiration, and every benefit you So Deserve!!
Thank you, again, Jim, for your Wonderful service!!!
I cannot vote. My grandfather was Navy; my father was Air Force, an uncle was Coast Guard and I was Army. Another grandfather was FBI.
Hey, there, Linus ~
Great point – it’s so hard to choose just one branch because All of you are so GREAT!!
Thank you and your family for the beautiful, brave, unrelenting service!!! You All do Not get paid enough for what you do! You All should be treated with All respect, admiration, and every benefit you so Deserve!!
I am on disability but donate whenever possible. Also, I hope all of you, including your family members who served came home not seriously injured or injured at all.
Thank you, again, Linus, for your Wonderful service to this country!!!
I had the privilege of serving in three branches. Marines, Air Force, and Army. I value them all equally, as I learned some very valuable lessons in each. Another thing to take into consideration is that members of ALL branches take the same oath, have the same primary mission, go wherever they are sent, and do whatever they are told to do. At least that is how it was for me in the 28 years I was serving.
Great perspective!
I had the honor to fly with the AF in Vietnam ( only parttime plotting targets) I had the honor to be assigned to a DOD activity on a Navy Base, And I had the honor to be assigned to a DOD in St. Louis with over a 1,000 Civilians and a handful od military. I also had the honor to be a member of the original cadre Of a new ROTC program at East Central State College, ADA, OK. As a Retired SGM of 30 years in the Army.
Hey, there, Raymond ~
Thank you So MUCH for your beautiful, brave, and unrelenting service!!! I totally support all branches and hope that you came home not seriously injured or injured at all. You Deserve to be treated with respect, admiration, and all of the benefits you so Deserve!!
I am on disability but donate whenever possible. Thank you, again, Raymond, for your beautiful service to this country!!
When the crap hits the fan, the first question is “Where is the nearest Carrier”
go Navy!
Unless you need to hold ground. Go Army!
Unless you need to take the ground. Go USMC
Amen, John!
Thank you for your brave and unrelenting service!! I totally support all of our branches because you All are so GREAT!!! You deserve nothing but Respect, Admiration, and much More pay for what you do!
Thank you, again, John, for your service!!
I disagree with the results of this poll. The U.S. Coast Guard is by far the best military service of all. Why? Because in my 26 years in the CG we had to work and live with hand me down ships from the Navy that should have been scuttled after WWII, live in WWII facilities, encounter life threatening conditions in medivac/search and rescue missions along with daily drug interdictions on the high seas. The CG has the highest standards for enlistment compared to the other branches. Even today, we are still working with WWII ships and equipment. We never complain like the other branches for not having the newest equipment, updated living conditions, being on call 24/7. With only 35k personnel the CG has more responsibilities than any other service. Our duties extend worldwide and we are the only military service that can arrest on the high seas. SEMPER PARATUS!
I wholeheartedly agree about the CG. I spent 34 years in the CG Reserve with 6 years of active duty. The CG is a well kept secret. It’s missions and goals are awesome. Penny
Hey, there, John ~
Thank you So MUCH for your beautiful, brave, and unrelenting service!! I hope you have not been seriously injured or injured at all. You all do Not get paid enough for what you do and the conditions you serve under. You should be treated with All respect, admiration, and all benefits you so Deserve!!
I am on disability but donate whenever possible. Thank you, again, John, for your total service to this country. I pray for all of our military day and night. May you be Blessed!!
June 1966 to April 1970 SGT. USAF E5 Weapons Load Crew Leader on F-4’s (best bird in the sky then!) Many days we loaded 20-22 hours a shift! In all type of weather! (my feet still remind me of the rain!!) I would have re-enlisted..but the politics among the officers was a joke!! Especially between the Lts! I have friends in the Army, Marines and the Navy also!! We all bust balls…but if we got a call to help one of us…we all would be there in a heart beat! Also I have another extended family…”Patriot Guard Riders’ as Ride Captain..for over 12 years! Over 275,000 members nationwide! We stand for the fallen. I’m guessing 70% of us are military. No dues.n.just show up when you want to! Sign on our website: God Bless you and all our veterans….hope to see you on the ‘flag line’ soon!’
F-4 was my career…. Love that double ugly kick as$ Phantom! It was a privilege to keep them flying!
I ßerved my country in Navy.i was offered the offered an app. to officers tràinining but my eerience 2ith them didn’t make me want to be one.
Hey, there, Greg ~
Thank you, so MUCH for your brave, unrelenting service!!! You all are Not paid enough for what you do! You all are to be treated with Respect, Admiration, and all benefits you so Deserve!!
I hope you have not been injured seriously or injured at all. I am on disability but donate whenever possible. Thank you, again, Greg, for your Beautiful service!!!
I joined the Air Force at a time in my life when I needed stability and I wanted to be a part of group who service was for the country. I was able to travel. I worked as a Nurse in so many different areas. My greatest of them all was in the roll as a Health Promotion Fight Commander. I know during that time of my career many troops were helped with their wellness. I have been retired for quite some time now, but I will always love my Air Force life and career!
Salutes Commander
USAF Sgt Greg Sheldon
MOS: 46250
Weapon of Choice: F4 Phantom Jet!
Retired Air Force Msgt (E- 7) 22+ yes. Was in Civil Engineer,. Pest Management. 73-96 best job in the military bar none. Best scrounger in Panama & Philippines
I put in my 4 years with the Air Force and 2 years Reserve. My father was career Air Force or I would have put in more than 4 years. Lived half of my life in Europe. I would not trade the education and what I saw and did in Europe for anything. I speak French and German and currently learning Russian! Had an unbelievable life and love every minute of it and so thankful for what God has given me!
Well I was a Force Recon Marine for under 30 and Retired E-9 & 7 Combat Duty Stations and Emerald Shellback. Joined at 17 years old. Chewed dirt in Afghanistan, Iran and Some other Places. Seen other Navy Veterans day Navy but it’s sad that a Marine can do Their Program like Buds, Island Sere! Come out Top 10 and it’s Nice having a Suba Bubble and Gold Jump Wings.
I joined the Coast Guard because I scored high enough. Still serve as a volunteer. Helping the Navy from getting lost.
I agree!!!
10yr Active Duty Air Force and 10yrs Washington State Air National Guard. I have loved my entire career. It is difficult to say which branch is best over the other because we all have our specific mission sets and capabilities. I’d like to think that all branches excell in their respective domains. I have the utmost respect for all my brothers and sisters in arms regardless of branch or duties. We are all important. Except politicians masquerading as officers. Other than the fact that the military has lost its way and no longer views itself as a warfighting organization… I’d gladly do it all over again.
I am a Disabled Army Veteran and you put in words exactly what is in my heart, I will always have my Military Brothers six.
Dwayne Quinn, I am a career Marine USMC-R. The Marine Corps, Is the best 2nd to none. We are the oldest branch of the military services.
Dream on…The Army was the first accredited defensive branch of the military. Next came the Navy, the Air force was born out of the Army and the Marines came out of the Navy. The Coast Guard is our boarder military on the seas. And let us not forget the Space Force, not just to protect the United States, but the world as well. I hope you learned something from a fellow veteran. Really to know that all veteran are the best, because we served in defense of the United States, the best country in the world.
You just informed me on something I didn’t know I served 6 years in the army three years 17c and three years 13f
10/10/1775 Marine creation
Navy creation
10/14/1775 Army creation
Retired 20 year Army Veteran
I am an Air Force veteran.
If I were to do it all over again I would join
the Army n learn to be a chopper pilot.
I am an Air Force veteran. 12 years of AF. Service and 4 years of Army Service. Got out on a medical discharge. . I love Military Life and seeing different countries.
I am a retired Marine and I love the SeaBees
There real is only one part of the military that is involved in all the branches operations in combat, and we don’t get any Love until you realize what we are really doing. That is The Navy SEA BEEs and the Navy hates us and the Army and Marines Love Us, the Coasties and Air Force think we are just a bunch of drunks. The Special Operator’s that work with us think we are just down right CRAZY.
I graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1967, and served my four years, so the Navy gets my vote overall. But the Marines are my personal heroes, because they get the most dangerous assignments and accomplish them with steel nerves and plenty of guts. Many of my classmates at USNA went Marine and shipped off to Vietnam almost before the ink was dry on their diplomas! Sadly, many of them didn’t return. Semper Fi!
I am a retired army vet of 25 years .When I first joined the Army I was all about army we were the best and we would fight other branches of service at various duty stations , But now that I am older and a little smarter I listen to what all my veterans who tell stories from all branches . Kudos to all my veterans in all branches.!
Leave no doubt, when things get rough call in the Corps. Nuff said.
It’s very unfortunate that most folks are impacted by uniforms or bases where folks are stationed. However the real deal is,who is ready to move out on a limited time frame and are ready to do the do when the time comes. 31/2 years in the Corps. did it for me. From the jungles of Nam to the watch post at Gitmo we had to stand tall and fast.
I give big ups to my brothers in all branches that served this country. But a very big ups to those who like me went to the USMC to serve
No question about about anything. JUST SEND THE MARINES IN. Nuff said.
Question asks which “military” organization is best. Question automatically eliminates the Air Farce & Navy! Army & Marine Corps do not have cushy beds or mid-rats when deployed. Army & Marines look enemy in their eyes before dispatching with “extreme malice”!
All pay grades were paid same across each of the services. Sorry you weren’t smart enough to qualify for Air Force or any of the jobs. Maybe another reason why the Air Force treat’s its personnel like adults and affords them privacy…. Somewhat!!!
Yea yea… Don’t down another service because it makes you sound like a fool..each service has a specific mission to accomplish..Marines live the cushy ride we give them and don’t forget about our beloved Navy Corpsman.. And remember who signs your check lil brother.
I served in the Army for six years with two tours of duty in Vietnam and one tour in Korea. I was stationed in Washington DC. Alaska. Fort Riley Kansas. Fort Lewis Washington and Fort Ord California and I spent the last six months in the Army Hospital in Denver called Fitzimons. It was a heck of a ride.
Well all are unique in their own way but as far as comfort and nice duty stations and the upkeep of their bases I would have to say Air Force and Navy got it best but I am a former soldier as were my late dad and my older sister I served faithfully and proudly 8 years on active duty and spent most of that deployed with 3rd BN 15th Infantry as a medic in 3rd Infantry Division out of Fort Stewart, GA
I served in the US Marine Corps and the US Army I’m the person ask who is the best. The Army. has more personal and will win this survey. I prefer to be a
US Marine Second to None.
All branches are the best… extremely talented men and women…
I served USCG (Saudi), USN (Joint Endeavor), USAF (Noble Eagle), and then was converted to the USSF…
Loved them all… an army recruiter gave me an army T-shirt one day… and said… hopefully, you will serve in the correct service…
TSGT Baker
We can all argue which branch is best but when the chips are down don’t pick on any of us because we all stick together for the USA!!!!!!!
We are all brothers and sisters in arms. We defend our country and one another when we stand side by side in the battle field and rank or branch does not come in question at all other than we are Americans .
I am a marine and always will be. I love the marine corps for what it stands for.
Semper Fi Marine 🇺🇸
Great to see so many patriotic comments. I served in Coast Guard from 1959 to 1999. Continuous active duty. Job satisfaction was superior. With a peacetime mission the USCG can’t be beat.
You can not say which military branch is the best we all had and have different jobs and duties to do
and in times of the problem, all branches are called to help each other I was in the Army a Vietnam
Veterans and we all were there for each other.
You are right
I fully agree with you Larry Thomas. ALL branches are necessary for our Department of Defense. I was USAF for four years and nobody owes me a living. Thank you Mr. President Lincoln and the VA for benefits.
I agree all branches are necessary, however, since the Marines are part of the Navy, that gives the Navy a total of 40% and so the most important is the NAVY.
I served 10 years active Duty with the Corps Force Recon, another 10 as reserve with Air Force OSI, and deployed with the Army as a civilian contractor in Operation IOF. I feel I am qualified to comment on which is best I would like to put finally put this argument to rest. The space force is to young to young and untested to be considered. The coast Guard is nothing short of being land locked Sailors, Webster defines a squid as a lower form of Marine life, and Army stands for AIn’t Ready for Marines Yet. That leaves the Marines on top! In all seriousness I agree with all my brothers and sisters who honorably served their country when called upon and left their comments. I would be proud to go into combat with anyone from our Armed Forces. Semper Fi to all those who served.
When, as a member of the Coast Guard and stationed in Brownsville in 1965, my neighbor jokenly asked when was the Coast Guard going to Vietnam? I responded “That will be a cold day in hell.” A few days later he’ll froze over. Served there 66-67.
I can tell you no branch of the military is better than the other because they are all backed by the United States Government. I can say this because I was in the US Air Force and the US Marines. Thanks
So true, no one branch can do i all, all must and do work together for common defense of the nation.
GDM Air Force
You are so right. USAF Vietnam Vet
Hey there army infantry 11 bravo, love it my only regret not doing 20 years. Under this administration probably would off gone a wall serve under Regan best time ever.
Agree good sir.. not under this administration for sure. USN 1980 -1992
when I was a child, I always wanted to be a Marine & did so & was proud to do so. wouldn’t serve under this president but proudly did under Regan & would have under Trump as well. so glad to serve my, nation.
Served in the NAVY. Enjoyed it very much! looked forward to the MED. We should do like Isreal, all high school graduates into the armed services! Learn dicipline and RESPECT!! No such thing with the kids nowadays! No action for me, went in ,in ’76 out in ’77! Medical discharge, Type 1 Diabetes! VA has come a LONG way since then! They treat me Well!!
They are all the best. Each one has a specific mission and each one has a special person preforming that mission.
All services are good however I’m proud to have served with USMC 1970-73 Force Recon and proud the Marine Corps celebrates its birthday every year, other services don’t have that loyalty! Semper Fi
Force Recon–Bad ass dude. That’s what I thought I would do in the Corps (1965-1969 RVN 1967) The Marine Corps had other thoughts. They told me I wanted to be a helicopter mechanic. Loved the Corps, hated being a mechanic.
Welcome home Victor.
Semper Fi brother
We are one TEAM one FIGHT. The armed forces are under attack from within. The onslaught of social justice experiments by politicians has begun to permeate our beloved services and diminish the lethality and capabilities of all branches. The last politically untouched department (DOD) of the federal government has been weakened greatly by politicians who care more about divisive stunts than protecting our borders and winning wars. SAD that they don’t pay the same price as American’s who protect the country when called upon.
Semper Fi
MSgt USMC Ret.
22 years.
I’m Air Force CMSGT, retired. Completely support and agree with your comments. We all play our vital part in defending this nation. I’m afraid some of the politically appointed higher officers and others have become corrupted and are weakening our National Security. This WOKE/equity movement is a cancer. And yes, Semper Fi.
Very well said, i could not have done it better myself.
Semper Fi
SGM Army
Currently Serving 33yrs and counting.
I served 4 years, 1959 to 1962, as a Hospital Corpsman. After boot camp I remained in Great Lakes for training and for land duty I was transferred to NAAS, Saufley Field, Pensacola, Florida.This was the initial training location for all aviation flight canadates.I was busy in the dsipensary at sick call, responding to air craft accidents and many other medical incidents.For sea duty I was transferred to Camp Lejune., N.C.for Field Med. Service. training.I was now a FMS corpsman.(BEST PART OF MY ENLISTMENT) I served in the Cuban Blockade on LST Talbit County and other military assignments.
I can’t believe that you asked a Jarhead that question. AMAZING, LOL 😆
I thought the Navy was great. Did 22 years from 87 to 09. Everyone has their own ideas about which one the best. I think all branches are needed to keep the United States great and free. Without each and everyone we wouldn’t be a free Nation like we are today. I think everyone should be in the military even if it is only for 2 years because you come out a better person what ever branch your in.
You are 100%
I totally agreed
Which ever branch you served in is most likely your choice for “best branch” I served in the Army and Alaska Air National Guard. All my brothers and sisters who served deserve to be recognized and all branches are the “BEST”
Great job my brothers and sisters
My choice was the “NAVY” cuz ,I spent 22 yrs and retired MCPO however, I believed the different services are all the same. The different is on the motivation and and dedication of those who served to protect the freedom and defend this country!!!!
I served in the Navy,my other siblings served army, air force,and marines,the respect really goes to my mother who had 5 of her children in serving their country at same time period, family tradition goes on as I mentioned with 3 nephews serving in the army now,
Thanks mom!
Served from 66 to 68 Vietnam 5th Special Forces
Have to say my unit by far is and was the best de oppresso liber
SSGT Ed Petok Bronze Star recipient/ and purple heart
God bless all that served and do
Good deal I was in dong ha 😄
I served in the navy and I feel it was the best branch of the armed services, for me.
But everyone has there own belief’s in which armed services was the best.
I served in the Army for over 20 years. However, in my view, there is no best branch. They all compliment each other and serves their purpose and missions. That is the reason we have different military branches. Every branch is eququally essential to our nation’s defense.
Excellent reply!
You are exactly right. It is why we call all of us the Armed Forces. Unity is critical in all human endeavors.
The best and one of the oldest is the Navy! Retired 28 YOS! allowed me to do more, be more and become more in this life, I credit this life experences better than college with real life worldly exposure to cultures, sights and sounds of experiences. Service across and with other services was a life changing!
My father was in the army air corps flew over 70 missions as a Capt on a B-24. I join the United States Air Force reserve in 1989 served until 2001. I love the Air Force I think it’s the best. But the toughest without question in my mind is the United States Navy seal
The Airfoce is by far the best Branch in the military
I was in the Air Force for 10 yrs but was trained by the army. 7 of that 10 yrs was rife with Jim Crow and racial discrimination stateside. I left the AF as an E-4 and retired as an 0-5 in another branch of service.. It wasn’t the AF it was the people who were in charge.
Great staff at the VA. Very caring. Great communication with the patients. Thanks for all your great help 👍
“CAN DO” with the SEABEES . Best Navy experience. Ist Tracks VEHBN Camp Schwab, Okinawa, tough training but worth it. afloat with the USN. best travel experience. Overall, every service has there ups and downs. Bottom line is how we Vets are treated by our government now which is mediocre at best,
I served 24 years in the AirForce. Each branch of the military has its own unique challenges and accomplishments. Our country needs us all. Yay to the USA!!
I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in July 1965 right out of high school. Because a great U.S. Navy hero once said, ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country. JFK speech, 1961, I was in boot cam at age 19 and at age 20 was in Vietnam where i served 2 campaigns. After that I ended up a a USAF base, Kindley AFB, Bermuda servicing P3 Orion ASW’s. The Air Force base was the best, had a maid for monthly service on base. PO2 (E-5 got out in 1971. Should have made it a career but didn’t want to push my luck in going back to Nam. Go Navy!
Drafted in 1969 RETIRED in 1996 almost the best years of only second to Jrotc
I served in the Army from 1994 to 2003. It ❤️ was the greatest experience of my life. It was tough but helped build my character even stronger. Wouldn’t change that time or friends I made for anything 💯
I served in the USAF from 1960 to 1964. From basic training in Texas, I went to Minot AFB in North Dakota. Served as Air Policeman, 1st in security, then Law Enforcement, then in the AP administrative office for the SNCOIC. 1963 sent to Tan Son Nhut, Vietnam, served as Desk Sergeant. All accommodations were the best including the chow halls. I made friends with men from all service branches. As a veteran of the Air Force, I vote it the best. However, the Marine Corp has the best Class A uniform plus they are Semper Fi for life. My father served in the USMC as a Corporal during WWII. I have found that veterans no matter what branch they served in are all loyal to each other.
In 1963 people were being drafted. Elvis had to sit in Germany (away from his multimillion a year job).
Rather than do the same ( I’m not a millionaire), I joined the Army. The Air Force and Navy both had the downside of being about a mile above solid ground if something went wrong. Since everyone on “the other side” could punch a hole in my cotton shirt, I selected tanks. A few months later, most people my age were being drafted for Vietnam. I wasn’t sent (even though I volunteered) because I was told that “we don’t need tanks over there”.
I stayed in for 30 years (Active, National Guard, and Reserve) because I enjoyed being with my peers.
4 years close to the end of Vietnam, Air Force we had housing like motel rooms and the chow hall was the best.
We are all on the same side. Cooperation always beats divisiveness. Interservise rivalry is more of a game than anything else. There has been a “YAY,TEAM!” idea for a long time, and it works. GGUNG-HO!,OOOORAH! etc.
Served USMC three years, First Marine Division, Fifth Marines.
Korean Vet.
Sgt . E5.
Marine Corps discipline, and loyalty to the Marine Corps is unsurpassed.
When they say “Once a Marine always a Marine”. They mean it.
That is preaching the gospel, we are all in this to gather, all the service branches have there special skills but when the rounds are coming down range I am sure glad that I have my Marine Corps brothers and sisters around me. 1979-1994 active duty.
AMERICAN MILITARY is the Best with out a doubt, does not matter which !
I agree with you. Retired USN here
Retired Air Force 69 thru 90
Hello everyone, it’s my first go to see at this web site,
and paragraph is in fact fruitful in favor of me, keep up posting
these types of posts.
Nothing like a divisive question. Marine Corps 1960-68, Nam65 & 66. My butt was save by USAF many times, Navy many times. Favorites? All do our job to protect each other and to defeat the enemy. We are a team and there is no such thing as which is better. As a Marine I vote for all since WE are all the best at what we do.
Semper Fi
USMC served 1958-1961, Opened the the base Fatima on Okinawa
I was Navy 6 years. (submarines) for 4 years, 2 years surface (Navy Reserves).
Then I joined the Air Force Reserves for another 2 years.
Air Force quality of life was far superior to Navy.
However, I will always cherish my time in submarines for the experiences it gave me.
My time in the US Navy was the best. A warm place to sleep every night. Good food an good shipmates. I served on the USS Ranger CVA61
A Carrier from 1956-1960 we sailed the Med an West pac. Would do it again.
I AGREE.. WE ALL do the jobs charged with, and WE DO IT WELL!!!
Army,,75-78., I totally agree ., what a devisive question.,
It’s a “team” effort ., I couldn’t do what marines ., sailors ., pilots ., among all others that contribute to protect our way of life.
Thanks all for their service!
Retired, U.S. ARMY RESERVS, 21 years
For discipline and mission Marine Corp is the best, but for quality of life and family is the Air Force……Fly high
When asked which Branch of Service is THE BEST? One must also ask themselves, which Military Branch of Service they would encourage their Sons and Daughters to enter.
Most of Us who have served would say:
1. Air Force for providing the best technical training that is easily converted to be used in the civilian world, and in greater demand with higher pay for skills acquired while Serving in the U.S. Military.
Number 1 in taking care of family, almost never having to fight the enemy on the ground, or hand to hand combat!
Also number 1 in IQ, and only the most intelligent are able to join.
Even though this Military Branch is considered to be last in promotions while on active duty.
Using the same methodology for all other U.S. Military Branches:
2. Our U.S. Army. However, number 1 in promotions while on active military status.
3. U.S. Marines. However, considered to be tied with the Army (number 1) In promotions)
4. Navy
5. U.S. Coast Guard.
6. All others.
I am a retired Master Sergeant E-8, U.S. Army
Navy has the best looking women. . . 🤗
Go Army!!! No man/woman left behind. Remembering the Indian Run during PT – turning the platoon around to catch the stragglers back up with the group; whether a two mile run or twelve mile road march. Cadence calling always encouraged and motivated troops to keep going until the end.
Marines don’t have to catch stragglers cause we never have any
Semper Fi
I served in the U. S. Air Force (1982-1988).
Yet, I voted for the Marine Corps.
The Marines train harder, and their loyalty for each other is instilled for the rest of their lives.
In the Air Force, I’ve made friends that I’ve missed; but, the leadership is plagued with arrogant, ambitious, bureaucrats, who value their personal goals more than people.
Additionally, it’s obvious how much influence the other branches influence the Air Forces when comparing the pervious command structure with the current (“Chief Master Sargent”, -vs- “Command Chief Master Sargent”.
29-plus years, Navy, VN 66-68, Riverine Force 68. HHOOYYAAHH!!
army leads by example better than the rest no question we are the best in the past the present and of curse the future we are army !!!!!
Go army been rangers special operations
I’m retired Air Force. What makes our military great is the triad working together for an objective. It’s well known each military service has a job to do, a specific job. If we vote it’s for the branch we worked in, but it’s all of us who make America great. I had an Army buddy that said he couldn’t wait for the Air Force to soften up their targets. All our military are elite and have a specific job to do. This poll will not decide the best military branch because we all are the best in the world.
We’ll said
Semper Fi do or die
Excellent point.
My thoughts exactly!! 23 years Army.
June 1966 to April 1970 SGT. USAF E5 Weapons Load Crew Leader on F-4’s (best bird in the sky then!) Many days we loaded 20-22 hours a shift! In all type of weather! (my feet still remind me of the rain!!) I would have re-enlisted..but the politics among the officers was a joke!! Especially between the Lts! I have friends in the Army, Marines and the Navy also!! We all bust balls…but if we got a call to help one of us…we all would be there in a heart beat! Also I have another extended family…”Patriot Guard Riders’ as Ride Captain..for over 12 years! Over 275,000 members nationwide! We stand for the fallen. I’m guessing 70% of us are military. No dues.n.just show up when you want to! Sign on our website: God Bless you and all our veterans….hope to see you on the ‘flag line’ soon!’
2 tours in Nam 1965 & 1966
Was in bootcamp when President Kennedy was killed Nov. 1963
Retired Army, 39 years
Retired Army, 39 years
Navy Veteran. Discharged in 1972
Escaped from Navy after 4 years. 1967
Retired Army 22 years
Retired Army for 39 year’s!
I served 20 years 6 months and 19 days in the U.S. Navy. Served & commissioned the USS Tarawa, served on USS Kitty Hawk and USS Enterprise as well as Adak and Antartica as a senior helicopter crewman!