Important Update: The VA is still encouraging any veteran who may qualify for PACT Act benefits to apply soon. The deadline for obtaining retroactive pay backdated to August 2022 was August 14th, 2023. Veterans and survivors who missed that deadline can still file for monthly disability support, but if payouts are granted they will begin on the day of their filing.
Did you know that the Veterans Health Administration is the largest health care system in the US? With that in mind, it’s hard to believe how often veterans health care falls short.
Our veterans made the ultimate sacrifice for us, so they clearly deserve the very best care when they get home. The sad news is that veteran benefits and programs often fail our beloved veterans. The good news is that these programs are always improving.
Not too long ago, President Biden signed new legislation set to help support veterans more moving forward. Among the issues addressed were veterans suffering from WWII cancer and toxic burns.
Are you interested in learning more about how these bills are set to help? Read on to learn everything you need to know about how these bills will impact veterans health care.
Expands Care for Toxic Burn Pit Victims
One of the most crucial aspects of these new bills is the expansion of care for toxic burn pit victims.
During the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, troops got exposed to toxic burn pits. These pits got filled with trash, plastics, medical waste, jet fuel, and more. Once it was set ablaze, troops often inhaled those chemicals.
It’s estimated that thousands could be experiencing the impacts of exposure. In many situations, that exposure has led to lung cancer.
This bill would expand eligibility to veterans who served after 9/11. It also added 23 burn pit and toxic exposure conditions to the covered conditions. Further, the provisions will take effect immediately!
President Biden’s Personal Connection to the Issue
This legislation is important not only for veterans but also President Biden himself. President Biden has a very personal connection to burn pit victims.
According to the president, Beau Biden served in the military. During his time overseas, he worked near burn pits. These burn pits, he explains, get filled with hazardous waste. Then, those toxins enter into the airspace.
The sad reality is that US troops were too close to these burn pits, and Beau Biden was one of them. Once Biden returned home, he started suffering physical health problems. By 2015, he passed away from a brain tumor.
In the following months and years, President Biden made the connection. The toxic burn pits likely caused his son’s cancerous tumor.
Improves Cancer Screening and Treatment
Another important issue addressed by legislation is the expansion of cancer care. According to a 2021 study, female veterans were 3 times more likely to develop breast cancer. What’s more, breast cancer cases have tripled within the VA Department.
To address these issues, the latest bill seeks to improve screening and treatment. It hopes to expand access to mammogram scans. It will also upgrade all the VA’s mammogram services to 3D imaging.
Further, it will help expand access to clinical trials for suffering veterans.
WWII Nuclear Programs: Consequences of Exposure
Breast cancer isn’t the only cancer addressed in the new legislation. Yet another bill focuses on WWII-era nuclear programs.
During WWII, the US government and others experimented with atomic weapons. This process involves several dangerous aspects. From uranium mining to deploying these weapons, exposure was very common.
Exposure to nuclear material causes a host of medical issues. In the past, though, these issues weren’t covered by the VA. Now, coverage has expanded to include veterans suffering from radiation exposure.
How to Identify the Symptoms of Cancer
Cancer is a very debilitating and devastating disease. The good news is that most types of cancer are responsive to treatment in the early stages. If you can identify your symptoms early, then you’ll have a better chance of recovering.
Here are a few things to watch for:
- Extreme and debilitating fatigue
- Explainable weight loss or gain
- Fever
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Eating problems
- Unexplained pain
- Changes in bowel habits
- Headaches
- Vision problems
- Unexplained general changes to your body
If you’ve noticed some of these signs, then it might be wise to consult with your doctor. Take advantage of the recent VA bills to get screened for common types of cancers.
The Congressional Gold Medal Goes to U.S. Army Ranger Veterans of WWII
While giving remarks, President Biden also talked about the Congressional Medal. He said the gold medal will be going to the US Army Ranger Veterans of WWII.
These Rangers played a crucial role in the D-Day invasion of Normandy. This important WWII event occurred over 78 years ago. On that day, 7,000 American troops stormed the beaches.
Today, only 12 of those amazing and brave veterans continue to bless us with their presence. Each of them will be receiving a gold Congressional Medal.
How to Take Advantage of these Veterans Care Benefits
Knowing that this recent legislation could improve your health care as a veteran is step one. If you want to take advantage of these benefits, then you’ll have to go to a VA medical center.
You can opt to call or walk into a center during clinic hours. An agent will help you understand your rights, potential benefits, and coverage.
If you decide to apply, then you’ll fill out a VA Form 10-10EZ, which is a basic application. Feel free to go online or visit a nearby VA facility in person. You should receive correspondence regarding your application in following weeks.
Once you get approved, you’ll be able to seek the care you deserve.
Veterans Health Care in 2022 and Beyond
By signing these 9 bi-partisan bills, President Biden is improving veterans health care. Burn victims and cancer victims who suffered WWII exposure will both get support. Further, Biden is honoring veterans of WWII with the Congressional Gold Medal.
If you’re a veteran, then it’s important to understand these benefits and how they can help you! Depending on your situation, these bills could give you direct veterans aid.
If you need more help, consider reaching out to the Veterans Health Administration. Otherwise, you’ll want to keep up with the latest news to stay aware of the latest changes and updates.
Click over to our military news section now to see more of our latest articles.
This article was originally published on USMilitary.org and has been shared with permission.
I would like to have some help with being a RECIPIENT of the MEDAL of HONOR. I do possess the documentation from 3 different computers of the ARMY. I have the MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENT; I also have the DOCUMENT FROM THE ELEGIBILITY OFFICE in SAINT PETERSBURG, FLORIDA.
I have been fighting for the last 14 years, have gone to NATIONAL ARCHIVES. I’m not asking for the AWARD, I just want my medal accordingly to the orders and documents I possess.
Charles R Lafont-Lopez.
Well I filed a claim for 28 conditions on March 31, 2024. On June 17, one condition
that was rated 0% before was increased to 30%, so now I am 70%. I have 27 other
conditions that have been decided on but waiting for the decision letter to be
completed. So when you say that it takes “bugging” the VA to get a claim approved. I have submitted many claims in the last 5 years, some have been
denied but most have been approved as service connected. I can say this, do a through job of preparing you claim and it will only take a few months to be
processed and completed. The better job you do in providing documents,
nexus letters and Statements in Support from yourself and others that are aware of your condition so the Rater does not have to request documents, the faster your claim will be completed. Also if you have C&P Exams, do your homework and become knowledgeable of the items that will be covered during your Exam. You can find all kinds of information online, You Tube,
that will assist you in being prepared for your Exam. Don’t lie but be through in explaining your condition fully. Semper Fi
Interesting that some of my fellow brothers in arms can’t see that more care has been implemented by this administration, than any past administration. And some chose to put their political beliefs before applauding and pushing government to do more by continuing to degrade this sitting president and some promoting and past president that was basically a coward, when this country we all say we love called upon him to represent her as we all did.
There was time between 1978 and the gulf war that was known as the “COLD” war time. During this time frame there were MANY things going on between Our Government and the Cartels , training Ops, preparing for the threat of Chemical Warfare, Marines , Army and Navy Men and women inhaling chemicals , fumes from Diesel Trucks and From Helicopters and Airplanes, and actual Chemicals that were being produced for war , but all these people are NOT included in ANY of the new legislature for Veterans. People whose lungs are destroyed are being told “it can’t be Service Connected because there was no WAR. that was DECLARED!!! They were called “Conflicts”!! So my question is,
“Don’t these people Matter??”
Have you gone in to claim these issues? Can’t hurt!! Do it, State it, Claim it!!!!!
Then wait for 12-16 months to get denied. Reapply, and wait another 12-16 months to get denied. Thats all they do is deny, deny, deny. Then they send you to some PA to evaluate you, and all they ever do is say, not service connected, because they would not be used anymore if they gave to many people their claims.
Sorry you feel the VA has done you wrong. I can say this I have filed many claims in the last 5 years. Some have been denied but most have been approved. The key to it is be through with your claim.
Provide very document you can get for your condition, to include
Nexus letters, Statements in Support of your condition from your self, Doctors that have treated you. Family members that are aware of your condition. Do your research online, You Tube and other information. Be prepared for C&P Exams. Research what to expect during your exam but done lie be truthful or the examiner will note that they believe you are not being truthful and you will be denied.
Good Luck with your claims. Semper Fi
We the people who did what was asked of us who were poisioned had no medical, no compensation, no support, or any help from the United States Government and it’s agencies from the late sixties until Joe Biden became president in 2021 and one of his first orders was to give Disabled Vietnam Veterans 100% Disability rating giving us compensation, medical, benefits and everything else that was owed over sixty years ago. But for the previous sixty year we did not recieve any benefits or compensation even though most of us were dischaged early because we could do our jobs due to toxic neuropathy and Agent Orange. And we could not work due to what the government knowingly did to us.
I got married, got pregnant after I was married and within a week of finding out I was pregnant had a miscarriage, (the first of 6 total miscarriages). By the 26th of the month, I was honorably discharged from the US Army and within 10 years of my discharge had a partial hysterectomy and still got ovarian cancer in the remaining ovary. I was sprayed twice during field training in basic training by what the Army says was an unknown substance..
Sorry David. 100% disability has never been granted to all Vietnam vets. However, it was expanded under the Trump administration. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, I believe the name was Sununu, was largely responsible for that outcome. Alleged bribery schemes with Russia, China, Ukraine and a host of other countries, mostly Eastern European, a botched and humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, allowing a Chinese spy balloon to fly across our country, and currently botching relationships with Israel, our strongest ally in the Mideast, is hardly the kind of resume to run-on as a president.
Don’t forget the open border. Allowing millions of undocumented into our country. Giving them food, hotels, cash, while we have Veterans living on the streets with head issues!!! There was a reason Obummer bought a house in DC. I believe he is pulling the strings for Biden.
Not here in Madison while I sat waiting to get my prescriptions the Madison cops walked in with 3 illegals into the ER so f*** biden and his entire cabinate
I agree with you. Trump did assist with veterans, just because the democrats would not support him. Trump had to fight to get funding to build the wall and Biden said he was going to tear it down. My retirement grew under Trump and shrunk under Biden
Under Biden, I started making $800 more per month than I did under Trump. If you lost money under Biden but gained under Trump, I’m not sure where you put your money but Stock market and NASDAQ have never been higher. Now if you said your money didn’t go as far, then that would be fair to say but dealing with the monster out screw up handling of COVID by Trump, it is not odd to see how inflation would rise considering both Trump and Biden threw money out to support people which put too much money into circulation and caused inflation…gotta have the “haves” and “Have nots” or inflation becomes a problem.
100% correct. They have torn down every policy President Trump put in place. When he was president he had to use executive orders to get anything done, Democrats would not support anything good from him.
Again, 100% right. It is great seeing how many Veterans has waken up in this country. Lets keep speaking out, maybe the rest of the veterans that thinks BIDEN is great will f***ing wake up and smell the coffee, or bulls**t!
At this point I’m convinced Biden is a traitor. I hope I am proven wrong, and that his many shortcomings did not go that far. However, I am not only convinced but believe in the heart of my hearts he is extremely inept and stupid. He has us on the brink of World War III as well as a nuclear holocaust.
Thanks to Biden, I am now receiving the 55% of my husbands USAF SBP that he paid into for 48 years. He was 100% service connected disabled for 40 years, his death was also 100% service connected. Before Biden signed it into law, I could not receive a portion of his VA disability and the SBP. The bills do not stop just because a spouse dies, there are still mortgages, property taxes, auto , life and home insurance, electric , water, garbage, sewer, food, medical bills, prescriptions, clothing, home repairs, everything there was prior to my husbands death and less than half the income. If it were not for Biden I would be homeless at 77 years old.
F*** you donald armour Biden and Obama has done more for the veterans and this country so f*** off
Biden has no clue what he’s doing. His handlers had him do this because he is losing to Trump in the polls. Just like the dumbass letting in millions of people at our southern borders and giving these people $$$$, while our Veterans are sleeping on the streets. Obummer did shit for us.
Between 75 and the gulf war.
Okinawa. There is sworn documentation that chemicals were off loaded from ships onto Oki in the 70’s. Barrels were dug up by Japanese government. Many Veterans that were on Oki in the 70’s are suffering same agent orange diseases that the Vietnam Veterans are suffering, yet our government will not admit to it, that these chemicals were on the island. Seems like the Veterans from the mid 70’s to 80’s are not being taken care of. All the VA does is deny, deny, deny. I am part of the Camp Lejeune poisoned water group. I have a disease that is listed as one that is brought on by this poisoned water. I filed a claim with VA. After over 1 year of waiting I was denied, even though I had proof from a 2013 and 2014 MRI.
First of all, fix this over 1 year of waiting on claims. Secondly, hire some competent individuals that assess these claims.
My private doctor gives me a script. My VA doctor says we can’t give you this until you have tried all these other ones first? Or I have to be seen by the specialist to get that script. Then I have a 2-3 month wait to see specialist.
Does this seem like the VA system is working?? No, it is broke and needs to be fixed. ASAP.
Biden is only doing this because he is afraid of losing the election in November, that’s the only reason he is doing this.
I’ve experienced the same problem, the first thing they ask were you in a war, instead of asking about what conflict was you in. 1978-1986 Persian Gulf, Indian ocean, South Pacific, alot of military operations at that time that they don’t recognize. It’s a shame. USMC
The only things this president has done were for the benefit of the extreme left woke part of his party! President Trump did things for ALL Americans.
Amen , Right on the truth……
Correct!!! But these its/thems/those would never admit to it. Having GD drag queens reading to kindergarten students?? How sick is this Biden administration anyway.
Are you Joking? Really???? Lets not mention that Biden and crime family is paying these illegal immigrants from our tax dollars! Not to mention either, Social Security will be running out soon due to his billion dollar spending spree on a country that produces laboratories for controlled contamination. Has anyone learned anything from Covid, or are people really this idiotic that they believe the government is here to help us? C’MON PEOPLE, Wake up!!!!!
There is no denying veterans’ rights, including those of health care and general respect. As veterans, many of us were on the battlefields to honor and defend our country. Many other veterans were support troops that allowed others to enter and hopefully leave theaters of war in the best possible ways. All that does not mean blindly supporting a president for alleged superior support of veterans. As military personnel, our first allegiance was to country. When supporting any political nominee, look beyond their support for veterans. Do not vote Party, vote for the best candidate.
But everything the administration makes a opening for veterans care or disabilities the VA always throws up walls and small doorways you have to creep into
I ha e a whole sleu of claims the VA sayscwell this one is secondary to that and that is secondary to this and does nothing about it
I have asmatha copd emphysema sleep apnea
JFK always had fuel smell in water i was told by a few that the seals in waterlines were abspestous the insulation was the same
But the VA says you can’t prove the spots in your lungs were from that
I am considered 90 % disabled but receive 100% because my wounds cause me not to be able to work,Its a good living and I am not complaining.ButI had over 40 surgeries I have to have private Insurance because I will not have any surgeries by the v.a.Most of the Drs.are either asinine and to old and never been in combat or to young to know their ass from a hole in the ground..I was in country for 2&1/2 years during tet and lost a lot of brothers.I had an old doctor at the v.a. tell me I did not have ptsd,Idio.t That’s why I jump when somebody comes up behind me or loud noises make me jump,And I break out crying whenever I hear a helicopter overhead, no I don.t have ptsd.,bullshit.He caused me not to have 100%I guess I still consider my lucky for still collecting 1oo%I spent 6 mths at lejeune and ended up with kidney cancer,I figure I’m entitled to be paid for that.But the navy refuses to pay any claims,sucks..I think I have a right to bitch,but oh well.thanks for letting me vent.God bless all my brothers and sisters who served,My old man once told me who ever said life was fair he,was right.take care everyone,love you all.
God Bless You Brother!! I also stationed at Camp Lejune in 1967. Have multiple cancers from there and Agent Orange.
John, I don’t know what 2 1/5 years during Tet means but let’s put that aside. You mention that many on the medical staff are old and awaiting retirement, that others are right out of school. All that is true, but it is not the entire truth. Many medical personnel, including older ones, are dedicated professionals. Many young doctors are your best surgeons due to learning the latest techniques and the simple fact that they are young. Some of what they achieve at a VA is learning and some is also experience. Lastly, the Navy, as well as any other military branch, does not grant, approve, or pay claims. That is the responsibility of the VA. Hope you still love us all. I have also had less than competent doctors, both VA and private. I also still carry a very costly Blue cross medical plan that I can use at any time. Most veterans have both Medicare and Medicaid which gives them the ability to seek non-VA treatment. My Blue Cross is a safety net to me in case anything goes south.
My husband has been shot 7 times, exposed to to sarin, benzene and other chemicals, has radiation poisoning from the uranium depleted shells, permanent parasthesia in all extremities, and is classified as 110% disability. All are service related. He has copays on his meds and office visits at the VA. I still keep him covered with my work insurance to cover the gaps. He receives a 10% disability payment although he is unemployable (says the VA) because of his PTSD and other safety concerns. He served 11 years with nearly constant deployments and this is how the USA takes care of him.
I am so sorry. My husband is a 25 year veteran and 100% disabled. Our youngest son is in the USAF reserves and our oldest grandson is active duty in the Army . We donate every month to DAV, Wounded Warriors and T2T. I am proud of my loved ones service. I am happy and glad we are able to afford this. However, I think it is terrible that it takes donors to help our Vets. Our country has millions of illegals receiving, receiving, receiving. Our country gives money to countries that consider Americans infidels. Our country is always the first to help whenever there is a disaster. Our country does business with China, probably our worst enemy. Money is spent very freely by our politicians on MANY things that are not only ridiculous but are also shameful and wasteful. Yet it takes donors like us to support our Vets who gave so much to protect, serve and defend our country. I am proud to be a wife, mother and grandmother who believe in honor, duty, commitment and have patriotism. I really wish all of our politicians had honor, duty, commitment and patriotism.
Yes, you are 100% correct! I am a Vietnam Veteran Army 1969-1970; I served 3 years in the military; I had several health issues thru the years. I never received any communications from the VA regarding PTSD, Agent Orange, Intent TB, Diabetes, etc. 2009, I finally was approved for 20% disability for Diabetes. I was denied disability on PTSD (without being tested), Agent Orange, Intent TB, Irregular Heartbeat. I got a copy of my medical records, showing I did not receive my TB Shot before leaving & coming back from Vietnam. I have three Brothers that serve in the Military – 1 Navy (Vietnam Veteran – 100% Disabled), 1 Air Force & 1 Marine. All four of us have several health issues. I finally was approved 100% Disability 2020. Darlyn, I am very sorry for what your Husband went thru & other Family Members. God Bless you & your Family. May God keep you healthy & safe.
Frank, all Viet veterans no longer need to prove they have Agent Orange. It is now a presumptive condition for all veterans that served in Vietnam. I regret that such was not available to you.
During the Vietnam War , all of the GIs were not only exposed to the agent orange , blue, purple etc . They were also exposed to pesticides (DDT) on a daily basis . These floggers expelled a fog of agent that was an irritant on a daily basis . This agent was deemed to be illegal in the US in 1972 and should not have been used. The agent caused eye, skin , lung and sinus irritation that became lifelong problems . My claim was placed in a 0 disability category where I know that the irritants were almost as sensitive as agent orange
Sorry to hear what you and all of our brothers and sisters in arms have gone through. It took me over fifty years to get my due. I recommend you call Chisholm, Chisholm and Kilpatrick, the best military law firm in the country. Their phone number is 401 314-3805. My lawyer is Christine Clemens and her number is 818 321-6160. You can tell her that I referred you.
Best of luck and health.
David Goldman
please do not give up the fight if you need help you will get it but you need to go trough the proper channel as i did. the VA rep was very helpful. Again please don,t give up the fight. Thank you for reading this because the VA has been great to me.
I was diagnosed with PTSD and I filed a claim. The history of my claim and treatment supported a claim for service connection. The Atlanta Claim office had my claim for three years with no decision. As soon as I filed a Congressional complaint, they denied my claim and I had to file an appeal and was placed in line behind sixty thousand other appeals.
The issue, they stated, was that my Psychiatrist did not check the box indicating Service Connected.
No one addressed that oversight upon receipt of my claim an unfortunately my Doctor died during that three years (non)processing period.
I can attest to that! they send us to war and when it’s time for help us, all we get is flack and policies.
That’s why I won’t file for a higher claim useless waste of time!!
Don’t give up keep filing squeaky wheel gets the grease. Yes it takes time. Took several years , but I got my 100%. No retreat, no surrender.
That’s exactly the attitude that the VA wants you to develop. Think of the VA system as the veteran’s enemy because that is what they are. White flags are for cowards.
Contact www:vetlinksolutions.com. They have helped myriad Veterans of the current 22 year War on Terror get our 100% service connected try DAV too. Because Vetlink Solutions Does charge a minimal fee but they have like 90% get their ratings higher
No, don’t give up. Continue to file no matter how long it takes. If you give up, they win! You served, you deserve. That’s what they are hoping you do, give up. Stay strong and pursue your claim. They’ll have to pay you retroactive from the day you filed.
Cameron and associates San Diego California did me great and fast
I Recommend Hill and Ponton law firm They are nationwide. and they worked for me. Yes, you will pay them 30% of your back pay but its worth it.
Hill and Ponton, P.A.
605 E Robinson St Ste 635, Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 422-4665
The Dallas VA told me I make too much money so they couldn’t help unless I was homeless. How can a teacher make too much money haha. Never been back it’s a joke.
This person was wrong! No one makes too much money since that has nothing to do with your benefits. Please don’t let one bone head stop you from what you deserve. Try again and again. Another thing talk to a rep from DAV, or other service providers. Good luck!
That is true. I have been fighting the VA for over 26. Years. I am at 90 precent. I will never give up until I die. They owe us for all the sacrifices we did. We are the elite. Don’t let our fellow brothersand sisters that died be for nothing. Never quit. Always move forward. We all have your SIX.
Retired disabled veteran is my title, been out for 21 years and the VA has done an outstanding job in all areas including education, and support for my family members. We serve, we protect all governments and the entire country, but remember this statement. We as living veterans came home alive, not all in good health and some soldiers didn’t come home, stop complaining and thank God for allowing us to be able to enjoy some of our life; before we die!
Retired Chief Johnson
Kiss my ass!
Yea your right he’s getting his bennies!!!!
You can get your bennies if you’re get off yours assess and stop winding! Follow instructions and stop taking advice from people with 10% ratings!
I agree with you, that’s the Navy for you. Bell hops for us Marines
I wonder if you would have a complaint if you and All your family wasn’t getting taken care of. Have a little compassion. Not everyone is as fortunate as you. Don’t want to see the complaints, keep scrolling. I would’ve hated to have anyone I know to serve under you
I got off my ass and followed the instructions, on how to get my benefits, the problem is not complaints, the problem is services members doing one tour of duty and expect a 100% rating for a hurt toenail.
Says a chief who done no work. Sorry got killed by a mooring line. Tore off my dominant hand nearly. If I didn’t pull it away the hand would be gone. left useless. Also rope whiplashed me from left knee to right hip and everything in the middle. twisted me around so fast that it pulled a rib out that finally got put back in place 39 years later.. Could not walk because of the hit to the groin for years. Captain at the great lakes naval base hospital was getting a blowjob at 1030 when he gave me and order to leave after he refused to sign my 30 day convalescent leave papers. he already ordered me to leave so I did. when he realized I left on his orders he proceeded to throw me under the bus . for all my injuries and losing my dominant hand they gave me 38 dollars a month.. So I know how it works.
Interesting that there is no mention of the screw job that Biden did to veterans who are also senior citizens. When we hit Social Security age, we get force fed into MEDICARE and if we refuse, we get stripped of all access to TRICARE, if you go into the system set up under the ACA you pay full premiums of MEIDCARE to retain your Veterans benefits, if you opt out of MEDICARE A & B, you get stripped of all VA care.
True statement. I dont recall ever being notified of the consequences of loosing tricare.part until after I turned down Medicare part B. The tricare website does not explain this well.
That has nothing to do with President Biden. This practice been in place forever. So don’t blame the President.
No, it hasn’t been in place forever, it was put in place by the law that President Biden told President Obama was “A Big F**king Deal”, this was enacted by the ACA.
My husband was told at 48 NOT to file for part B. Medicare because he got all of his medical, dental , hearing and eye glasses through the VA as a 100%service connected disabled Vet and would never need it. That was in 1981. In 2018 he was taken by ambulance to the hospital across the street from the VA hospital after being told to take him to the VA and because he did not have Medicare A&B, we got billed for the ambulance, er , intensive care, every bit of his medical care for 14 days until I was able to finally get him transferred to the VA hospital. I had to get a lawyer , our congressman and the VA patient advocate involved and a threat to sue the ambulance service and civilian hospital to get his $300000 bills paid . for those young punks ( early 20’s) taking him to the wrong hospital .
The President has nothing to do with this! Always blaming the wrong person!!
Interesting Chief I respect your service But as Harry Truman Famously Said z the Buck Stops With the President , the Commander in Chief IS responsible Just Saying
It is said that VA, does not recognize Medicare, United Health Care, etc. because they are other Government Medical entities. Co-pays are strictly VA, not any other Government medical program.
What does Medicare have to do with receiving VA benefits? Everyone doesn’t receive Medicare. The problem is that many individuals here are either blowing smoke or getting their information from the wrong people. Some say that were told they make too much money – that’s bull, your income has nothing to do with receiving help from the VA. If you have health issues based on your military service and it is noted in your military health records, then you would be qualified to receive treatment from the VA. If the problem is serious to qualify you to receive a disability, then you would get it. It’s not based on what you think you should be receiving. When you first go to the VA to apply, you should have the necessary records – which you can get from the Military Records Center backing up your claim that you were either injured or sick while in the service. Approval for help doesn’t come from your word only – sorry about that, you must have documents showing that something happened to you while on active duty. There are also time limits on some illnesses. from when you are discharged from the service. You have to remember, that the VA is the largest Health Service in the country, they only get so much money from Congress. They are treating troops that served as far back as WWI. Another thing I had a VA doctor tell me, is how your medical problem was first written up that can help or get you denied. I had that problem with my hearing loss, and the doctor read my first writeup, sat down, and rewrote it and my disability for the loss was then approved by the VA. Before going and applying, make sure you have everything you need upfront. Don’t ask the barracks lawyer on here, go to one of the organizations and get the right answers. You don’t need to go to lawyers or agencies that take almost half of what you might receive. The veteran organizations are free and happy to assist you. It took me almost 17 years to reach 100%, but I did with the help of the DAV organization.
Well I have applied twice for benefits and they say our income is too high , I’m a chaplain for hospice and wife retired school teacher. We certainly not raking in the money.
In our experience you cannot make over 49k a year but if you have been approved for a disability even if it’s 10% then it doesn’t matter what you make.
im 20 percent disable and there making do a means test every year to see how much i make and im making alittle over 1700 a month can i quit fillng them out every year and still not pay for any meds or doc
If you can apply for a rating increase. 30% is the magic number.
I am very happy with the VA, they are the best and I really support and care for Biden. Thanks for allowing me to leave this comment for the excellent service I always receive at the VA. I am so thankful. We that served in the military was blessed for the excellent service. I very much love and always did love my VA and always great service. They are always great. Thank you God. I greatly appreciate the VA. And will always appreciate.
I agree with you 100% the VA hospital system has worked out very well for me and I am paralyzed from a parachute accident, but are there really accidents with parachutes?
I agreed until you credited Biden with anything of usefulness where America is concerned.
FJB. Liberal. And you call yourself a Veteran? I’m a Combat Veteran who served 8 tours in Iraq & Afghanistan. No liber-rats allowed
You sound like such a lovely person. Others could say the same to you…You call YOURSELF a Veteran? Your nasty bitterness is toxic to yourself and anyone that comes into contact with you, pretty much like Trump. And anyone backing him has obviously suffered from a TBI, you ok??
Amen Dennis, I’m with you on that Brother.
What kind of benefits are you applying for or have applied for? I am retired military, both my late wife and I worked for the federal government, and at no time was my income mentioned that I made too much money. It was all based on my medical history while in the service. Now if you are applying for benefits other than medical, you may be making too much money.
I have to say that since I applied for and was approved for disability from the VA, I could not have been treated any better. Like others, I heard how hard it would be to get approved for benefits. But I was approved immediately after my first visit for a hearing loss . My job was loading bombs onto aircraft during the Vietnam War. And as everyone knows, You don’t have a good chance of hearing well again with all the noise from those engines. Then I was soon checked for Agent Orange and was found to have that problem from my Vietnam days. I am now classified as 100% disabled due to my many medical conditions. After having major weight loss over the past three years, jaundice, vomiting, unsteady balance and memory loss, I now see a hematologist who takes exceptional care of his patients and immediately gave me a diagnosis of myleoplastic syndrome. One of my jobs while in the Air Force was working as a firefighter for 16 years. And yes, in the burn pits. Which is probably where my new condition is derived from. So when i see my Dr at the VA in December, I know that this will be addressed. I don’t expect to receive any further monetary compensation since I am already 100%, but i have no doubt that the VA will take care of my new medical problems. I retired from the Air Force after a little over 20 years service.
Congrats! Glad you were treated with respect. That’s not always the case, especially when applying for disability or an increase. Many take years to reply and many are turned down on ridiculous evidence. We, as veterans have to be VERY careful what we say to VA doctors or anybody we deal with at VA.
Leo, reach out to Veteran’s Guardian. I was at the end of the road with the VA so I contacted them. Within 6 months my disability went from 30 to 60 then appealed to 100. They do charge a fee but after the retroactive part kicked in it was a break even. Then 100% going forward,
What is a VA guardian and where would I find one? I’m the wife/caretaker of a Gulf War veteran and have applied for the Caregiver program and have been denied. I think I need the help of a representative. Please advise. Thank you.
go to wehelpthevet.com, Ron is very compassionate and will help you
Contact www:vetlinksolutions.com. They have helped myriad Veterans of the current 22 year War on Terror get our 100% service connected try DAV too. Because Vetlink Solutions Does charge a minimal fee but they have like 90% get their ratings higher
ToAny good news on Camp Lejeune ?
Your right I applied for secondary hearing loss and was denied and I was in Motor Transport VA is full of shit!!!!
It’s also called attitude on the part of the veteran. If you go in with an attitude problem then don’t expect to be treated too kindly. I was just recently talking with some folks at the VA hospital that I have known for over ten years now, and we were talking about how some vets come in with a very bad attitude problem from the start, then they expect the worker or medical person seeing them care. It shouldn’t be that way, but they are human too.
This is the number for vets guardian
This is the E-Mail.
[email protected]
They are in 75 Trotter Hills Cir. Pinehurst North Carolina. 28347
Who ever denies any health care to a veteran is “not from this planet 🌍 “ .
You better check what the damned politicians have done. They have voted to reduce the VA budget and to cut our pensions and healthcare. More precisely, the republican side of the aisle. I guess I will have to start voting for the democrats.
Do some deep checking Brother! I have and it’s a bunch of lies by Dems! Don’t trust any politician but especially not a Biden!
Sorry, Mike, you are the one who needs to do the deep checking. The Republicans are the ones who want to do the cutting. Only a few have crossed the aisle to help pass bills affecting veterans. For the most part, the Republicans haven’t helped or passed any bills in more than 16 years. They have only been trying to impeach someone and draw their paychecks.
Don’t believe everything your hearing. Republicans are not behind this. Democrats are spending way beyond America’s ability to pay. If this continues there won’t be anything for anyone! Dems will tell you Republicans are behind cuts to further their destruction of the America we love.
Democrats are destroying our country while enriching themselves. Ask how Biden became a millionaire. Pelosi’s husband made a fortune just before she retired from insider trading which she denies. Democrats are the biggest spenders in DC., they made money off Vietnam after all they sent sent us there.
Give Military.net a break! They are also looking for any silver lining to report on with this BAFFOON of an administration led by the king BAFFOON! God help our country!!
Jason you are 100% correct.
Agree 100% !!
Yeah, I am glad he never got re-
Bravo! Yeah, these folks who continue to spew the last guy’s poison should apply for disability based on blindness and cognitive issues. It’ll be a slam dunk.
Read below. Trump consistently refers to the VA Mission Act as VA Choice — the program established in 2014 by President Barack Obama to widen veterans’ access to health care treatment from non-VA providers.
The legislation, the Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act, was created in response to a nationwide scandal over delays veterans encountered when making medical appointments — for months and sometimes years — and secret waiting lists kept by some VA facilities to hide the scope of the problem.
The VA Mission Act, signed by Trump in 2018, replaced the Veterans Choice Program and gave more veterans access to private health care paid for by the VA.
The legislation also broadened the VA’s caregiver program to include disabled veterans who served before Sept. 11, 2001 — an expansion that will begin in October — and ordered the department to inventory its 1,100 facilities with an eye to closing or selling outdated or excess buildings.
At the end of Saturday’s press conference, a reporter asked why Trump “keeps saying [he] passed ‘Veterans Choice,'” when it was “passed in 2014.”
Trump told the reporter she was “finished,” and he abruptly ended the press conference. This is what Trump is all about. Lying, taking credit for the work of others and acting like the infant that he is when challenged by the media.
Hi I would like to know more about the caregiver, I take care my husband 247 and I was told that since I’m his wife and he’s not service connected which we’re fighting now because a lot of his issues are service connected, anyway a friend told me that they will not give me money as his caregiver is this true?
I didn’t learn about the caregiver program until I was rated 100% permanent and total. Right now I can do things for myself, but down the line my VA providers know the best I can hope for is a wheelchair when it comes to that. I have seen a lot of comments how VA has denied a lot of claims. First and foremost, your medical record is your proof to your claims. If it is not in your medical record to support your claims, of course it will be denied. If you have your copy of your medical record, use one of the VSO’s (Veterans Service Organization…VFW, DAV,American Legion). Show them your medical record and let them fight for you. Those organizations and their representatives doing the fighting for your claims and benefits. They will even tell you what supporting evidence would need to claim on your service connected disabilities. If you have not been using VA to document your support, you would have to get the evidence from your provider. If you don’t have it documented somewhere to support your claim(s), you will be denied. Just because you feel you are entitled to disability benefits, you will keep getting denied until you have supporting documentation. Just remember this, the date you initially started your claim is the key date. Even if you are denied, the initial date remains until you provide the proof for your claim. It took me almost two years to get my rating. Do not be discouraged by being denied and get one of the VSO’s to help you.
Contact www:vetlinksolutions.com. They have helped myriad Veterans of the current 22 year War on Terror get our 100% service connected try DAV too. Because Vetlink Solutions Does charge a minimal fee but they have like 90% get their ratings higher
Myra, are your husband’s medical problems documented while he was in the service? If not then it can be hard to prove he was sick. Was he in the service during the Viet Nam area, and if so, was he there or one of the countries listed under the PACT ACT? Also, several of the later conflicts could qualify him for later medical problems. Seek assistance from one of the service organizations – sorry sometimes friends don’t give the right information.
Go online to Military.com, in one of their bulletins you will find information on enrolling into caregivers. Early last year they covered caregivers. I went through my primary doctor to get homecare assistance, and the first two people were not family members, but now my wife is my homecare assistant for 15 hours a week. Good luck
Thanks for reporting facts and emotional diatribe!
AREED and his son had nothing to do with the Burn Pits…We were unable to find any support for Biden’s claim that “more people are coming home from Iraq with brain cancer than ever before, than any other war.” His campaign did not reply to our request asking for a source for his statement.Done by FactCheck.org And is Son was no where near any Burns Pits while on dutyJOE BIDEN
Fact-checking President Biden’s comments about his son Beau’s death and Iraq
President Biden’s son, Beau, died from brain cancer in 2015. Biden has attributed his son’s cancer diagnosis to burn pit exposure in Iraq.
Credit: AP
President Joe Biden speaks before designating the first national monument of his administration at Camp Hale, a World War II era training site, Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022, near Leadville, Colo. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)
Author: Megan Loe
Published: 5:21 PM EDT October 14, 2022
Updated: 4:38 PM EDT November 2, 2022
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President Joe Biden’s recent comments about his son Beau’s death are drawing criticism from some people online.
“I say this as a father of a man who won the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Medal, and lost his life in Iraq. Imagine the courage, the daring, and the genuine sacrifice — genuine sacrifice they all made,” Biden said on Oct. 12 during a visit to Camp Hale near Vail, Colorado.
During a speech in South Florida on Nov. 1, Biden said again that his son died in Iraq.
Some people on social media have claimed that Biden’s statements were inaccurate since his son died years after his military service, not while serving in Iraq. VERIFY reader Ian H. also asked the team to fact-check Biden’s statement.
Did President Biden’s son Beau die while serving in Iraq?
Statement from then-Vice President Biden in 2015
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Biden’s 2018 interview with PBS News Hour
March 2022 remarks from President Biden on work to support veterans
This is false.
No, President Biden’s son Beau did not die while serving in Iraq. He died of brain cancer in 2015, nearly six years after he returned from his military service in the country.
Biden has linked the burn pits that Beau was exposed to during his time in Iraq to his brain cancer diagnosis.
So what’s your point other than being political? His son served there and because of the burn=pits came down with brain cancer which caused his death six years later.
Agreed 100% couldn’t have said any better.
Really it’s his fault. Why not hold each service and the way they document injuries at sick call and the likes. Get real.
God please tell the President to stop helping other countries and just help the ones who deserve it first!!!
I’m ninety years old and was in during 1952-1956.
Does anyone remember KOREA? I have read all of these letters and not one mention of KOREA.
Had a buddy who use to tell me stories of his 18 months on the front line and never wounded or got a scratch,. His head was so screwed up with PTSD, from what he saw and he would have killed himself if he hadn’t been a Christian. Died, I believe, of a broken heart about 10 years ago. God must have wanted me to stand in for him.
Speaking of politicians on the dole, I think the word POLI-TICS speaks for itself! Many, blood suckers, trying to keep their jobs. Little Will Rogers humor for the old folks!
Hahaha, good one !!
Hi Bruce!
YES! I remember the Korean War. I was a 17 -year-old Marine reservist then. In the 1950’s, as you’ll remember, the country and the military was still the aftermath kind of thinking generated by WWII: we used M-1 rifles, our reserves had little or no training, and so on.
Fortunately I was not sent to Korea. (I was only a Junior in High School at the time!)
Later, after finishing college, I enlisted in the Army and spent my 3-year military obligation marching with the US Military Academy Band, with a Sousaphone on my shoulder, at West Point.
The Army viewed me a supreme “soldier,” because they assumed I already had Marine Corps experience and training. (that never happened! )
Thanks for the memories!
Hate to address such a stupid comment but as a famous person once said, ” YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID”. Look at all the addons to the bill and you should be thankful that someone is looking out for your dumb a##. O WAIT you don’t know how to look things up. Just open mouth and show how stupid you are. READ THE FACTS MAN.
I could not have, said it any better myself. They are to stuck on stupid to research for themselves. Dang
The Senate Republicans voted down the PACT act on Thursday, July 28th. It looked like we were going to finally get help for Toxic exposure, but 30 Senators that had supported the bill changed their minds. We need to vote these people out of office if they don’t support Veterans. Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand vets have been waiting 50 years and almost 70% of them are alreadt dead. If the bill ever does pass, remember, The claims and filing for benefits “DOES NOT DIE WITH THE VETERAN”
My answer is to put forward the same bill in its own instead of linking in everyone’s pet projects. Then it will pass. If the other stuff is good, present it on its own. If you have to guilt people to pass the garbage by linking it with important things (like helping veterans) then you are just playing politics abs don’t really care about the veterans.
Completely agree. What the dems did was to poison the bill
The lying Republican Party is anti-vet. Look at their record with their Nazi leader trump. God hates liars. If u don’t think he lyies, you are satans child!
Retired after 26 years of service. Two wars and several contingencies. NEVER had a such sorry horse’s patoot of a commander and chief JB! Trumps’ administration even spoke volumes over current the LAME leadership of JB ADMINISTARTION! God save the US!!
You have obviously been poisoned by the media. Pres Trump fixed the broken VA during his term. Remember all of the vets dying waiting for care. He fixed that. Was he perfect? No. No one can say this moron in chief now can even hold a candle to Pres Trump.
To compare an American to a Nazi is just more proof that you are damaged goods via the bs media. I’ll be damned if you can lump us all as satan’s child just because we don’t agree with your bs. I’m starting to wonder if you really believe in God.
I’m reading these reply’s regarding politics and it’s always amazing how so many are so gullible. Nothing is black and white and you truly have to research a whole lot to find the truth and it’s not on CNN or any other news. Trump did make most things better actually but if you’’re easily swayed by biased news you won’t ever know what’s true and what’s not. The only reason the gop votes against any good policies is because democrats add all the junk in it that’s so ridiculously stupid, bad and just outright wrong.
Thank God for smart people….. I am not smart, but I do know the United States has changed dramatically over the last several decades. Not for the good either. We as veterans are the ones that stood up to the tyranny, and gave sacrifices for our freedoms. I served from 83-95. I was Field Artillery. I cannot for the sake of the United States come up with 1 good reason NOT to vote for Trump. Current President is not capable of taking care of the country as a whole. We are all in deep trouble. Everyone, not just veterans, civilians alike. How long does anyone think we will still be free in 5 years, 10 years up the road? It has already began, and the taking of our freedoms will not stop till Democrats and the elites believe we are defeated. Wake-up people, Biden and all his administration are puppets. For all we know Trump could be the rider on the white horse…. Look that up before you comment! Everything has been a lie! Done…. Thank-you Jason, Ken and Jo-ann.
Brian, please try and understand how politics works. Both parties attach funding legislation designed to please targeted, narrow constituent groups to bills that have overwhelming support from both parties. They are hoping the narrow interest legislation can “ride on the back” of the popular legislation. Often times, the other party simply can’t “stomach” the idea of funding the attached legislation, because they fear it will enrage their own constituent groups; therefore, they feel impelled to vote down the whole mess. The answer is to demand a change to the system so that every funding project must stand alone for acceptance or rejection. Unfortunately, as a people, we get the government we deserve. For far too long we have allowed the politicians to play their political games with our future. It will be a tough row to hoe, but we must fight for a complete revamping of the system. We must demand candidates who truly want to work within the basic structure, but who at the same time fervently demand to eliminate the kind of foolishness we are discussing here. I will repeat my favorite version of the famous sentiments expressed by many political thinkers beginning with Thomas Jefferson. I am partial to H.L.Menken’s version, “People deserve the government they get.”
Because the dems put to much pork in the bill.
What is too much?
Amazing that Biden signed anything for veterans, that coming from a so-called president who glorifies criminals and loves the illegals, he is trying to steal our votes like the election)don’t be fooled my fellow veterans, this guy is a disaster.
Do you think #43 cared about the veterans or the police? if you truly believe that man i need some of the stuff you’ve been smoking. The Agent Orange/hypertension that is in the Pact Act was found to be Presumptive in 2017 when #43 came into office is people he put in to run the VA just let it die and didn’t try to get their people in the senate and the house to pass it. For all you Vietnam Veterans out there you now can file for hypertension thanks to the current President,Dem., and some Republicans. If you don’t want to file a claim that’s your choice. What President will disrespect a “Gold Star” family #43 that’s who the only President in this country that has done it. How can any veterans respect a President and vote him at that who try to bring down our country and his a friend of Putin whom been wanting to destroy American since he was in the KBG. Wake up you veterans is this what you went to war and sacrifice your life and body for? Peace.
Thank you. Exactly
Those who continue to believe a single word spoken by the Orange one should educate themselves about Trump’s relationship with Veterans. We are suckers, those of us with visible disabilities are disgusting, and anyone who believes Trump cared a whit about you should fact check which bills were introduced and signed into law and by whom. Just like everything else, he wouldn’t recognize the truth if it sat on his face. And only the most weakminded and gullible among us believe anything that comes from the right. The most scandelous and crime ridden gang to ever hold office in our beloved country. Congrats to you. You are in the company of geniuses like Boebert, Green, Gosar, Ghomert et al.
AMEN my friend!
His son served. Beau. He came back like a lot of with fricken issues that finally are being addressed. As far as the gop-they do not care and all of you who support the lying orange crook who avoided the draft because of heel spurs. Seriously, y’all support him. He was in a press conference and had Vietnam as the gulf war. He’s one of the biggest mistakes y’all ever made.
You guys are as dumb as Trump, I’m a 100% and I for one can tell your dumb ass, the republicans didn’t pass anything for your ass or even tried to even give you and inch. Dummy, the retards republicans don’t give a damn about you. Bet you guys think taking TS documents is ok as well. I could educate you backwards no thinking for yourself asses a lesson or two. Wish I had you guys numbers, I could break it down for you in laments terms. Dang
Stupid is as stupid does.
You,’re a jerk, the election was stolen the lying, cop killer, rapist trump, told a lie he lost!
I agree. Biden/democrats opened the border to the point of no return. Put up the wall & deport all those crossed illegally especially those who were supposed to report in.
Agree 100%
Wrong, they voted down the bill as a whole due to all the junk in the bill. Use your brain
Too much pork in the bill really means anything that was added by the other guys. A “clean bill” means that someone got clobbered politically. Gone are the days of congressional hearings with a bi-cameral origin attended and discussed with all of the major Veteran’s Service Orgs. When automatic COLAS were enacted and tied to indexes written by politicians, that was the death Knell of fairness and even playing fields. It is those Service Orgs that have failed us. To abdicate the responsibility of fighting for justice for Veterans and turn everything over to politicians to determine the fate of the brave men and women who fought for justice is a giant act of cowardice. I lost all faith in these Service Groups when I saw the concerns of vets that used to be the center of the discussions on the magazines of DAV American Legion etc being replaced by funerals, sports and pomp and circumstance and ceremonial nonsense and self congratulations and away from the real pressing issues that face us to a greater extent each year. Stop the flag waving and cute stories and get back to the real work of taking on those who would be happy to see us unrepresented completely. We are getting there quickly.
Well, Brian, the PACT ACT was passed in August 2022, and over one million vets have signed up already.
In March 2021 I was awarded by 100% disability rating by the VA with an effective Day of Jan 26th 2017. I served over 20 years in Germany, both on active duty, and as a DOD civilian with 1st Armored Division and deployed to Bosnia in Feb 1996. My German spouse began as a Local National employee of US Army Europe in June on 1965 and served for 42 years and retired on a medical retirement. When we got married in 1989 I got her a social security number. As the spouse of a retired officer she is entitled to TRICARE, and is entitled to and receiving a spousal benefit. Unfortunately, she fell and was severely injured and had to be hospitalized in Dec 2016. In January 2017 she was transferred to Long Term Care in Mannheim Germany. Her DAK German health insurance pays 50% of her almost 5,000 Euro monthly care bill. She has no coverage from Tricare, and is ineligible for either Champus or ChampVA. She is also rated 100% disabled and requires daily physical therapy. I even added Foreign Service Benefit Plan, but they also refuse to cover her injury because even though she is in a ‘Pflegeheim’ (care facility) and not in an “Altenheim’ or old peoples home, the refuse to pay because they claim there is n o difference. At Least the VA has been willing to provide her the Spousal benefit of Aid and Attendance, but onl $190 a monoth and not the ordinary $1500 a month coverage. We have now paid over $130,000 in copays for her care.
These “new” benefits are for the WWII vets. For the very few still living, I would venture to bet they will deny 90%. As one widow mentioned, my husband passed as well, my income was cut 3/4%. Nothing from VA or DFAS. The VA rep in Summerville, SC got me nothing but.a certificate of appreciation signed by Bidon, it had the wrong dates, wrong name and the wrong presidential signature. We were barely able to get taps played for him. He was waiting for disability determination and I was told that when he died so did his claim. He was registered and being treated by a VA physician but was denied admission and left to die after 34 hours of no treatment. Vets, you are on your own. All those promises that were made to you are worthless. my husband spent 20 years active duty and 34 years supporting all branches of the military with GD.
Hi, I am sorry for your trashy treatment. I applied for benefits because of agent orange. That was in 1968. After five years the VA SAID THEY LOST MY RECORDS AND TO APPLY AGAIN. I SAID SOMETHING UNFLATTERING AND BLEW THEM OFF TILL 2004 WHEN I HAD TO REAPPLY. REMEMBER THEY SAID THEY LOST MY RECORDS. WELL I GOT THE EXACT VA number they gave me in 1968. Strange I thought, but…
I reapplied for PTSD relief and was told I was denied the first time. Strange again. Lost records and all. So for the next bunch of years I was denied and I would really
Finally my health forced them to admit I had Agent Orange damage to much of my body. From 2004 till 2016 I battled the VA with a lawyer till I got 80 percent.
I consider any more tries worthless waste of time. Here is the deal, there is only so much money to go around so it is gonna go to Biden and his friends. There is the long and the short of it. I hope the best for you and yours. Hdb
Hi Harm,
I had lost contact with you after I had moved to Oklahoma in 2000!
I know you went through some tough times back then and always wonder about you.
I was able to find Phill Cerise from out unit (STRATCOM in DaNang back in 66/67 and Don Zetlandic both are doing good! Phill and I end up in Agent Orange also.
I ended up with Radical Prostate Cancer, Ischemic Heart Disease and Diabetes!
My phone # is 405-273-1503 and e-mail [email protected] Look
forward to hearing from you Brother Oh yes do you still have that corvette?
I discharged in 1969 and applied for compensation in June of 1970. I was diagnosed with 6 of the 10 presumptive conditions attributed to Agent Orange and was given medication for each of them. I was given the same “song-and-dance” from the VA concerning the VA building had burned and my records were lost. The stayed with this lie to deny my eligibility even after I pointed out to them my home was 30 miles from the VA office and I would go by the building 2 to 3 times weekly.
They still will not approve my Agent Orange claim
Well, if you are talking about the Army/AF Records Center outside of St Louis MO., the old portion that held many of the military records before I believe 1970, was burned. I read somewhere I believe last year that the records center has been trying to rebuild as many records as they can.
You cannot have said it any better. It’s amazing, had your spouse been an illegal or a criminal, the government would have bent over backwards to accommodate him. He would have received the finest care available and every social program known to man.I just hope come election time that people wake up and if this next election somehow isn’t rigged, to vote the democrats out of office.America is turning into a 3rd world country, just look around,crime, filth, apathy, anti-police,no honor, no morals.I could go on and on.
I definitely agree! Thank God we now have a great republican House Speaker, a God fearing man who puts Americans 1st. With Mike Johnson as speaker there is still hope for the USA. I also believe Trump will win the 2024 election. With God all things are possible. Have faith brother.
Please, don’t bring God into this. If you think Trump was and will be good for this country, you have a very big problem.
My sincere condolence to you and your family. Check again with claim officer, someone dropped the ball. Seriously, please check with them again.
I served in Desert Storm/Shield from 90-91 and nothing mention about Burn Pit syndrome for those who served during that time.
Hi Dennis,
I served at the same time as well and have so many health issues, but cannot get any compensation for any of them!!!!! They acknowledge that I served during that time, but do not qualify for any disability benefits although I am totally disabled according to SSD. It is so frustrating……
It’s a shame that honest veterans who deserve the benefit don’t get it . But I know for a fact there is one that lies his way all the way to 100% and even though I have proof in pictures they ignore it. I’m sorry most of us veterans are treated that way.
You can’t get any compensation because if they pay for those who earned it, how would they have anything left for the criminals and illegals?It costs a lot of money to give them free healthcare, food stamps
, section 8 housing and a generous amount of welfare!
Totally agree! Americans means nothing to this administration. But thank God we now have a great House Speaker now who does care about the Americans. Glory be to God. Amen!
You have to first be diagnosed with one of the conditions the VA recognizes associated with burn pit exposure. If you have a diagnosis you should be able to get benefits
One would think so, but with all the claim hoops to jump through, don’t hold your breath.
I have experienced the hoops. I was having a PTSD breakdown and there was a doctor down the hall. Yet the Bank Type Teller at the class window said I had to fill out a financial forms even after I handed her a DD214, and a military retirement card. Weren’t the good enough? Guess not the VA jerks!
Apply for it. Burn pit exposure will cover time from desert storm. I work in vba. Apply
I go to the VA in Orlando Fl / Lake Nona and Kissimmee Clinic and get very Good Care
I see the burn pit information for Iraq and Afahanistan war but what about us South East Asia
People who suffer from the same problem
I was in Khe Sanh in Vietnam 67-68 and we had burn barrels with diesel fuel.
It’s good to help the WW2 vets but most of them have passed away.
The Vietnam and gulf and afghan wars need help now too before they all die.
Politicians always come up with these allegedly great things for the veterans but here it is now they’re going to help cure cancer for World War II vets and there’s hardly any left if that’s a vote getter Then I am a sick man that doesn’t understand this alleged helpfulness
That was called shit burning duty. We had to burn all ours in diesel also in Iraq. Hence the saying “you’re just stirring the pot”. (Shit)
You are covered by Agent Orange, check the PACT ACT if you haven’t already.
I served in Desert Shield/Storm and was able to register for the Burn Pit
VA.GOV. register and then file a claim. I am 80% (Asthma and COPD- both 60% – Pact Act) I have claimed other pre-sumptives and were denied for some but it took two 15 minute office visits for my 2 ratings blowing into a spirometer (buy one for $30 on Amazon and do a dry run, see where you are at hint, hint :). I never would have filed if it were not for other veterans telling me to do so. However I studied the process and understood EXACTLY how the VA processes work. Do your homework and enter your C & P knowing what to do!!! $2550 a month is a + all the other great benefits is a life changer! I am taking a short break before fighting for 100%. Gear up for battle and fight one last time, you will win.
My husband was 100% disabled. He passed away almost 5 years ago. When he passed away my monthly income was cut a lot. I still have the same bills. I took care of him for the last 10 years of his life as he was unable to work due to his disability he received while serving in the Vietnam war. I don’t think the spouses wages should be cut so much after they pass away.
You are right on that
I totally agree with you. Even though at this point my wife doesn’t have to take care of me and I hope she never will the amount she will receive when I pass is ridiculous. There is no way these benefits should be SLICED that much. Our significant other services the same amount of time as we did and stand by our side through the years. They give up a lot and definitely deserve reasonable compensation. I have never felt the VA gave a damn about me and care even less about my wife. Very sad. Always the best to you and all the others out there like you. Thank you for your caring and for standing by my brother Vet.
After my husband passed, from service connected disabilities, the income I received was cut drastically. I lost our home we spent 15 years building together. One board at a time. On a small piece of property we had worked, shaped and loved. I lost him, my home, all I’d ever worked for. It’s not right to strip a grieving widow what little is left of her husband….
It is very disturbing that all of us that have served, our spouses and children who have taken care of the home front have o fight to get Health Care. Even more disturbing is the dental that is stated is only for those who have a service connection. Having worked at 2 of the VA hospitals in the safety office, it is disturbing the mentality of the Senior Staff and medical staff is beyond any normal comprehension. They view some of us as disruptive in our behavior.s. They need to look at how the staff treats all of us, rude and crude all of the time. They need to abolish the VHA and allow us to receive health care at local facilities instead of the trillions of dollars to build and maintain the brick and mortar buildings. Recently adding a fence around one VA Campus cost 1 million dollars.
Been waiting 3.5 yrs for a new disability rating.
I went to the local VA Admin office after 7 years of trying on my own. They got me 79% three years ago and I applied for 100% in January and got it in March. PTSD, depression and agoraphobia.
Call your congressman? I did after a year of bs. Had my check in a week.
Shouldn’t take nearly that long. Contact VA at 800 827 1000. You will likely find out its been adjudicated or paperwork was never received. You can go to VA.gov and reapply but I would recommend a Service Office through one of the Veterans organization.
Well isn’t that just hunky dory. I’m still not seeing any attention paid to all the vets that can’t take advantage because they separated w/o documented service related disabilities,even though there many have been some, and are gainfully employed. Those vets are forced to pay for their own medical insurance, whether through employer or on their own. What about them? They’re seeing zero “perks” for their sacrifice part of their lives. Weak federyamdin getting weaker by the day. I guess that token Veteran’s Day discount, or that 5% off a few big vines see offer should be satisfying even though many vets are forced into bankruptcy over the commercial medical practices .. God Bless the U.S..A …
I agree with you. I’m having trouble seeing my doctor at the VA clinic in Savannah Georgia
File to be treated by community care physician. If you have to wait over 30 days for an appointment, or you live over 40 miles from the nearest VAMC. They have to approve it.
I have used the GI bill. I used it to buy a home. 34 years ago thanks to the GI bill I was able to get a loan with the government backing. I couldn’t have been more thankful. I would’ve never been able to get a loan without it. Now my earing is getting worse, after working on the aircraft carriers. The older I get the worse it gets. I need help now. I’m asking for it now.
Go to your local.VA office. I found going in.person helps. Make sure you have proof of finances. This help might not be what your looking for, but they will get you to the right people to assist in what you do need.
It won’t hurt to have a family friend or family member do a go fund me. The personal touch is one I am.more
Likely to help out.
I’m a Gulf War who served 1989-1991 on the USA LEXINGTON AVT-16 (BLUE GHOST) (LADY LEX) 1991-1993 Virginia Beach Va Naval Air Base. I really hope the Supreme Court paases the law that allows us Disabled Veterans to be paid backpay from the time we left service not for only one year backpay. I never was told I could apply for disability for my PTSD, Tinnitus, Migranes, Feet issues,knee injury. I applied on my B-Day 12/04/20 got approved for 60% 2 mths later then 80% 2 more mths and found the VA made an error after I asked for a senior Rep to review my file and less then a mth after another e CP exam, I got 100% plus Rating of Total & Pernament! Don’t give up Vets question every step of the way! Took me several years before I finally applied just wish I did sooner. Being a single Mom it would of helped so much. I also got Community Care near my home for my feet doctor and its only 2 miles away instead of 35 miles! Ask for Community Care stay on them because they take a while. Good Luck Vets!!
I had many problems in getting my health Beniffits NY NG moved to North Carolina a little better, but then I moved to Delaware .
Delaware is the best for me getting medical help and Bennifits. The VA is here to help us while we are alive, The comunity care system is working out well. The doctors and nurses are the greatest.
Best to join a group that helps, I joined Vietnam Veterans of America look for a chapter near you.
Paul Lardizzone PHC/PDC Service Officer does a great job he does his best to make sure you get your Bennifits that you earned and deserve.
The system takes a long time, why?
Veterans move to Delaware best overall for VA benefits
The government and the vet administration and the people of the United States just want the Viet Nam vet to die and or go away.
I tend to agree with this statement. First is the FACT that getting in touch can be larorious. It takes between 10 to 56 times to connect with the first VA reps and then reconnect with other reps. This can take between 39 minutes to over 2 hours. And then I don’t have either my regular in Santa Barbara (supposedly soon to Ventura) and West LA. Once I get medical person things are good, but getting to that person is like pulling teeth. Please fix the phone connection.
We live in Michigan. It took my husband 40 years to get his 100% disability. He had been suffering with all of his illness from A.O.. He died 6/15/22 due to extremely high blood pressure & kidney damage.
I’m a 5year veteran of the Vietnam War, retired after 25years.
The V.A. has been a God sent to me. Besides medical care & prescription coverage I’ve had several surgeries, two life saving.
I thank God every day for the V.A. & the wonderful people working there.
God bless the V.A & America.
You work for the VA . They aren’t here to help Veterans at all.
I don’t work for the VA and they have been great to me for the last 24 years in the Black Hills of SD. I have no problems getting appointments or help with any paperwork I need to submit. I had a problem with one doctor and the Patient Advocate called me back immediately and took care of the problem. I love the VA here.
How true. I’m a vet from Nam and the VA in Spokane, WA will not even let me see my primary doctor. I transferred here over (18) eighteen months ago and still haven’t seen him. How busy can he be.
I was getting all my appts. free and my medicine free, even got a check from VA for back appts and medicine. Then when Biden took over appts went up to $50 and had to start paying for medicine again, was that something Biden reversed on the greatest President in our lifetime policy along with everything else he reversed and is destroying our country.
Two more years of Biden & his American heating administration.
no way he was a crook of first order.get rid of mcconnel and his programs would get passed do some reading to find out whats really going on.before you start praising that half way russian
I agree 100%. We don’t need McConnell or most of the GOP in Congress or the White House. Without them blocking everything that would help Veterans and Americans in general, we would have a great Healthcare System in America!
Your an idiot J Daniels. Since veterains hasnt put you in a mental institute yet please seek outside help to get committed
Because of fools like you is why our country is now a shit hole
I agree the last bill that came up ( even though it passed ) every republicant in congress voted against it .
The way the VA works is on having to pay for things is based on your disability rating. It always has been, under Trump is when some changes were pushed through that caused people to be charged for things, not Biden.
True statement. Too many Trump supporters lack the facts and start spreading false info. Massachusetts VA takes care of the vets…im upset when I here other states aren’t doing the same. It should be the same nation wide.
This disinformation is why Veterans don’t seek care. Co-pays were started in the 80s. They were a result of the news media singling out instances of Rich Veterans getting care. You can credit that, not Trump. Do your homework.
For 30 odd years, I lived the life of an Army solider. Finally, when we moved closer to a VA Medical Center, I enrolled in the health care system, this was about a year and half ago (which I feel I certainly had earned). No problem, certainly have earned this benefit (besides receiving the ” taxable” pension, I live in Delaware!). Then, out of the blue, I received a notice a few months stating I am no longer eligible due to a new order dated 1 October 2021 passed by the Democratic Congress reinstating an income cap!
I can’t believe this, while I (and I do include the thousands of
other military members) spent the better part of my adult life serving this country while civilians were paying off their 30-year mortgages and developing a nice career and retirement plan, now because of a ridiculous salary cap, I am no longer eligible.
I miss DJT!
I was in Nam in 65/66 I have 3 daughters and each one of them has med problems that no one in my family ever had . I’m sure they will find a connection to AO after we’re all dead. I also have problem with my legs shaking when I lift them off the ground. Doctors don’t know what it is or what’s causing this. I think it’s also AO but again when we’re all dead.
ya i know what you mean i have the same propblem with my legs but they dont shake they just lock up and i cannt walk but the U s wont do any thing about it but now if we live in or was in there army or what evevry they have dicided that that come form be exposed to the A.C. so they are trying to take care of there people so i now what you are going thought but like you said we be all dead before they do any thing
For over 30 years I have been trying to get dental care through the VA, contacting VA, Congressmen, Senators, and Presidents and I have gotten nowhere. During 20 years of military service my teeth rotted, military dentists put fillings and crowns on my teeth that are now falling out.
ALSO, I have been trying to get help to convince the State of New Mexico to remove the requirement for state income taxes from military retirement pay. Our retirement pay for a Sergeant First Class is low and the VA benefits are pitiful, we need for our country that we so honorable served to take care of us now in our after service years.
if you were ever injured while in the military for any reason put a cliam in for those injuries. if you ever get 100% you can get dental care. and also your children can also get medical from the VA. if the military did your dental put a claim in, do not give up
i was not injured while in the service by rather in the VA hosp. I crushed my ankle and was taken to VA hosp. No bones ever poke through the skin. 8 surgeries for anything from not having the right parts, to screw heads breaking off two rods, to cut blood vessels to finally a what they call a Tylor spiral brace. 4 metal rings with 20-something rods going all the way through. Then the phone call said. Ya need to come in so we amputating your leg. The VA Hosp had given me a bone infection.
When i asked how this could happen the first response was: You do know this is a training Hosp right,”. In the end when the rods were pulled through my leg the guy never cleaned them first. He was pissed for being there and in a hurry. I was held down on a table and he clipped and pulled. I have sent in and written to 25 different people and never received a response about being compensated. When i asked the dr there answer was, did it happen in war or are you an officer, then no nothing, This is just the tip of the horror from the va and how it destroyed my business? Any help would be great
I’m1 100% disabled my wife applied for campus in march 2022 no response as of yet what’s the timeline for getting her enrolled
I was married in December and my husband did not get his medical card until June!!!!
there is no time limit go to your nearest VA and go to the eligibility office its Champus
bring your Marriage certificate your Id card if you have children bring all your wife can go to the PX, the commersary, she is also entitle to education ( college) VA mortage
all the VA insepector gegneral at 1-800=488-8244
sorry for the spelling bur you can read it
hope this helps you
They are still months behind due to covid. Anyway thats what they told me. Just keep calling champva and checking on the status. Otherwise you may get lost in the paperwork shuffle. It took about 3 month for him to get his card.
I filled for my dependents to be on champ VA back in December and was informed mid June, when I called to check status, that it won’t me done until mid to late July and to just keep all receipts for medications and check ups so I can file for reimbursement as they back date to date of application.
But do not go to the VA clinic unless you know they have a benefits office that deals with champ VA, most DO NOT. It will be a wasted trip and the VA medical has nothing to do with the enrollment process of Champva
The va will let a vet suffer all the doc has to do is nothing
This bill is Nice for everyone except Vietnam Vet. No where is it mentioned about Agent Orange. It did however mention spraying ibourder Perimiter areas but no mention with what. The orginal article in the news paper mentioned Vietnam vet Now we are gone.
This is NOT Right !!!
if you apply to the VA you will be covered you should have gotten compersation for agent orange
Not true even if you are a Veteran and served 20 years. In most cases your income is too high to qualify for VA.. I don’t understand this, my Dad was in the VA system, he made a lot more money than I did but he qualified and I didn’t. He was in the system over 20 years ago, maybe that makes a difference. Anyway, they told me I don’t qualify.
I served 25 years five in Vietnam. I’m 100% disabled, receiving retirement pay, disability from the service & V.A. Plus Medicare. I receive all V.A. benefits + Medicare & try care. c
Try going to a federal V.A. center instead of a state one. I found federal are better trained & more receptive to our needs.
God bless
You are wrong. To qualify for the VA has to do with your disability rating, income effects if you have a co-pay if your disability rating is under a certain percentage. I have made $50,000 a year and didn’t pay a co-pay at the time because of my rating.
My husband was also in Vietnam. He was right in the areas where Agent Orange was. He had several medical problems from it: diabetes. Open heart surgery. Pstd, depression problems. Kidney damage. It took him 40 years to get 100% disability, unemployed. He died on 6/15/22 of his kidneys shutting down. His blood pressure were very extremely high (220/110.) Ect
He started getting sick & was hospitalized since 3/12/22…
If they were anywhere in Vietnam they were exposed to AO .
The VA told me a little more than a year ago that I was exposed to so. I’ve told them for 45 years.amazing. they also told me that I would not be compensated because I am being treated for some of the stuff already. WHY?????
There are all kinds of benefits if you meet the criteria
As a man who began his Military career in the Army, an impressionable young man fresh out of high school, at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. I found myself, during a bivouac exercise, traumatized by being left in the field to find his way back to base alone, at night, who to this day at 69 still suffer the ramifications of that D. I’s racist, bigoted, careless, “oh, it was just a joke”, attitude, qualify me for anything more than a 10? Fortunately, after receiving an Honorable because of my strong protest to that rather cavalier behavior, I joined, and had a good tour, in the Air Force shortly after that experience. None the less, the trauma you see, is still with me and probably will be for the rest of my life, unless I can get the psychological help I need. Or is it too late to sue? or should I speak with a JAG officer?
not late but you can not sue the arm forces. you should be getting help for this condition you should be getting psychological help,
We had burn pits in viet nam at every base camp. Everything was burned from poop to food cans with mo gas mixed with diesel
Why cans ? Flies and othet insects and so vc could not use them. Same thing with perimter fence for weed cotrol. Why did you forget us ? This is not fair !!!
You are so right. Article in the News Paper Mentioned Vietnam Vets & Agent Orange.
I filed for bladder cancer ( which has spread to the kidney). Just recently I found that this has made the list for Agent Orange. I filed via my county vet rep waited 11 months got declined. Pretty much told me your 76 and already 100% disabled all service connected. Was advised not to refile if I did good chance they would come after me and jeopardize my current disability. Two deployments to Nam 66-68. Any ideas ?
apply again start treatment at the VA to get record started
I was advised to submit a claim for my thyroid condition due to agent orange exposure in Vietnam. I did so on June 2021. I recently stopped by the VA office where I live to inquire. I was advised the process went through medical records and reports then just died in someone’s desk. This person sent a message to inquire and told me to check.back in 3 months.and next time make a appointment before stopping by my office. Since no one was there I am not sure who or what I interrupted.
Don’t know if anyone has told you but I will. Back in 2000, 2001 the Agent Orange bill was passed that gives each veteran who served during specific dates automatic coverage for any existing or future diseases caused by it. You need to check with the closest VA Hospital or facility and inquire about the Agent Orange physical. Take your DD214 and any other paperwork to prove you were in VN or exposed to AO. You will get a finding of “Exposed & eligible for treatment & benefits from AO. My case is Diabetes II w progressive neuropathy in both feet. made a 30% add on to my score. Fortunately I did it because the next year had renal failure from problems with diabetes II. 70% I know it gets old & tiresome but keep going back to get your benefits.
Sadly they won’t come looking for you.
call the VA inspector general in DC 1800-488-8244
hope this helps
Why is it the government. Dose nothing about all the veterans and their families who stationed st camp Lejune and were poisoned by the water they drank. Every time I tried to get help I get the run a round. I guess you have to die first and then you can go to the cemetery that was built just for that reason!!!
I fail to see how any American Veteran can support Joey Boboon and his Socialist Demoncrap Party!!
Ditto! Unfortunately there are still idiots who support this communist who cares more about illegal aliens and funds them but leaves our vets homeless and suffering. The illegals get free medical and everything under the sun taken care of. It’s sick!! EVIL!!!
That is not true a ruling was made and if you can prove you were there you will get Compensation. Plus there is a class action lawsuit for those victims. Google it and you can see the information
what is the web site? what do you Google? Thanks
they just stared president just signed a law to help you jar heads
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I have tricare and medicare and I love it. Now I need dental care but since i am not 100 percent disabled the military will not help. Did Biden do anything to help?
NO! I have been advocating for years to change the current dental eligibility to include all disabled veterans receiving their medical care from the VA. My letter to President Biden went unanswered.
I need to talk to someone about my benefits
what type of benefits
I have cancer of agent orange of Collen cancer the VA has helped me and the civilian hospital with community Care act I had stage 3 they help me . I am great full to them it’s been almost 5 yrs in remeshen I give them a A+ they help me so much.its the best people the VA & civilian hospital I appreciate them.
Do you offer more fir the Veterans wife’s , to help with daily living issues…. ??? Thank yiu
What about Veterans Spouses? Where’s their Benefits? And what benefits do they qualify for? Through Champ VA? Thanks.
if your 100% your wife, your children get medical. she can go to the VA for treatment no copay, your children also get medical at the doctor. with a copay. your wife, children also get education benifit also VA mortage loans
Not true. Va will not treat wife and children
If the husband is 100% wife get free medical so do the children no living expensense
I am a wife. Of a 100% disabled Navy Vet. Come October 1. I can apply to get a monthly stipend. For being my husband’s caregiver.
Is this true